Source code for pyjac.core.CUDAParams

Module containing parameters that control CUDA code generation


Jacob_Unroll : int
  The number of reactions to attempt to place in each Jacobian reaction update subfile
Jacob_Spec_Unroll : int
  The number of species to attempt to place in each Jacobian species update subfile
Rates_Unroll : int
  The number of reactions to limit each reaction rate subfile to
Max_Lines : int
  The number of lines to attempt to limit each Jacobian reaction update subfile to
Max_Spec_Lines : int
  The number of lines to attempt to limit each Jacobian species update subfile to


# Standard libraries
import os
from math import floor

Jacob_Unroll = 40
Jacob_Spec_Unroll = 40
Rates_Unroll = 250
Max_Lines = 10000
Max_Spec_Lines = 5000

[docs]def get_L1_size(L1_Preferred): """ Returns the size (in number of doubles) of the L1 cache for sm_20 Parameters ---------- L1_Preferred : bool If true, prefer a larger L1 cache over more shared memory (recommended) """ if L1_Preferred: return 49152 / 8 # doubles else: return 16384 / 8 # doubles
[docs]def get_shared_size(L1_Preferred): """ Returns the size (in number of doubles) of shared memory for sm_20 Parameters ---------- L1_Preferred : bool If true, prefer a larger L1 cache over more shared memory (recommended) """ if not L1_Preferred: return 49152 / 8 # doubles else: return 16384 / 8 # doubles
[docs]def get_register_count(num_blocks, num_threads): """ Returns the number of registers available per block for sm_20 Parameters ---------- num_blocks : int The number of blocks to target per kernel launch num_threads : int The number of threads to target per kernel launch """ return max(min((32768 / num_blocks) / num_threads, 63), 1)
[docs]def write_launch_bounds(builddir, blocks_per_sm=8, num_threads=64, L1_PREFERRED=True, no_shared=False ): """Creates the launch_bounds.cuh file that may be included by CUDA solvers Parameters ---------- builddir : str The directory to place the source file in blocks_per_sm : int, optional The number of blocks to target per kernel launch num_threads : int, optional The number of threads per block in the per kernel launch L1_PREFERRED : bool, optional If true, prefer a larger L1 cache over more shared memory (recommended) no_shared : bool, optional If false, turn off shared memory Returns ------- None """ shared_per_block = (int(floor(get_shared_size(L1_PREFERRED) / blocks_per_sm)) if not no_shared else 0 ) with open(os.path.join(builddir, 'launch_bounds.cuh'), "w") as file: file.write('#ifndef LAUNCH_BOUNDS_CUH\n' '#define LAUNCH_BOUNDS_CUH\n' '#define TARGET_BLOCK_SIZE ({})\n'.format(num_threads) + '#define TARGET_BLOCKS ({})\n'.format(blocks_per_sm) + ('' if no_shared else '//shared memory active\n') + '#define SHARED_SIZE ({}'.format(shared_per_block) + ' * sizeof(double))\n' + ('//Large L1 cache active\n#define PREFERL1\n' if L1_PREFERRED else '//Large shared memory active\n' ) + '#endif\n' ) with open(os.path.join(builddir, 'regcount'), 'w') as file: file.write('{}'.format(get_register_count(blocks_per_sm, num_threads)))