Source code for pyjac.core.create_jacobian

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Creates source code for calculating analytical Jacobian matrix.

# Python 2 compatibility
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# Standard libraries
import sys
import math
import os

# Local imports
from .. import utils
from . import chem_utilities as chem
from . import mech_interpret as mech
from . import rate_subs as rate
from . import mech_auxiliary as aux
from . import CUDAParams
from . import CParams
from . import cache_optimizer as cache
from . import shared_memory as shared

[docs]def calculate_shared_memory(rxn_ind, rxn, specs, reacs, rev_reacs, pdep_reacs): """Estimates usage of the various variables for a given reaction Parameters ---------- rxn_ind : into Index of reaction of interest. rxn : `ReacInfo` Reaction of interest. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species. reacs : list of `ReacInfo` Full list of reactions. rev_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of reversible reactions. pdep_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of pressure-dependent reactions. Returns ------- variable_list : usages : """ # need to figure out shared memory stuff variable_list = [] usages = [] fwd_usage = 3 rev_usage = 3 pres_mod_usage = (0 if not (rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body) else (3 if rxn.thd_body else 2) ) reac_usages = [0 for i in range(len(rxn.reac))] prod_usages = [0 for i in range(len(] # add variables variable_list.append(shared.variable('fwd_rates', rxn_ind)) if rxn.rev: variable_list.append(shared.variable('rev_rates', rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind)) ) if rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body: variable_list.append(shared.variable('pres_mod', pdep_reacs.index(rxn_ind)) ) for sp in set(rxn.reac + + [x[0] for x in rxn.thd_body_eff]): variable_list.append(shared.variable('conc', sp)) for i, sp in enumerate(rxn.reac): nu = rxn.reac_nu[i] if nu - 1 > 0: reac_usages[i] += 1 for sp2 in range(len(specs)): if nu - 1 > 0: reac_usages[i] += nu - 1 if rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body: pres_mod_usage += 1 if sp == sp2: continue ind = next((ind for ind, spec in enumerate(rxn.reac) if spec==sp2), None ) if ind is not None: reac_usages[ind] += 1 if rxn.rev: for i, sp in enumerate( nu = rxn.prod_nu[i] for sp2 in range(len(specs)): if nu - 1 > 0: prod_usages[i] += nu - 1 #already counted in reac # if rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body: # pres_mod_usage += 1 if sp == sp2: continue ind = next((ind for ind, spec in enumerate( if spec==sp2), None ) if ind is not None: prod_usages[ind] += 1 usages.append(fwd_usage) if rxn.rev: usages.append(rev_usage) if rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body: usages.append(pres_mod_usage) for sp in set(rxn.reac + + [x[0] for x in rxn.thd_body_eff]): u = 0 if sp in rxn.reac: u += reac_usages[rxn.reac.index(sp)] if sp in u += prod_usages[] if sp in rxn.thd_body_eff: u += 1 usages.append(u) return variable_list, usages
[docs]def write_dr_dy(file, lang, rev_reacs, rxn, rxn_ind, pres_rxn_ind, get_array): """Writes evaluation of the (non-pressure dependent part) of the reaction rate R that is independent of species Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language rev_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The list of reverisble reactions rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider rxn_ind : int The index of the reaction in the mechanism pres_rxn_ind : int The index of the reaction in the pressure dependent reactions get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required Returns ------- None """ # write the T_Pr and T_Fi terms if needed if (rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body) and (rxn.thd_body_eff or rxn.pdep_sp): jline = utils.line_start + 'pres_mod_temp = ' if rxn.pdep: jline += '(' # dPr/dYj contribution if rxn.low: # unimolecular/recombination jline += '(1.0 / (1.0 + Pr))' elif rxn.high: # chem-activated bimolecular jline += '(-Pr / (1.0 + Pr))' if rxn.troe: jline += (' - log(fmax(Fcent, 1.0e-300)) * 2.0 * A * (B * ' '{:.16}'.format(1.0 / math.log(10.0)) + ' + A * ' '{:.16}) / '.format(0.14 / math.log(10.0)) + '(B * B * B * (1.0 + A * A / (B * B)) ' '* (1.0 + A * A / (B * B)))' ) elif rxn.sri: jline += ('- X * X * ' '{:.16} * '.format(2.0 / math.log(10.0)) + 'log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)) * ' 'log({:.4} * '.format(rxn.sri_par[0]) + 'exp({:.4} / T) + '.format(-rxn.sri_par[1]) + 'exp(T / {:.4}))'.format(-rxn.sri_par[2]) ) jline += ') * ' if rxn.rev: jline += '(' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' - ' + \ get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind)) jline += ')' else: jline += get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) file.write(jline + utils.line_end[lang]) jline = ' j_temp = -mw_avg * rho_inv * ' # next, contribution from dR/dYj # namely the T_dy independent term if rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body: jline += get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pres_rxn_ind) jline += ' * (' else: jline += '(' reac_nu = 0 prod_nu = 0 if rxn.thd_body_eff and not rxn.pdep: reac_nu = 1 if rxn.rev: prod_nu = 1 # get reac and prod nu sums reac_nu += sum(rxn.reac_nu) if rxn.rev: prod_nu += sum(rxn.prod_nu) if reac_nu != 0: if reac_nu != 1: jline += '{} * '.format(float(reac_nu)) jline += '' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) if prod_nu != 0: if prod_nu == 1: jline += ' - ' else: jline += ' - {} * '.format(float(prod_nu)) jline += '' + get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind)) if rxn.pdep and (rxn.pdep_sp or rxn.thd_body_eff): jline += ' + pres_mod_temp' jline += ')' file.write(jline + utils.line_end[lang]) if rxn.pdep and (rxn.pdep_sp or rxn.thd_body_eff): jline = '' if rxn.low: k0 = rxn.low kinf = [rxn.A, rxn.b, rxn.E] else: k0 = [rxn.A, rxn.b, rxn.E] kinf = rxn.high jline = utils.line_start + 'pres_mod_temp *= ' #k0 / kinf jline += rate.rxn_rate_const(k0[0] / kinf[0], k0[1] - kinf[1], k0[2] - kinf[2]) #Fi if rxn.troe: jline += ' * pow(Fcent, 1.0 / (1 + A * A / (B * B)))' elif rxn.sri: jline += '* pow({:.6} * '.format(rxn.sri_par[0]) # Need to check for negative parameters, and # skip "-" sign if so. if rxn.sri_par[1] > 0.0: jline += 'exp(-{:.6} / T)'.format(rxn.sri_par[1]) else: jline += 'exp({:.6} / T)'.format(abs(rxn.sri_par[1])) if rxn.sri_par[2] > 0.0: jline += ' + exp(-T / {:.6}), X) '.format(rxn.sri_par[2]) else: jline += ' + exp(T / {:.6}), X) '.format(abs(rxn.sri_par[2])) if (len(rxn.sri_par) == 5 and rxn.sri_par[3] != 1.0 and rxn.sri_par[4] != 0.0): jline += ('* {:.8e} * '.format(rxn.sri_par[3]) + 'pow(T, {:.6}) '.format(rxn.sri_par[4]) ) jline += ' / (1.0 + Pr)' file.write(jline + utils.line_end[lang])
[docs]def write_rates(file, lang, rxn): """Write evaluation of the forward/reverse rate constant Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider Returns ------- None """ if not (rxn.cheb or rxn.plog): file.write(' kf = ' + rate.rxn_rate_const(rxn.A, rxn.b, rxn.E) + utils.line_end[lang]) elif rxn.plog: vals = rxn.plog_par[0] file.write(' if (pres <= {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(vals[0])) line = (' kf = ' + rate.rxn_rate_const(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3])) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) for idx, vals in enumerate(rxn.plog_par[:-1]): vals2 = rxn.plog_par[idx + 1] line = (' }} else if ((pres > {:.4e}) '.format(vals[0]) + '&& (pres <= {:.4e})) {{\n'.format(vals2[0])) file.write(line) line = (' kf = log(' + rate.rxn_rate_const(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3]) + ')' ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) line = (' kf2 = log(' + rate.rxn_rate_const(vals2[1], vals2[2], vals2[3]) + ')' ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) pres_log_diff = math.log(vals2[0]) - math.log(vals[0]) line = (' kf = exp(kf + (kf2 - kf) * (log(pres) - ' + '{:.16e}) / '.format(math.log(vals[0])) + '{:.16e})'.format(pres_log_diff) ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) vals = rxn.plog_par[-1] file.write(' }} else if (pres > {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(vals[0])) line = (' kf = ' + rate.rxn_rate_const(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3])) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' }\n') elif rxn.cheb: file.write(rate.get_cheb_rate(lang, rxn, False)) if rxn.rev and not rxn.rev_par: file.write(' kr = kf / Kc' + utils.line_end[lang]) elif rxn.rev_par: file.write(' kr = ' + rate.rxn_rate_const(rxn.rev_par[0], rxn.rev_par[1], rxn.rev_par[2] ) + utils.line_end[lang] )
