Source code for pyjac.core.cache_optimizer

""" Reorders loads of rate and species subs to optimize cache hits, etc.

# Python 2 compatibility
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# Standard libraries
import multiprocessing
import pickle
import os
import itertools

import numpy as np
import time
import datetime

# Local imports
from .. import utils

have_bitarray = False
    from bitarray import bitarray
    have_bitarray = True
    print('bitarray not found, turning off cache-optimization')

[docs]def plot(specs, reacs, consider_thd, fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping): """Convenience plotting function. Marked for removal. """ nr = len(reacs) nsp = len(specs) #plot for visibility import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) arr = np.zeros((nr, nsp + 1, 3)) arr.fill(1) name_map = { i for i, sp in enumerate(specs)} for rind in range(nr): rxn = reacs[rind] plot = set(rxn.reac + if consider_thd: plot = plot.union(set([x[0] for x in rxn.thd_body_eff] + [rxn.pdep_sp]) ) plot = [name_map[sp] for sp in plot if sp] for sp in plot: arr[rind, sp] = [0, 0, 0] plt.imshow(arr, interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig('old.pdf') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) arr = np.zeros((nr, nsp + 1, 3)) arr.fill(1) name_map = {specs[fwd_spec_mapping[i]].name: i for i, sp in enumerate(fwd_spec_mapping) } #print(name_map) for i, rind in enumerate(fwd_rxn_mapping): rxn = reacs[rind] plot = set(rxn.reac + if consider_thd: plot = plot.union(set([x[0] for x in rxn.thd_body_eff] + [rxn.pdep_sp]) ) plot = [name_map[sp] for sp in plot if sp] for sp in plot: arr[i, sp] = [0, 0, 0] plt.imshow(arr, interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig('new.pdf')
[docs]def optimizer_loop(starting_order, mapping, lookback, improve_cutoff, random_tries ): """ Parameters ---------- starting_order : Initial order of elements mapping : Mapping of order to "correct" location lookback : int Width of lookahead/lookforward improve_cutoff : int Number of iterations without improvement before return random_tries : int Number of random initializations to try Returns ------- global_max : global_max_order : """ nvar = len(starting_order) order = starting_order[:] def __get_score(val_mapping, i): score = 0 #start with a blank mapping, and obtain all distinct species #that participate in the reactions in the range for j in range(max(i - lookback, 0), min(i + lookback + 1, nvar)): if i == j: continue #number that the value in question and the range value share count = (val_mapping & mapping[order[j]]).count() #number that the value in question does not have, and the #range value does, this represents a potential load count -= (~val_mapping & mapping[order[j]]).count() #scale this by the score += count / float(abs(i - j)) return score def __global_score(): score = 0 for i in range(nvar): #get the score count = __get_score(mapping[order[i]], i) score += count return score #first move any empty entries to the end zero_vals = [] for i in range(nvar): if mapping[order[i]].count() == 0: zero_vals.append(order[i]) order = [x for x in order if not x in zero_vals] nvar = len(order) order += zero_vals nvar = next((i for i, val in enumerate(order) if mapping[val].count() == 0), nvar ) starting_score = __global_score() global_max = starting_score global_max_order = order[:] for bottom_outs in range(random_tries): last_improvement = 0 while last_improvement < improve_cutoff: mincount = None mininds = None #first scan to see the 'worst' placed reaction for i in range(nvar): count = __get_score(mapping[order[i]], i) if mincount is None or count < mincount: mincount = count mininds = [i] elif mincount is not None and count == mincount: mininds += [i] moves = [] for min_ind in mininds: maxcount = None maxind = None #we now have the 'worst' location selected #let's find the 'best place to put it' for i in range(nvar): if i == min_ind: continue #get the score count = __get_score(mapping[order[min_ind]], i) if maxcount is None or count > maxcount: maxcount = count maxind = i moves.append((min_ind, maxcount, maxind)) best_move = np.argmax([x[1] for x in moves]) minind, maxcount, maxind = moves[best_move] #now move to the better spot order.insert(maxind, order.pop(minind)) #and compute the score score = __global_score() if score <= starting_score: last_improvement += 1 else: last_improvement = 0 starting_score = score if score > global_max: global_max = score global_max_order = order[:] #we hit a minimum, let's make a random move see if that helps ind1 = np.random.randint(len(order)) ind2 = ind1 while ind2 == ind1: ind1 = np.random.randint(len(order)) order.insert(ind1, order.pop(ind2)) return global_max, global_max_order
[docs]def optimize_cache(specs, reacs, multi_thread, force_optimize, build_path, last_spec, consider_thd=False, improve_cutoff=20, rand_init_tries=10000, lookback_max=2, rand_restarts_max=5, max_time=100*60 #100 min ): """Optimize species and reaction orders to improve cache hit rates. Parameters ---------- specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in the mechanism. reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of reactions in the mechanism. multi_thread : int The number of threads to use during optimization force_optimize : bool If true, reoptimize even if past data is available build_path : str The path to the build directory last_spec : int The index of the species that should be placed last consider_thd : bool If true, consider third body species in the reactions improve_cutoff : int The number of iterations without improvement before return rand_init_tries : int The number of random initializations to try lookback_max : int The width of lookahead/lookforward (at maximum) rand_restarts_max : int The number of restarts to try within the iteration max_time : int The maximum time duration of each optimziation step Returns _______ specs : list of `SpecInfo` The reordered list of species in the mechanism reacs : list of `ReacInfo` the reordered list of reacs in the mechanism fwd_spec_mapping : list of int A mapping of the original mechanism to the new species order fwd_rxn_mapping : list of int A mapping of the original mechanism to the new reaction order reverse_spec_mapping : list of int A mapping of the new species order to the original mechanism reverse_rxn_mapping : list of int A mapping of the new reaction order to the original mechanism """ print('Beginning Cache-optimization process...') # first try to load past data if not force_optimize: print('Checking for old optimization') try: same_mech = False with open(os.path.join(build_path, 'optimized.pickle'), 'rb') as file: old_specs = pickle.load(file) old_reacs = pickle.load(file) fwd_spec_mapping = pickle.load(file) fwd_rxn_mapping = pickle.load(file) reverse_spec_mapping = pickle.load(file) reverse_rxn_mapping = pickle.load(file) same_mech = ( all(any(s == sp for sp in specs) for s in old_specs) and len(specs) == len(old_specs) and all(any(r == rxn for rxn in reacs) for r in old_reacs) and len(reacs) == len(old_reacs) ) if reverse_spec_mapping[last_spec] != len(specs) - 1: print('Different last species detected, ' 'old species was {} and new species is {}'.format( specs[fwd_spec_mapping[-1]].name, specs[last_spec].name) ) print('Forcing reoptimization...') same_mech = False except Exception as e: print('Old optimization file not found, or does not match ' 'current mechanism... forcing optimization' ) same_mech = False if same_mech: print('Old optimization file matching current mechanism found...' ' returning previous optimization' ) # we have to do the spec_rate_order each time return (old_specs, old_reacs, fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping, reverse_spec_mapping, reverse_rxn_mapping ) nsp = len(specs) nr = len(reacs) last_name = specs[last_spec].name #now generate our mappings spec_mapping = [bitarray([False for i in range(nr)]) for i in range(nsp)] reac_mapping = [bitarray([False for i in range(nsp)]) for i in range(nr)] eff_map = [np.zeros(nsp) for i in range(nr)] name_map = { i for i, sp in enumerate(specs)} for rind, rxn in enumerate(reacs): for sp in rxn.reac: spind = name_map[sp] spec_mapping[spind][rind] = True reac_mapping[rind][spind] = True for sp in spind = name_map[sp] spec_mapping[spind][rind] = True reac_mapping[rind][spind] = True if consider_thd: for sp, eff in rxn.thd_body_eff: spind = name_map[sp] eff_map[rind][spind] = eff def copy_mapping(mapping): return [bitarray(ba) for ba in mapping] mapping_list = [] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multi_thread if multi_thread else 1) lookback_list = np.random.randint(1, high=lookback_max + 1, size=rand_init_tries + 1 ) rand_restarts_list = np.random.randint(1, high=rand_restarts_max + 1, size=rand_init_tries + 1 ) improve_cutoff_list = np.random.randint(improve_cutoff * 0.5, high=improve_cutoff * 1.5, size=rand_init_tries + 1 ) fwd_rxn_mapping = [x for x in range(nr)] result_list = [] if rand_init_tries: for i in range(rand_init_tries): if i % 100 == 0: mapping_list = fwd_rxn_mapping[:] else: mapping_list = np.random.permutation(nr).tolist() result_list.append( pool.apply_async(optimizer_loop, (mapping_list, copy_mapping(reac_mapping), lookback_list[i], improve_cutoff_list[i], rand_restarts_list[i] ) ) ) time_start = complete = False while ( - time_start < datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_time) and not complete ): time.sleep(30) complete = sum(x.ready() for x in result_list) print('Reaction Optimization {}% complete...'.format( 100. * complete / float(len(result_list))) ) complete = complete == len(result_list) if not complete: try: pool.close() pool.terminate() pool.join() except: pass result_list = [r.get() for r in result_list if r.ready()] fwd_rxn_mapping = result_list[np.argmax([x[0] for x in result_list])][1][:] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multi_thread if multi_thread else 1) result_list = [] fwd_spec_mapping = [i for i in range(nsp) if i != last_spec] if rand_init_tries: for i in range(rand_init_tries): if i % 100 == 0: mapping_list = fwd_spec_mapping[:] else: mapping_list = np.random.permutation(nsp).tolist() mapping_list = [x for x in mapping_list if x != last_spec] result_list.append( pool.apply_async(optimizer_loop, (mapping_list, copy_mapping(spec_mapping), lookback_list[i], improve_cutoff_list[i], rand_restarts_list[i] ) ) ) time_start = complete = False while ( - time_start < datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_time) and not complete ): time.sleep(30) complete = sum(x.ready() for x in result_list) print('Species Optimization {}% complete...'.format( 100. * complete / float(len(result_list))) ) complete = complete == len(result_list) if not complete: try: pool.close() pool.terminate() pool.join() except: pass result_list = [r.get() for r in result_list if r.ready()] fwd_spec_mapping = (result_list[ np.argmax([x[0] for x in result_list]) ][1][:] + [last_spec] ) reverse_spec_mapping = [fwd_spec_mapping.index(i) for i in range(len(fwd_spec_mapping)) ] reverse_rxn_mapping = [fwd_rxn_mapping.index(i) for i in range(len(fwd_rxn_mapping)) ] plot(specs, reacs, consider_thd, fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping) specs = [specs[i] for i in fwd_spec_mapping] reacs = [reacs[i] for i in fwd_rxn_mapping] # save to avoid reoptimization if possible with open(os.path.join(build_path, 'optimized.pickle'), 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(specs, file) pickle.dump(reacs, file) pickle.dump(fwd_spec_mapping, file) pickle.dump(fwd_rxn_mapping, file) pickle.dump(reverse_spec_mapping, file) pickle.dump(reverse_rxn_mapping, file) # complete, so now return return (specs, reacs, fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping, reverse_spec_mapping, reverse_rxn_mapping )