[docs]def write_dr_dy_species(lang, specs, rxn, pres_rxn_ind, j_sp, sp_j, rxn_ind, rev_reacs, get_array ): """Returns string for evaluation of the (non-pressure dependent part) of the reaction rate R with respect to a species ``j`` Parameters ---------- lang : str The Programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider pres_rxn_ind : int The index of the reaction in the pressure dependent reactions j_sp : int The species index sp_j : `SpecInfo` The species to consider rxn_ind : int The index of the reaction in the mechanism rev_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The list of reverisble reactions get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required Returns ------- jline : str Jacobian evaluation line with non-pressure-dependent part of \ species derivative added. """ jline = 'j_temp' last_spec = len(specs) - 1 mw_frac = / specs[last_spec].mw jline += ' * {:.16e}'.format(1. - mw_frac) if (((rxn.pdep and rxn.pdep_sp is None) or (rxn.thd_body)) and rxn.thd_body_eff ): alphaij = next((thd[1] for thd in rxn.thd_body_eff if thd[0] == j_sp), 1.0) alphai_nspec = next((thd[1] for thd in rxn.thd_body_eff if thd[0] == last_spec), 1.0) if alphai_nspec != 0: alphaij -= alphai_nspec * mw_frac if alphaij != 0: if alphaij != 1: if alphaij == -1: jline += ' - pres_mod_temp' else: jline += ' + {:.16e} * pres_mod_temp'.format(alphaij) else: jline += ' + pres_mod_temp' elif (rxn.pdep_sp == j_sp or rxn.pdep_sp == last_spec): if rxn.pdep_sp == j_sp: jline += ' + pres_mod_temp' else: jline += ' - pres_mod_temp * {:.16e}'.format( / specs[rxn.pdep_sp].mw) s_term = '' if (rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body) and \ ((j_sp in rxn.reac or last_spec in rxn.reac) or (rxn.rev and (j_sp in or last_spec in ): s_term += ' + ' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pres_rxn_ind) s_term += ' * (' def __get_s_term(rxn, j_sp, reac=True): jline = 'kf' if reac else 'kr' if reac: nu = rxn.reac_nu[rxn.reac.index(j_sp)] else: nu = rxn.prod_nu[] if nu != 1: jline += ' * {}'.format(float(nu)) if (nu - 1) > 0: if utils.is_integer(nu): # integer, so just use multiplication for i in range(int(nu) - 1): if jline: jline += ' * ' jline += get_array(lang, 'conc', j_sp) else: if jline: jline += ' * ' jline += ('pow(' + get_array(lang, 'conc', j_sp) + ', {})'.format(nu - 1) ) the_list = rxn.reac if reac else # loop through remaining reactants for i, isp in enumerate(the_list): if isp == j_sp: continue nu = rxn.reac_nu[i] if reac else rxn.prod_nu[i] if utils.is_integer(nu): # integer, so just use multiplication for i in range(int(nu)): if jline: jline += ' * ' jline += get_array(lang, 'conc', isp) else: if jline: jline += ' * ' jline += ('pow(' + get_array(lang, 'conc', isp) + ', ' + str(nu) + ')' ) return jline j_sp_add = False if j_sp in rxn.reac or (rxn.rev and j_sp in j_sp_add = True add = '' if j_sp in rxn.reac: if not s_term: add += ' + ' add += __get_s_term(rxn, j_sp, True) if rxn.rev and j_sp in if not s_term: add += ' - ' elif s_term[-1] == '(': add += '-' add += __get_s_term(rxn, j_sp, False) s_term += add if last_spec in rxn.reac or (rxn.rev and last_spec in pre = '{:.16e}'.format(mw_frac) add = '' if j_sp_add: s_term += ' - ' else: if s_term and s_term[-1] == '(': pre = '-' + pre else: pre = ' - ' + pre if last_spec in rxn.reac: add += __get_s_term(rxn, last_spec, True) if rxn.rev and last_spec in if add: add += ' - ' else: add += '-' add += __get_s_term(rxn, last_spec, False) s_term += pre + ' * (' + add + ')' if (rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body) and s_term: s_term += ')' return (jline + s_term)
[docs]def write_kc(file, lang, specs, rxn): """Write evaluation of the reaction rate equilibrium constant Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider Returns ------- None """ sum_nu = 0 coeffs = {} for isp in set(rxn.reac + sp = specs[isp] nu = utils.get_nu(isp, rxn) if nu == 0: continue sum_nu += nu lo_array = [nu] + [sp.lo[6], sp.lo[0], sp.lo[0] - 1.0, sp.lo[1] / 2.0, sp.lo[2] / 6.0, sp.lo[3] / 12.0, sp.lo[4] / 20.0, sp.lo[5] ] lo_array = [x * lo_array[0] for x in [lo_array[1] - lo_array[2]] + lo_array[3:] ] hi_array = [nu] + [sp.hi[6], sp.hi[0], sp.hi[0] - 1.0, sp.hi[1] / 2.0, sp.hi[2] / 6.0, sp.hi[3] / 12.0, sp.hi[4] / 20.0, sp.hi[5] ] hi_array = [x * hi_array[0] for x in [hi_array[1] - hi_array[2]] + hi_array[3:] ] if not sp.Trange[1] in coeffs: coeffs[sp.Trange[1]] = lo_array, hi_array else: coeffs[sp.Trange[1]] = [lo_array[i] + coeffs[sp.Trange[1]][0][i] for i in range(len(lo_array)) ], \ [hi_array[i] + coeffs[sp.Trange[1]][1][i] for i in range(len(hi_array)) ] isFirst = True for T_mid in coeffs: # need temperature conditional for equilibrium constants line = utils.line_start + 'if (T <= {:})'.format(T_mid) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) lo_array, hi_array = coeffs[T_mid] if isFirst: line = utils.line_start + ' Kc = ' else: if lang in ['cuda', 'c']: line = utils.line_start + ' Kc += ' else: line = utils.line_start + ' Kc = Kc + ' line += ('({:.16e} + '.format(lo_array[0]) + '{:.16e} * '.format(lo_array[1]) + 'logT + T * (' '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(lo_array[2]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(lo_array[3]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(lo_array[4]) + '{:.16e} * T))) - '.format(lo_array[5]) + '{:.16e} / T)'.format(lo_array[6]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') if isFirst: line = utils.line_start + ' Kc = ' else: if lang in ['cuda', 'c']: line = utils.line_start + ' Kc += ' else: line = utils.line_start + ' Kc = Kc + ' line += ('({:.16e} + '.format(hi_array[0]) + '{:.16e} * '.format(hi_array[1]) + 'logT + T * (' '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(hi_array[2]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(hi_array[3]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(hi_array[4]) + '{:.16e} * T))) - '.format(hi_array[5]) + '{:.16e} / T)'.format(hi_array[6]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') isFirst = False line = utils.line_start + 'Kc = ' if sum_nu != 0: num = (chem.PA / chem.RU) ** sum_nu line += '{:.16e} * '.format(num) line += 'exp(Kc)' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line)
[docs]def get_infs(rxn): """Returns the reaction rate parameters for a pressure-dependent reaction Parameters ---------- rxn : `ReacInfo` Reaction object for pressure-dependent reaction (falloff or chemically activated bimolecular) Returns ------- beta_0minf : float Low-pressure limit temperature exponent minus high-pressure value. E_0minf : float Low-pressure limit activation energy minus high-pressure value. k0kinf : float Low-pressure limit reaction coefficient divided by high-pressure value. """ if rxn.low: # unimolecular/recombination fall-off beta_0minf = rxn.low[1] - rxn.b E_0minf = rxn.low[2] - rxn.E k0kinf = rate.rxn_rate_const(rxn.low[0] / rxn.A, beta_0minf, E_0minf ) elif rxn.high: # chem-activated bimolecular rxn beta_0minf = rxn.b - rxn.high[1] E_0minf = rxn.E - rxn.high[2] k0kinf = rate.rxn_rate_const(rxn.A / rxn.high[0], beta_0minf, E_0minf ) return beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf
[docs]def write_dt_comment(file, lang, rxn_ind): """Writes comment line for temperature partial derivatives of reactions Parameters ---------- file : `File` Open file object lang : str Programming language rxn_ind : int Index of reaction Returns ------- None """ line = utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] line += ('partial of rxn ' + str(rxn_ind) + ' wrt T' + '\n') file.write(line)
[docs]def write_dy_comment(file, lang, rxn_ind): """Writes comment line for species mass fraction partial derivatives Parameters ---------- file : `File` Open file object lang : str Programming language rxn_ind : int Index of reaction Returns ------- None """ line = utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] line += ('partial of rxn ' + str(rxn_ind) + ' wrt species' + '\n') file.write(line)
[docs]def write_dy_y_finish_comment(file, lang): """Writes comment line for finishing species mass fraction derivatives Parameters ---------- file : `File` Open file object lang : str Programming language Returns ------- None """ line = utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] line += 'Finish dYk / Yj\'s\n' line += utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] line += 'And dT/dYj\'s\n' file.write(line)
[docs]def get_rxn_params_dt(rxn, rev=False): """Write evaluation of the forward/reverse reaction rate constant Parameters ---------- rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider rev : bool, optional If true, get the reverse constant rate constant derivative Returns ------- jline : str String containing evaluation of forward/reverse reaction rate constant """ jline = '' if rev: if (abs(rxn.rev_par[1]) > 1.0e-90 and abs(rxn.rev_par[2]) > 1.0e-90): jline += ('{:.16e} + '.format(rxn.rev_par[1]) + '({:.16e} / T)'.format(rxn.rev_par[2]) ) elif abs(rxn.rev_par[1]) > 1.0e-90: jline += '{:.16e}'.format(rxn.rev_par[1]) elif abs(rxn.rev_par[2]) > 1.0e-90: jline += '({:.16e} / T)'.format(rxn.rev_par[2]) else: if (abs(rxn.b) > 1.0e-90) and (abs(rxn.E) > 1.0e-90): jline += '{:.16e} + ({:.16e} / T)'.format(rxn.b, rxn.E) elif abs(rxn.b) > 1.0e-90: jline += '{:.16e}'.format(rxn.b) elif abs(rxn.E) > 1.0e-90: jline += '({:.16e} / T)'.format(rxn.E) return jline
[docs]def write_db_dt_def(file, lang, specs, reacs, rev_reacs, dBdT_flag, do_unroll ): """Write definition of dB/dT terms for each species Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : {'c', 'cuda'} The programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The reactions in the mechanism rev_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The reversible reactions in the mechanism dBdT_flag : list of bool Upon completion of this method this list contains ``True`` for the index of all species with non-zero dB/dT entries do_unroll : bool If ``True``, turn on Jacobian unrolling Returns ------- None """ if len(rev_reacs): if lang == 'c': file.write(' double dBdT[{}]'.format(len(specs)) + utils.line_end[lang] ) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {} '.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + 'dBdT = d_mem->dBdT' + utils.line_end[lang] ) t_mid = {} for i_rxn in rev_reacs: rxn = reacs[i_rxn] # only reactions with no reverse Arrhenius parameters if rxn.rev_par: continue # all participating species for sp_ind in rxn.reac + # skip if already printed if dBdT_flag[sp_ind]: continue dBdT_flag[sp_ind] = True if not specs[sp_ind].Trange[1] in t_mid: t_mid[specs[sp_ind].Trange[1]] = [] t_mid[specs[sp_ind].Trange[1]].append(sp_ind) for mid_temp in t_mid: # dB/dT evaluation (with temperature conditional) line = utils.line_start + 'if (T <= {:})'.format(mid_temp) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) for sp_ind in sorted(t_mid[mid_temp]): dBdT = utils.get_array(lang, 'dBdT', sp_ind) line = (utils.line_start * 2 + dBdT + ' = ({:.16e}'.format(specs[sp_ind].lo[0] - 1.0) + ' + {:.16e} / T) / T'.format(specs[sp_ind].lo[5]) + ' + {:.16e} + T'.format(specs[sp_ind].lo[1] / 2.0) + ' * ({:.16e}'.format(specs[sp_ind].lo[2] / 3.0) + ' + T * ({:.16e}'.format(specs[sp_ind].lo[3] / 4.0) + ' + {:.16e} * T))'.format(specs[sp_ind].lo[4] / 5.0) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') for sp_ind in sorted(t_mid[mid_temp]): dBdT = utils.get_array(lang, 'dBdT', sp_ind) line = (utils.line_start * 2 + dBdT + ' = ({:.16e}'.format(specs[sp_ind].hi[0] - 1.0) + ' + {:.16e} / T) / T'.format(specs[sp_ind].hi[5]) + ' + {:.16e} + T'.format(specs[sp_ind].hi[1] / 2.0) + ' * ({:.16e}'.format(specs[sp_ind].hi[2] / 3.0) + ' + T * ({:.16e}'.format(specs[sp_ind].hi[3] / 4.0) + ' + {:.16e} * T))'.format(specs[sp_ind].hi[4] / 5.0) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n')
[docs]def get_db_dt(lang, specs, rxn, do_unroll): """Write evaluation of dB/dT term Parameters ---------- lang : {'c', 'cuda'} The programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider do_unroll : bool If ``True``, Jacobian unrolling is turned on Returns ------- jline : str String containing evaluation of dB/dT term """ jline = '' notfirst = False # contribution from dBdT terms from # all participating species for sp_ind in if sp_ind in rxn.reac: nu = (rxn.prod_nu[] - rxn.reac_nu[rxn.reac.index(sp_ind)] ) else: nu = rxn.prod_nu[] if (nu == 0): continue dBdT = utils.get_array(lang, 'dBdT', sp_ind) if not notfirst: # first entry if nu == 1: jline += dBdT elif nu == -1: jline += '-' + dBdT else: jline += '{} * '.format(float(nu)) + dBdT else: # not first entry if nu == 1: jline += ' + ' elif nu == -1: jline += ' - ' else: if (nu > 0): jline += ' + {}'.format(float(nu)) else: jline += ' - {}'.format(float(abs(nu))) jline += ' * ' jline += dBdT notfirst = True for sp_ind in rxn.reac: # skip species also in products, already counted if sp_ind in continue nu = -rxn.reac_nu[rxn.reac.index(sp_ind)] dBdT = utils.get_array(lang, 'dBdT', sp_ind) # not first entry if nu == 1: jline += ' + ' elif nu == -1: jline += ' - ' else: if (nu > 0): jline += ' + {}'.format(float(nu)) else: jline += ' - {}'.format(float(abs(nu))) jline += ' * ' jline += dBdT return jline
[docs]def write_pr(file, lang, specs, reacs, pdep_reacs, rxn, get_array, last_conc_temp=None ): """Write the evaluation of the reduced pressure Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The reactions in the mechanism pdep_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The pressure dependent reactions (not including PLOG/Chebyshev) \ reactions in the mechanism rxn : `ReacInfo` The reactio to consider get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required last_conc_temp : list of tuples If specified, the non-unity third body efficiencies and corresponding species for the last pressure dependent reaction Returns ------- conc_temp_log : list of (int, float) List with (species index, efficiency) for third-body efficiencies. """ # print lines for necessary pressure-dependent variables line = utils.line_start + 'conc_temp = ' conc_temp_log = None if rxn.pdep_sp is not None: line += get_array(lang, 'conc', rxn.pdep_sp) elif not rxn.thd_body_eff: line += 'm' else: # take care of the conc_temp collapsing conc_temp_log = [] line += '(m' for isp, eff in rxn.thd_body_eff: if eff > 1.0: line += ' + {} * '.format(eff - 1.0) elif eff < 1.0: line += ' - {} * '.format(1.0 - eff) if eff != 1.0: line += get_array(lang, 'conc', isp) if conc_temp_log is not None: conc_temp_log.append((isp, eff - 1.0)) line += ')' if last_conc_temp is not None: # need to update based on the last new_conc_temp = [] for species, alpha in conc_temp_log: match = next((sp for sp in last_conc_temp if sp[0] == species), None ) if match is not None: coeff = alpha - match[1] else: coeff = alpha if coeff != 0.0: new_conc_temp.append((species, coeff)) for species, alpha in last_conc_temp: match = next((sp for sp in conc_temp_log if sp[0] == species), None ) if match is None: new_conc_temp.append((species, -alpha)) use_conc = (new_conc_temp if len(new_conc_temp) < len(conc_temp_log) else conc_temp_log ) if len(use_conc): # remake the line with the updated numbers line = utils.line_start + 'conc_temp {}= ({}'.format( '+' if use_conc == new_conc_temp else '', 'm + ' if use_conc != new_conc_temp else '') for i, thd_sp in enumerate(use_conc): isp = thd_sp[0] if i > 0: line += (' {}{} * '.format('- ' if thd_sp[1] < 0 else '+ ', abs(thd_sp[1])) ) else: line += '{} * '.format(thd_sp[1]) line += get_array(lang, 'conc', isp) line += ')' else: line = '' if len(line): file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) if rxn.pdep: line = utils.line_start + 'Pr = conc_temp' beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf = get_infs(rxn) # finish writing P_ri line += (' * (' + k0kinf + ')' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) return conc_temp_log
[docs]def write_troe(file, lang, rxn): """Write the evaluation of the Troe falloff terms Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : {'c', 'cuda'} The programming language rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider Returns ------- None """ line = (' Fcent = ' '{:.16e} * '.format(1.0 - rxn.troe_par[0]) + 'exp(T / {:.16e})'.format(-rxn.troe_par[1]) + ' + {:.16e} * exp(T / '.format(rxn.troe_par[0]) + '{:.16e})'.format(-rxn.troe_par[2]) ) if len(rxn.troe_par) == 4 and rxn.troe_par[3] != 0.0: line += ' + exp({:.16e} / T)'.format(-rxn.troe_par[3]) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) line = (' A = log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)) - 0.67 * ' 'log10(fmax(Fcent, 1.0e-300)) - 0.4' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = (' B = 0.806 - 1.1762 * log10(fmax(Fcent, 1.0e-300)) - ' '0.14 * log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300))' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = (' lnF_AB = 2.0 * log(fmax(Fcent, 1.0e-300)) * ' 'A / (B * B * B * (1.0 + A * A / (B * B)) * ' '(1.0 + A * A / (B * B)))' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line)
[docs]def write_sri(file, lang): """Write the valuation of the SRI exponent Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The programming language Returns ------- None """ line = (' X = 1.0 / (1.0 + log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)) * ' 'log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)))' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line)
[docs]def get_pdep_dt(lang, rxn, rev_reacs, rxn_ind, pres_rxn_ind, get_array): """Write contribution from temperature derivative of reaction rate for a pressure dependent reaction Parameters ---------- lang : str The Programming language rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider rev_reacs : list of `ReacInfo` The list of reverisble reactions rxn_ind : int The index of the reaction in the reaction list pres_rxn_ind : int The index of the reaction in the pressure dependent reaction list get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required Returns ------- None """ beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf = get_infs(rxn) jline = (utils.line_start + 'j_temp = (' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pres_rxn_ind) ) # high -> chem-activated bimolecular rxn jline += ' * ((' + ('-Pr * ' if rxn.high else '') # dPr/dT jline += ('({:.4e} + ('.format(beta_0minf) + '{:.16e} / T) - 1.0) / '.format(E_0minf) + '(T * (1.0 + Pr)))' ) if rxn.sri: jline += write_sri_dt(lang, rxn, beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf) elif rxn.troe: jline += write_troe_dt(lang, rxn, beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf) jline += ') * ' if rxn.rev: # forward and reverse reaction rates jline += '(' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' - ' + \ get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind)) jline += ')' else: # forward reaction rate only jline += '' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' + (' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pres_rxn_ind) return jline
[docs]def write_sri_dt(lang, rxn, beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf): """Writes section of line for temperature partial derivative of Troe falloff. Parameters ---------- lang : str Programming language, {'c', 'cuda'} rxn : `ReacInfo` Reaction of interest; pressure dependence expressed with SRI falloff beta_0minf : float E_0minf : float k0kinf : float Returns ------- jline : str Line fragment with SRI temperature derivative """ jline = (' + X * (((' '{:.16} / '.format(rxn.sri_par[0] * rxn.sri_par[1]) + '(T * T)) * exp(' '{:.16} / T) - '.format(-rxn.sri_par[1]) + '{:.16e} * '.format(1.0 / rxn.sri_par[2]) + 'exp(T / {:.16})) / '.format(-rxn.sri_par[2]) + '({:.16} * '.format(rxn.sri_par[0]) + 'exp({:.16} / T) + '.format(-rxn.sri_par[1]) + 'exp(T / {:.16})) - '.format(-rxn.sri_par[2]) + 'X * {:.16} * '.format(2.0 / math.log(10.0)) + 'log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)) * (' '{:.16e} + ('.format(beta_0minf) + '{:.16e} / T) - 1.0) * '.format(E_0minf) + 'log({:.16} * exp('.format(rxn.sri_par[0]) + '{:.16} / T) + '.format(-rxn.sri_par[1]) + 'exp(T / ' '{:.16})) / T)'.format(-rxn.sri_par[2]) ) if len(rxn.sri_par) == 5 and rxn.sri_par[4] != 0.0: jline += ' + ({:.16} / T)'.format(rxn.sri_par[4]) return jline
[docs]def write_troe_dt(lang, rxn, beta_0minf, E_0minf, k0kinf): """Writes section of line for temperature partial derivative of Troe falloff. Parameters ---------- lang : str Programming language, {'c', 'cuda'} rxn : `ReacInfo` Reaction of interest; pressure dependence expressed with Troe falloff. beta_0minf : float Low-pressure limit temperature exponent minus high-pressure value. E_0minf : float Low-pressure limit activation energy minus high-pressure value. k0kinf : float Low-pressure limit reaction coefficient divided by high-pressure value. Returns ------- jline : str Line fragment with Troe temperature derivative """ jline = (' + (((1.0 / ' '(Fcent * (1.0 + A * A / (B * B)))) - ' 'lnF_AB * (' '-{:.16e}'.format(0.67 / math.log(10.0)) + ' * B + ' '{:.16e} * '.format(1.1762 / math.log(10.0)) + 'A) / Fcent)' ' * ({:.16e}'.format(-(1.0 - rxn.troe_par[0]) / rxn.troe_par[1]) + ' * exp(T / ' '{:.16e}) - '.format(-rxn.troe_par[1]) + '{:.16e} * '.format(rxn.troe_par[0] / rxn.troe_par[2]) + 'exp(T / ' '{:.16e})'.format(-rxn.troe_par[2]) ) if len(rxn.troe_par) == 4 and rxn.troe_par[3] != 0.0: jline += (' + ({:.16e} / '.format(rxn.troe_par[3]) + '(T * T)) * exp(' '{:.16e} / T)'.format(-rxn.troe_par[3]) ) jline += '))' jline += (' - lnF_AB * (' '{:.16e}'.format(1.0 / math.log(10.0)) + ' * B + ' '{:.16e}'.format(0.14 / math.log(10.0)) + ' * A) * ' '({:.16e} + ('.format(beta_0minf) + '{:.16e} / T) - 1.0) / T'.format(E_0minf) ) return jline
[docs]def write_dcp_dt(file, lang, specs): """Write derivative of cp w.r.t. temperature for each species Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism Returns ------- None """ T_mid_buckets = {} # put all of the same T_mids together for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): if sp.Trange[1] not in T_mid_buckets: T_mid_buckets[sp.Trange[1]] = [] T_mid_buckets[sp.Trange[1]].append(isp) first = True for T_mid in sorted(T_mid_buckets): # write the if statement line = utils.line_start + 'if (T <= {:})'.format(T_mid) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) # and the update line line = utils.line_start + ' working_temp' if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {}= '.format('+' if not first else '') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += ' = {}'.format('working_temp + ' if not first else '') for i, isp in enumerate(sorted(T_mid_buckets[T_mid])): sp = specs[isp] if i: line += '\n + ' y_str = (utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp + 1) if isp + 1 != len(specs) else 'y_N' ) line += '(' + y_str line += (' * {:.16e} * ('.format(chem.RU / + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.lo[1]) + 'T * ({:.16e} + '.format(2.0 * sp.lo[2]) + 'T * ({:.16e} + '.format(3.0 * sp.lo[3]) + '{:.16e} * T)))'.format(4.0 * sp.lo[4]) + ')' ) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # now do the high temperature side if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') # and the update line line = utils.line_start + ' working_temp' if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {}= '.format('+' if not first else '') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += ' = {}'.format('working_temp + ' if not first else '') for i, isp in enumerate(sorted(T_mid_buckets[T_mid])): sp = specs[isp] if i: line += '\n + ' y_str = (utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp + 1) if isp + 1 != len(specs) else 'y_N' ) line += '(' + y_str line += (' * {:.16e} * ('.format(chem.RU / + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.hi[1]) + 'T * ({:.16e} + '.format(2.0 * sp.hi[2]) + 'T * ({:.16e} + '.format(3.0 * sp.hi[3]) + '{:.16e} * T)))'.format(4.0 * sp.hi[4]) + ')' ) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # and finish the if if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') first = False
[docs]def get_elementary_rxn_dt(lang, specs, rxn, rxn_ind, rev_idx, get_array, do_unroll ): """Write contribution from temperature derivative of reaction rate for elementary reaction. Parameters ---------- lang : str The programming language rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider rxn_ind : int The reaction index rev_idx : int The index of the reaction in the reverse reaction list (if applicable) get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or `utils.get_array`) as required do_unroll : bool If true, Jacobian unrolling is turned on Returns ------- jline : str Jacobian entry substring with temperature derivative contribution. """ jline = '' if rxn.rev and rxn.rev_par: dk_dt = get_rxn_params_dt(rxn, rev=False) nu = sum(rxn.reac_nu) if dk_dt or nu != 1.0: #we actually need to do the dk/dt for both jline = get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' * (' if dk_dt: jline += dk_dt # loop over reactants if nu != 1.0: if dk_dt and jline: jline += ' + ' jline += '{}'.format(1. - float(nu)) jline += ')' dk_dt = get_rxn_params_dt(rxn, rev=True) nu = sum(rxn.prod_nu) if dk_dt or nu != 1.0: jline += ' - ' + \ get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) + \ ' * (' if dk_dt: jline += dk_dt # product nu sum if nu != 1.0: if dk_dt and jline: jline += ' + ' jline += '{}'.format(1. - float(nu)) jline += ')' elif rxn.rev: #we don't need the dk/dt for both, #so write different to not calculate twice, and instead #rely on loading fwd/rev rates again, as they should #be cached dk_dt = get_rxn_params_dt(rxn, rev=False) if dk_dt: jline += '(' jline += get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) if rxn.rev: jline += ' - ' + \ get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) jline += ')' jline += ' * (' jline += dk_dt jline += ')' # loop over reactants nu = sum(rxn.reac_nu) if nu != 1.0: if jline: jline += ' + ' jline += get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' * {}'.format(1. - float(nu)) dbdt = get_db_dt(lang, specs, rxn, do_unroll) nu = sum(rxn.prod_nu) if dbdt or nu != 1.0: if jline: jline += ' - ' else: jline += '-' jline += get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) jline += ' * (' # product nu sum nu = sum(rxn.prod_nu) if nu != 1.0: jline += '{} + '.format(1. - float(nu)) if dbdt: jline += '-T * (' # product nu sum jline += dbdt jline += '))' else: #forward only, combine dk/dt and nu sum dk_dt = get_rxn_params_dt(rxn, rev=False) nu = sum(rxn.reac_nu) if dk_dt or nu != 1.0: jline += get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' * (' jline += dk_dt # loop over reactants nu = sum(rxn.reac_nu) if nu != 1.0: if jline: jline += ' + ' jline += '{}'.format(1. - float(nu)) jline += ')' # print line for reaction if jline: jline += ')) * rho_inv' + utils.line_end[lang] return jline
[docs]def write_cheb_ut(file, lang, rxn): """ Computes the derivative of the chebyshev polynomial recursively w.r.t T Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider Returns ------- None """ line_list = [] line_list.append('cheb_temp_0 = 1') line_list.append('cheb_temp_1 = Pred') #start pressure dot product for i in range(1, rxn.cheb_n_temp): line_list.append(utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', i) + '= {:.16e} + Pred * {:.16e}'.format(i * rxn.cheb_par[i, 0], i * rxn.cheb_par[i, 1])) #finish pressure dot product update_one = True for j in range(2, rxn.cheb_n_pres): if update_one: new = 1 old = 0 else: new = 0 old = 1 line = 'cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line += ' = 2 * Pred * cheb_temp_{}'.format(new) line += ' - cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line_list.append(line) for i in range(1, rxn.cheb_n_temp): line_list.append(utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', i) + ' += {:.16e} * cheb_temp_{}'.format( i * rxn.cheb_par[i, j], old)) update_one = not update_one line_list.append('cheb_temp_0 = 1.0') line_list.append('cheb_temp_1 = 2.0 * Tred') #finally, do the temperature portion line_list.append('kf = ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', 1) + ' + 2.0 * Tred * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', 2) ) update_one = True for i in range(3, rxn.cheb_n_temp): if update_one: new = 1 old = 0 else: new = 0 old = 1 line = 'cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line += ' = 2.0 * Tred * cheb_temp_{}'.format(new) line += ' - cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line_list.append(line) line_list.append('kf += ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', i) + ' * ' + 'cheb_temp_{}'.format(old)) update_one = not update_one line_list = [utils.line_start + line + utils.line_end[lang] for line in line_list] file.write(''.join(line_list))
[docs]def write_cheb_rxn_dt(file, lang, jline, rxn, rxn_ind, rev_idx, specs, get_array, do_unroll ): """ Writes the code for the temperature derivative of Chebyshev reactions Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language jline : str The current jacobian line (containing the non-Chebyshev part of the derivative) specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider rxn_ind : int The reaction index rev_idx : int The index of the reaction in the reverse reaction list (if applicable) get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required do_unroll : bool If true, Jacobian unrolling is turned on """ # Chebyshev reaction tlim_inv_sum = 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[0] + 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[1] tlim_inv_sub = 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[1] - 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[0] file.write(utils.line_start + 'Tred = ((2.0 / T) - ' + '{:.16e}) / {:.16e}'.format(tlim_inv_sum, tlim_inv_sub) + utils.line_end[lang] ) plim_log_sum = (math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[0]) + math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[1]) ) plim_log_sub = (math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[1]) - math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[0]) ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'Pred = (2.0 * log10(pres) - ' + '{:.16e}) / {:.16e}'.format(plim_log_sum, plim_log_sub) + utils.line_end[lang] ) #do U(T) sum write_cheb_ut(file, lang, rxn) jline += 'kf * ({:.16e} / T)'.format(-2.0 * math.log(10) / tlim_inv_sub) jline += ' * (' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) if rxn.rev: # reverse reaction rate also jline += ' - ' + get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) jline += ')' nu = sum(rxn.reac_nu) if nu != 1.0: jline += ' + ' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' * {}'.format(1. - float(nu)) if rxn.rev: jline += ' - ' + get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) + ' * (' nu = sum(rxn.prod_nu) if nu != 1.0: jline += '{} + '.format(1. - float(nu)) jline += '-T * (' + get_db_dt(lang, specs, rxn, do_unroll) jline += '))' jline += ')) * rho_inv' # print line for reaction file.write(jline + utils.line_end[lang])
[docs]def write_plog_rxn_dt(file, lang, jline, specs, rxn, rxn_ind, rev_idx, get_array, do_unroll ): """ Writes the code for the temperature derivative of PLog reactions Parameters ---------- file : `File` The open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language jline : str The current jacobian line (containing the non-PLog part of the derivative) specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in the mechanism rxn : `ReacInfo` The reaction to consider rxn_ind : int The reaction index rev_idx : int The index of the reaction in the reverse reaction list (if applicable) get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required do_unroll : bool If true, Jacobian unrolling is turned on """ # Plog reactions have conditional contribution, # depends on pressure range (p1, A_p1, b_p1, E_p1) = rxn.plog_par[0] # For pressure below the first pressure given, use standard # Arrhenius expression. # Make copy, but with specific pressure Arrhenius coefficients rxn_p = chem.ReacInfo(rxn.rev, rxn.reac, rxn.reac_nu,, rxn.prod_nu, A_p1, b_p1, E_p1 ) dkdt = get_elementary_rxn_dt(lang, specs, rxn_p, rxn_ind, rev_idx, get_array, do_unroll ) have_prev = False if dkdt: file.write(utils.line_start + 'if (pres <= {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(p1)) file.write(utils.line_start + jline + dkdt) have_prev = True for idx, vals in enumerate(rxn.plog_par[:-1]): (p1, A_p1, b_p1, E_p1) = vals (p2, A_p2, b_p2, E_p2) = rxn.plog_par[idx + 1] jline_p = '' if A_p2 / A_p1 < 0: # MIT mechanisms occasionally have (for some unknown reason) # negative A's, so we need to handle the # log(K2) - log(K1) term differently raise NotImplementedError else: assert b_p1 != 0.0 or E_p1 != 0.0 or b_p2 != 0.0 or E_p2 != 0.0, "PLOG Derivative undefined" if b_p1 != 0.0: jline_p += '{:.16e}'.format(b_p1) if E_p1 != 0.0: if jline_p: jline_p += ' + ' jline_p += '{:.16e} / T'.format(E_p1) if b_p2 - b_p1 != 0.0 or E_p2 - E_p1 != 0.0: if jline_p: jline_p += ' + ' jline_p += '(' if b_p2 - b_p1 != 0.0: jline_p += '{:.16e} + '.format(b_p2 - b_p1) if E_p2 - E_p1 != 0.0: jline_p += '{:.16e} / T) * (log(pres)'.format(E_p2 - E_p1) if p1 != 1.0: jline_p += ' - {:.16e}'.format(math.log(p1)) jline_p += ') / ' assert p1 != p2, 'Cannot have equal pressures in PLOG' jline_p += '{:.16e})'.format(math.log(p2) - math.log(p1)) else: jline_p += ')' jline_p += ' * (' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) if rxn.rev: # reverse reaction rate also jline_p += (' - ' + get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) ) jline_p += ')' nu = sum(rxn.reac_nu) if nu != 1.0: if jline_p: jline_p += ' + ' jline_p += (get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) + ' * {}'.format(1. - nu) ) if rxn.rev: nu = sum(rxn.prod_nu) dbdt = get_db_dt(lang, specs, rxn, do_unroll) if nu != 1.0 or dbdt: jline_p += ('{}'.format(' - ' if jline_p else '-') + get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_idx) + ' * (' ) if nu != 1.0: jline_p += '{} + '.format(1. - nu) dbdt = get_db_dt(lang, specs, rxn, do_unroll) if dbdt: jline_p += ('-T * (' + get_db_dt(lang, specs, rxn, do_unroll) + ')' ) jline_p += ')' if jline_p: jline_p = jline + '(' + jline_p + ')) * rho_inv' else: jline_p = jline + '0.0e0)' if have_prev: file.write(utils.line_start + '}} else if ((pres > {:.4e}) '.format(p1) + '&& (pres <= {:.4e})) {{\n'.format(p2) ) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'if ((pres > {:.4e}) '.format(p1) + '&& (pres <= {:.4e})) {{\n'.format(p2) ) have_prev = True # print line for reaction file.write(utils.line_start + jline_p + utils.line_end[lang]) (pn, A_pn, b_pn, E_pn) = rxn.plog_par[-1] # For pressure above the final pressure given, use standard # Arrhenius expression. # Make copy, but with specific pressure Arrhenius coefficients rxn_p = chem.ReacInfo(rxn.rev, rxn.reac, rxn.reac_nu,, rxn.prod_nu, A_pn, b_pn, E_pn ) dkdt = get_elementary_rxn_dt(lang, specs, rxn_p, rxn_ind, rev_idx, get_array, do_unroll ) if dkdt: if have_prev: file.write(utils.line_start + '}} else if (pres > {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(pn) ) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'j_temp = 0' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'if (pres > {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(pn) ) file.write(utils.line_start + jline + dkdt) file.write(utils.line_start + '}\n')
[docs]def write_dt_completion(file, lang, specs, J_nplusone_touched, get_array): """Finishes calculation of d(\partial T / \partial t)/dT Parameters ---------- file : `File` Open file object to write to lang : str The Programming language specs : list of `SpecInfo` The species in this mechanism J_nplusone_touched : bool If true, the last species has a non-zero contribution to d(\partial T / \partial t) get_array : function The SMM binded get_array function (or utils.get_array) as required """ line = utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] line += ('Complete dT wrt T calculations\n') file.write(line) line = utils.line_start if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += get_array(lang, 'jac', 0) elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += get_array(lang, 'jac', 0, twod=0) line += ' = -(' for k_sp, sp_k in enumerate(specs): if k_sp: line += utils.line_start + ' + ' line += (get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', k_sp) + ' * {:.8e}'.format( + ' * ' ) line += ('(-working_temp * ' + get_array(lang, 'h', k_sp) + ' / cp_avg + ' + '' + get_array(lang, 'cp', k_sp) + ')' ) if k_sp + 1 == len(specs): j_str = 'J_nplusone' else: j_str = get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp + 1, twod=0) if k_sp + 1 < len(specs) or J_nplusone_touched: line += (' + ' + j_str + ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'h', k_sp) + ' * rho' ) if k_sp != len(specs) - 1: if lang == 'fortran': line += ' &' line += '\n' line += ') / (rho * cp_avg)' line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line)
[docs]def write_sub_intro(path, lang, number, rate_list, this_rev, this_pdep, have_pres_mod_temp, batch_has_m, this_thd, this_troe, this_sri, this_cheb, cheb_dim, this_plog, no_shared, has_nsp ): """ Writes the header and definitions for the Jacobian reaction update subfiles Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : str {'c', 'cuda'} Programming language number : int Jacobian subfile number rate_list : str The required reaction/species rate strings needed for the intro this_rev : bool If ``True``, batch contains a reversible reaction this_pdep : bool If ``True``, batch contains pressure dependent (falloff/bimolecular) reaction have_pres_mod_temp : bool If ``True``, batch requires definition of `pres_mod_temp` batch_has_m : bool If ``True``, batch requires the overall concentration 'm' this_thd : bool If ``True``, batch has a third-body reaction this_troe : bool If ``True``, batch contains a Troe reaction this_sri : bool If ``True``, batch contains an SRI reaction this_cheb : bool If ``True``, batch contains a Chebyshev reaction cheb_dim : int If `this_cheb` is ``True``, the largest Chebyshev dimension required this_plog : bool If ``True``, batch contains a PLOG reaction no_shared : bool If ``True``, do not use CUDA shared memory has_nsp : bool If ``True``, >=1 reaction has nonzero contribution from the last species Returns ------- file : `File` object Opened Jacobian file """ with open(os.path.join(path, 'jacob_' + str(number) + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w' ) as file: file.write('#ifndef JACOB_HEAD_{}\n'.format(number) + '#define JACOB_HEAD_{}\n'.format(number) + '\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' + ('__device__ ' if lang == 'cuda' else '') + '' 'void eval_jacob_{} ('.format(number) ) line = 'const double, const double * {0}' for rate in rate_list: line += ', const double * {0}' if batch_has_m: line += ', const double' line += (', const double, const double' + ('' if not this_rev else ', const double * {0}') + ', const double, double * {0}' + (', double * {0}, double* {0}' if has_nsp else '') + (', double * {0}' if this_cheb and lang == 'cuda' else '') + ');\n' '\n' '#endif\n' ) file.write(line.format(utils.restrict[lang])) file = open(os.path.join(path, 'jacob_' + str(number) + utils.file_ext[lang]), 'w' ) file.write('#include <math.h>\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' ) line = '__device__ ' if lang == 'cuda' else '' line += ('void eval_jacob_{} (const double pres, '.format(number) + 'const double * {0} conc') for rate in rate_list: line += ', const double * {0} ' + rate if batch_has_m: line += ', const double m' line += ', const double mw_avg, const double rho' if this_rev: line += ', const double * {0} dBdT' line += ', const double T, double * {0} jac' if has_nsp: line += ', double * {0} J_nplusone, double * {0} J_nplusjplus' if this_cheb and lang == 'cuda': line += ', double * {0} dot_prod' line += ') {{' file.write(line.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + '\n') if not no_shared and lang == 'cuda': file.write(utils.line_start + 'extern volatile __shared__ double shared_temp[]' + utils.line_end[lang] ) # third-body variable needed for reactions if this_pdep: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += ('conc_temp' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) # log(T) line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += ('logT = log(T)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'kf = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'j_temp = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if have_pres_mod_temp: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'pres_mod_temp = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # if any reverse reactions, will need Kc if this_rev: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' file.write(line + 'Kc = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(line + 'kr = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang]) # pressure-dependence variables if this_pdep: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'Pr = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if this_troe: line = ''.join([utils.line_start + 'double {} = 0.0{}'.format(x, utils.line_end[lang]) for x in ['Fcent', 'A', 'B', 'lnF_AB']] ) file.write(line) if this_sri: line = utils.line_start + 'double X = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if this_cheb: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double Tred, Pred' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'double cheb_temp_0, cheb_temp_1' + utils.line_end[lang] ) if lang == 'c': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double dot_prod[{}]'.format(cheb_dim) + utils.line_end[lang]) if this_plog: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double kf2' + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(utils.line_start + 'double rho_inv = 1.0 / rho' + utils.line_end[lang] ) return file
[docs]def write_dy_intros(path, lang, number, have_jnplus_jplus): """ Writes the header and definitions for the various Jacobian species update subfiles Parameters ---------- path : str The path to place the file in lang : str {'c', 'cuda'} The programming language number : int The jacobian subfile index have_jnplus_jplus : bool If ``True``, the last species has non-zero contributions to the Jacobian Returns ------- file : `File` Jacobian file object """ with open(os.path.join(path, 'jacob_' + str(number) + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w' ) as file: file.write('#ifndef JACOB_HEAD_{}\n'.format(number) + '#define JACOB_HEAD_{}\n'.format(number) + '\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' + ('__device__ ' if lang == 'cuda' else '') + 'void eval_jacob_{} ('.format(number) ) file.write('const double, const double, const double, const double*, ' 'const double*, const double*, double*' + (', double*' if have_jnplus_jplus else '') + ');\n' '\n' '#endif\n' ) file = open(os.path.join(path, 'jacob_' + str(number) + utils.file_ext[lang]), 'w' ) file.write('#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' ) line = '__device__ ' if lang == 'cuda' else '' line += ('void eval_jacob_{} '.format(number) + '(const double mw_avg, const double rho, ' 'const double cp_avg, const double* spec_rates, ' 'const double* h, const double* cp, double* jac' + (', double* J_nplusjplus' if have_jnplus_jplus else '') + ') ' ) line += '{\n' line += utils.line_start if lang == 'cuda': line += 'register ' line += 'double rho_inv = 1.0 / rho' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(utils.line_start + 'double working_temp = (1.0 / cp_avg)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'double j_temp = 1.0 / ' '(rho * cp_avg * cp_avg)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) return file
[docs]def write_jacobian(path, lang, specs, reacs, seen_sp, smm=None): """Write Jacobian subroutine in desired language. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : str {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. specs : list of SpecInfo List of species in the mechanism. reacs : list of ReacInfo List of reactions in the mechanism. seen_sp : list of bool List of `bool`; ``False`` if species has (identically) zero rate smm : shared_memory_manager, optional If not ``None``, use this to manage shared memory optimization Returns ------- None """ if lang == 'cuda': do_unroll = len(reacs) > CUDAParams.Jacob_Unroll unroll_len = CUDAParams.Jacob_Unroll limit = CUDAParams.Max_Lines elif lang == 'c': do_unroll = len(reacs) > CParams.Jacob_Unroll unroll_len = CParams.Jacob_Unroll limit = CParams.Max_Lines if do_unroll: # make paths for separate jacobian files utils.create_dir(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs')) # first write header file file = open(os.path.join(path, 'jacob' + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w') file.write('#ifndef JACOB_HEAD\n' '#define JACOB_HEAD\n' '\n' '#include "header{0}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + ('#include ' '"jacobs/jac_include{0}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) if do_unroll else '') + '#include "chem_utils{0}"\n' '#include "rates{0}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])) if lang == 'cuda': file.write( '#include "gpu_memory.cuh"\n' '\n' '__device__ ') file.write('void eval_jacob (const double, const double, ' 'const double * {0}, double * {0}{1});\n' '\n' '#endif\n'.format(utils.restrict[lang], ', const mechanism_memory * {}'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) if lang == 'cuda' else '') ) file.close() # numbers of species and reactions num_s = len(specs) num_r = len(reacs) rev_reacs = [i for i, rxn in enumerate(reacs) if rxn.rev] num_rev = len(rev_reacs) pdep_reacs = [] for i, reac in enumerate(reacs): if reac.thd_body or reac.pdep: # add reaction index to list pdep_reacs.append(i) num_pdep = len(pdep_reacs) # create file depending on language filename = 'jacob' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') # header files file.write('#include "jacob{}"\n\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])) line = '' if lang == 'cuda': line = '__device__ ' if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ('void eval_jacob (const double t, const double pres, ' 'const double * {0} y, double * {0} jac{1}) {{\n\n'.format( utils.restrict[lang], ', const mechanism_memory * ' '{} d_mem'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) if lang == 'cuda' else '') ) elif lang == 'fortran': line += 'subroutine eval_jacob (t, pres, y, jac)\n\n' # fortran needs type declarations line += (' implicit none\n' ' integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1.0d0)' ' real(wp), intent(in) :: t, pres, y({})\n'.format(num_s) + ' real(wp), intent(out) :: jac({0},{0})\n'.format(num_s) + ' \n' ' real(wp) :: T, rho, cp_avg, logT\n' ) if any(reacs[rxn].thd_body for rxn in rev_reacs): line += ' real(wp) :: m\n' line += (' real(wp), dimension({}) :: '.format(num_s) + 'conc, cp, h, dy\n' ' real(wp), dimension({}) :: rxn_rates\n'.format(num_r) + ' real(wp), dimension({}) :: pres_mod\n'.format(num_pdep) ) elif lang == 'matlab': line += 'function jac = eval_jacob (T, pres, y)\n\n' file.write(line) get_array = utils.get_array if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: smm.reset() get_array = smm.get_array smm.write_init(file, indent=2) # get temperature if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line = utils.line_start + 'double T = ' + get_array(lang, 'y', 0) elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line = utils.line_start + 'T = ' + get_array(lang, 'y', 0) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write('\n') file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + ' average molecular weight\n' ) # calculation of average molecular weight if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double mw_avg;\n') file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + ' mass-averaged density\n' ) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double rho;\n') # evaluate species molar concentrations file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + ' species molar concentrations\n' ) if lang == 'c': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double conc[{}];\n'.format(num_s)) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {}'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + ' conc = d_mem->conc' + utils.line_end[lang] ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(utils.line_start + 'conc = zeros({},1);\n'.format(num_s) ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'double y_N' + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(utils.line_start + 'eval_conc(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', pres, &' + (utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 1) if lang != 'cuda' else 'y[GRID_DIM]') + ', &y_N, &mw_avg, &rho, conc)' + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n' ) rate_list = ['fwd_rates'] if len(rev_reacs): rate_list.append('rev_rates') if len(pdep_reacs): rate_list.append('pres_mod') rate_list.append('spec_rates') file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + ' evaluate reaction rates\n' ) cuda_cheb = any(rxn.cheb for rxn in reacs) and lang == 'cuda' # evaluate forward and reverse reaction rates if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: if lang == 'cuda': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {} fwd_rates = d_mem->fwd_rates'.format( utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double fwd_rates[{}];\n'.format(num_r) ) if num_rev == 0: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double* rev_rates = 0;\n') elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {} rev_rates = d_mem->rev_rates'.format( utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double rev_rates[{}];\n'.format(num_rev) ) if cuda_cheb: file.write(' double * {} dot_prod'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + ' = d_mem->dot_prod' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'eval_rxn_rates (T, pres, conc, fwd_rates, ' 'rev_rates{});\n'.format(', dot_prod' if cuda_cheb else '') ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(utils.line_start + 'call eval_rxn_rates (T, pres, conc, fwd_rates, ' 'rev_rates)\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(utils.line_start + '[fwd_rates, rev_rates] = eval_rxn_rates ' '(T, pres, conc);\n' ) file.write('\n') if num_pdep == 0: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double* pres_mod = 0;\n') elif lang == 'c': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double pres_mod[{}];\n'.format(num_pdep) ) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {} pres_mod = d_mem->pres_mod{}'.format( utils.restrict[lang], utils.line_end[lang]) ) if len(pdep_reacs): file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + 'get pressure modifications to reaction rates\n' ) # evaluate third-body and pressure-dependence reaction modifications if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(utils.line_start + 'get_rxn_pres_mod (T, pres, conc, pres_mod);\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(utils.line_start + 'call get_rxn_pres_mod (T, pres, conc, pres_mod)\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(utils.line_start + 'pres_mod = get_rxn_pres_mod (T, pres, conc, ' 'pres_mod);\n' ) file.write('\n') # evaluate species rates file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + ' evaluate rate of change of species molar concentration\n' ) if lang == 'c': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double spec_rates[{}] = {{0}};\n'.format(num_s)) file.write( utils.line_start + 'eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates, rev_rates, ' 'pres_mod, spec_rates, &spec_rates[{}]);\n'.format(num_s - 1) ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {} spec_rates = d_mem->spec_rates{}'.format( utils.restrict[lang], utils.line_end[lang]) ) file.write( utils.line_start + 'eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates, rev_rates, ' 'pres_mod, spec_rates, &{}){}'.format( utils.get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', num_s - 1), utils.line_end[lang]) ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(utils.line_start + 'call eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates, rev_rates, ' 'pres_mod, spec_rates, spec_rates({}))\n'.format(num_s - 1) ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(utils.line_start + 'spec_rates = eval_spec_rates(fwd_rates, ' 'rev_rates, pres_mod);\n' ) file.write('\n') # third-body variable needed for reactions if any((rxn.pdep and rxn.pdep_sp is None) or rxn.thd_body for rxn in reacs): line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += ('m = pres / ({:.8e} * T)'.format(chem.RU) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if not do_unroll: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += ('conc_temp' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) # log(T) line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += ('logT = log(T)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if not do_unroll: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'j_temp = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'kf = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if any((rxn.pdep or rxn.thd_body) and (rxn.thd_body_eff or rxn.pdep_sp) for rxn in reacs): line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'pres_mod_temp = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # if any reverse reactions, will need Kc if rev_reacs: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' file.write(line + 'Kc = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(line + 'kr = 0' + utils.line_end[lang]) # pressure-dependence variables if any(rxn.pdep for rxn in reacs): line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'Pr = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if any(rxn.troe for rxn in reacs): line = ''.join([ ' double {} = 0.0{}'.format(x, utils.line_end[lang]) for x in ['Fcent', 'A', 'B', 'lnF_AB'] ]) file.write(line) if any(rxn.sri for rxn in reacs): line = utils.line_start + 'double X = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if any(rxn.cheb for rxn in reacs): file.write(utils.line_start + 'double Tred, Pred' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'double cheb_temp_0, cheb_temp_1' + utils.line_end[lang] ) dim = max(rxn.cheb_n_temp for rxn in reacs if rxn.cheb) file.write(utils.line_start + ('double dot_prod[{}]'.format(dim) if lang == 'c' else 'double * {} dot_prod = d_mem->dot_prod'.format( utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang] ) if any(rxn.plog for rxn in reacs): file.write(utils.line_start + 'double kf2' + utils.line_end[lang]) line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'rho_inv = 1.0 / rho' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if any(len(specs) - 1 in set(reac.reac + and \ utils.get_nu(len(specs) - 1, reac) for reac in reacs): file.write(utils.line_start + 'double J_nplusone = 0' + utils.line_end[lang] ) if lang == 'c': file.write(utils.line_start + 'double J_nplusjplus[NSP]' + utils.line_end[lang] ) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double * {} J_nplusjplus = d_mem->J_nplusjplus'.format( utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) # variables for equilibrium constant derivatives, if needed dBdT_flag = [False for sp in specs] # define dB/dT's write_db_dt_def(file, lang, specs, reacs, rev_reacs, dBdT_flag, do_unroll) line = '' ################################### # now begin Jacobian evaluation ################################### ################################### # partial derivatives of reactions ################################### success = False retry = False while not success: if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: smm.reset() # whether this jacobian index has been modified touched = [False for i in range(len(specs) * len(specs))] J_nplusone_touched = False J_nplusjplus_touched = [False for i in range(len(specs))] batch_has_thd = False last_conc_temp = None jac_count = 0 next_fn_index = 0 for rxn_ind, rxn in enumerate(reacs): if do_unroll and (rxn_ind == next_fn_index): # clear conc temp last_conc_temp = None if not retry: file_store = file retry = False # get next index next_fn_index = min(rxn_ind + unroll_len, len(reacs)) # get flags rev = False pdep = False thd = False troe = False sri = False cheb = False plog = False pdep_thd_eff = False has_jnplus_one = False batch_has_m = False have_pres_mod_temp = False for ind_next in range(rxn_ind, next_fn_index): if reacs[ind_next].rev: rev = True if reacs[ind_next].pdep: pdep = True if reacs[ind_next].thd_body_eff: pdep_thd_eff = True if reacs[ind_next].pdep_sp is None: batch_has_m = True if ((reacs[ind_next].pdep or reacs[ind_next].thd_body ) and (reacs[ind_next].thd_body_eff or reacs[ind_next].pdep_sp ) ): have_pres_mod_temp = True if reacs[ind_next].thd_body: thd = True if reacs[ind_next].troe: troe = True if reacs[ind_next].sri: sri = True if reacs[ind_next].cheb: cheb = True if reacs[ind_next].plog: plog = True reac = reacs[ind_next] if len(specs) - 1 in set(reac.reac + and \ utils.get_nu(len(specs) - 1, reac): has_jnplus_one = True dim = None if cheb: dim = max(rxn.cheb_n_temp for rxn in reacs if rxn.cheb) # write the specific evaluator for this reaction file = write_sub_intro(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs'), lang, jac_count, rate_list, rev, pdep, have_pres_mod_temp, batch_has_m, thd, troe, sri, cheb, dim, plog, smm is None, has_jnplus_one ) if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: variable_list, usages = calculate_shared_memory(rxn_ind, rxn, specs, reacs, rev_reacs, pdep_reacs ) smm.load_into_shared(file, variable_list, usages) ###################################### # with respect to temperature ###################################### write_dt_comment(file, lang, rxn_ind) # first we need any pres mod terms jline = '' pres_rxn_ind = None if rxn.pdep: pres_rxn_ind = pdep_reacs.index(rxn_ind) last_conc_temp = write_pr(file, lang, specs, reacs, pdep_reacs, rxn, get_array, last_conc_temp ) # dF/dT if rxn.troe: write_troe(file, lang, rxn) elif rxn.sri: write_sri(file, lang) jline = get_pdep_dt(lang, rxn, rev_reacs, rxn_ind, pres_rxn_ind, get_array) elif rxn.thd_body: # third body reaction pres_rxn_ind = pdep_reacs.index(rxn_ind) jline = (utils.line_start + 'j_temp = ((-' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pres_rxn_ind) + ' * ' ) if rxn.rev: # forward and reverse reaction rates jline += '(' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' - ' + \ get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind)) jline += ')' else: # forward reaction rate only jline += get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rxn_ind) jline += ' / T) + (' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pres_rxn_ind) else: if lang in ['c', 'cuda', 'matlab']: jline += ' j_temp = ((1.0' elif lang in ['fortran']: jline += ' j_temp = ((1.0_wp' jline += ' / T) * (' doT = True if rxn.plog: write_plog_rxn_dt(file, lang, jline, specs, rxn, rxn_ind, rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind) if rxn.rev else None, get_array, do_unroll ) elif rxn.cheb: write_cheb_rxn_dt(file, lang, jline, rxn, rxn_ind, rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind) if rxn.rev else None, specs, get_array, do_unroll ) else: dkdt = get_elementary_rxn_dt( lang, specs, rxn, rxn_ind, rev_reacs.index(rxn_ind) if rxn.rev else None, get_array, do_unroll ) if dkdt: file.write(jline + dkdt) else: doT = False if doT: for k_sp in set(rxn.reac + sp_k = specs[k_sp] line = utils.line_start nu = utils.get_nu(k_sp, rxn) if nu == 0: continue if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: j_str = ('{}J_nplusone'.format('*' if do_unroll else '') if k_sp + 1 == num_s else get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp + 1) ) line += ( j_str + ' {}= {}j_temp{} * {:.16e}'.format( '+' if touched[k_sp + 1] else '', '' if nu == 1 else ('-' if nu == -1 else ''), ' * {}'.format(float(nu)) if nu != 1 and nu != -1 else '', ) ) elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: # NOTE: I believe there was a bug here w/ the previous # fortran/matlab code (as it looks like it would be zero # indexed) j_str = ('J_nplusone' if k_sp + 1 == num_s else get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp + 1, twod=0) ) line += ( j_str + ' = ' + (j_str + ' + ' if touched[k_sp + 1] else '') + ' {}j_temp{} * {:.16e}'.format('' if nu == 1 else ('-' if nu == -1 else ''), ' * {}'.format(float(nu)) if nu != 1 and nu != -1 else '', ) ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) if k_sp + 1 == num_s: J_nplusone_touched = True else: touched[k_sp + 1] = True file.write('\n') ###################################### # with respect to species ###################################### write_dy_comment(file, lang, rxn_ind) if rxn.rev and not rxn.rev_par: # need to find Kc write_kc(file, lang, specs, rxn) # need to write the dr/dy parts (independent of any species) write_dr_dy(file, lang, rev_reacs, rxn, rxn_ind, pres_rxn_ind, get_array ) # write the forward / backwards rates: write_rates(file, lang, rxn) # now loop through each species for j_sp, sp_j in enumerate(specs[:-1]): dr_dyj = write_dr_dy_species(lang, specs, rxn, pres_rxn_ind, j_sp, sp_j, rxn_ind, rev_reacs, get_array ) for k_sp in set(rxn.reac + sp_k = specs[k_sp] nu = utils.get_nu(k_sp, rxn) if nu == 0: continue jline = utils.line_start if k_sp + 1 < num_s: lin_index = k_sp + 1 + (num_s) * (j_sp + 1) #if not rxn_ind in thelist and lin_index == 30608: # thelist.add(rxn_ind) # sparse indexes if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: jline += ( get_array(lang, 'jac', lin_index) + ' {}= '.format('+' if touched[lin_index] else '') ) elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: jline += ( get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp + 1, twod=j_sp+1) + (' = ' + get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp + 1, twod=j_sp+1) if touched[k_sp + 1] else '') + ' + ' ) touched[lin_index] = True else: if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: jline += ( get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp) + ' {}= '.format('+' if J_nplusjplus_touched[j_sp] else '' ) ) elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: jline += ( get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp) + (' = ' + get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp) if J_nplusjplus_touched[j_sp] else '') + ' + ' ) J_nplusjplus_touched[j_sp] = True working_temp = '' mw_frac = ( / * float(nu) if mw_frac == -1.0: working_temp += ' -' elif mw_frac != 1.0: working_temp += ' {:.16e} * '.format(mw_frac) else: working_temp += ' ' working_temp += '(' working_temp += dr_dyj working_temp += ')' jline += working_temp jline += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(jline) jline = '' file.write('\n') if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: evictable = [x for x in variable_list if not x.base == 'conc'] smm.mark_for_eviction(evictable) if do_unroll and (rxn_ind == next_fn_index - 1 or rxn_ind == len(reacs) - 1): # switch back file.write('}\n\n') file.close() file = file_store #test file size for CUDA #to avoid killing nvcc if jac_count == 0: with open(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs', 'jacob_{}{}'.format(jac_count, utils.file_ext[lang]))) as readfile: num_lines = sum(1 for line in readfile) if num_lines > limit: unroll_len = int(unroll_len / 2) retry = True break file.write(' eval_jacob_{}('.format(jac_count)) jac_count += 1 line = ('pres, conc') for rate in rate_list: line += ', ' + rate if batch_has_m: line += ', m' line += ', mw_avg, rho' if rev: line += ', dBdT' line += ', T, jac' if has_jnplus_one: line += ', &J_nplusone, J_nplusjplus' if cheb and lang == 'cuda': line += ', dot_prod' line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) success = rxn_ind == len(reacs) - 1 ################################### # Partial derivatives of temperature (energy equation) ################################### # evaluate enthalpy if lang == 'c': file.write(' // species enthalpies\n' ' double h[{}];\n'.format(num_s) + ' eval_h(T, h);\n') elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' // species enthalpies\n' ' double * {} h = d_mem->h;\n'.format( utils.restrict[lang]) + ' eval_h(T, h);\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! species enthalpies\n' ' call eval_h(T, h)\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' % species enthalpies\n' ' h = eval_h(T);\n' ) file.write('\n') # evaluate specific heat if lang == 'c': file.write(' // species specific heats\n' ' double cp[{}];\n'.format(num_s) + ' eval_cp(T, cp);\n') elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' // species specific heats\n' ' double * {} cp = d_mem->cp;\n'.format( utils.restrict[lang]) + ' eval_cp(T, cp);\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! species specific heats\n' ' call eval_cp(T, cp)\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' % species specific heats\n' ' cp = eval_cp(T);\n' ) file.write('\n') # average specific heat if lang == 'c': file.write(' // average specific heat\n' ' double cp_avg;\n' ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' // average specific heat\n' ' register double cp_avg;\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! average specific heat\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' % average specific heat\n') line = utils.line_start + 'cp_avg = ' isfirst = True for sp in specs[:-1]: if len(line) > 70: if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += '\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' &\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += ' ...\n' file.write(line) line = utils.line_start + ' ' isp = specs.index(sp) line += ('(' + get_array(lang, 'y', isp + 1) + ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'cp', isp) + ')' ' + ' ) isfirst = False line += ('(' + 'y_N' + ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'cp', len(specs) - 1) + ')' ) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # set jac[0] = 0 # set to zero line = utils.line_start if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += get_array(lang, 'jac', 0) + ' = 0.0' elif lang == 'fortran': line += get_array(lang, 'jac', 0, twod=0) + ' = 0.0_wp' elif lang == 'matlab': line += get_array(lang, 'jac', 0, twod=0) + ' = 0.0' touched[0] = True line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if not do_unroll: line = utils.line_start if lang == 'c': line += 'double ' elif lang == 'cuda': line += 'register double ' line += 'working_temp = (1.0 / cp_avg)' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write(utils.line_start + 'j_temp = 1.0 / (rho * cp_avg * cp_avg)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) else: file.write(utils.line_start + 'double working_temp = 0' + utils.line_end[lang] ) # need to finish the dYk/dYj's write_dy_y_finish_comment(file, lang) unroll_len = (CParams.Jacob_Spec_Unroll if lang == 'c' else CUDAParams.Jacob_Spec_Unroll) limit = (CParams.Max_Spec_Lines if lang == 'c' else CUDAParams.Max_Spec_Lines) touched_copy = touched[:] J_nplusjplus_touched_copy = J_nplusjplus_touched[:] success = False while not success: touched = touched_copy[:] J_nplusjplus = J_nplusjplus_touched_copy[:] next_fn_index = 0 for k_sp, sp_k in enumerate(specs): if do_unroll and k_sp == next_fn_index: store_file = file next_fn_index += min(unroll_len, len(specs) - k_sp) have_jnplus_jplus = (next_fn_index >= len(specs) and any(J_nplusjplus_touched) ) file = write_dy_intros(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs'), lang, jac_count, have_jnplus_jplus ) for j_sp, sp_j in enumerate(specs): lin_index = k_sp + 1 + (num_s) * (j_sp + 1) #the num_s + 1 row is zero #so skip if j_sp + 1 == num_s: continue if k_sp + 1 < num_s and touched[lin_index]: #still in the actual jacobian #and this combo matters line = utils.line_start # need to finish if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += get_array(lang, 'jac', lin_index) + ' += ' elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += (get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp+1, twod=j_sp+1) + ' = ' + get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp+1, twod=j_sp+1) + ' + ' ) line += ('(' + get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', k_sp) + ' * mw_avg * ' '{:.16e}'.format(( / * (1. - / specs[-1].mw) ) + ' * rho_inv)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) elif k_sp + 1 == num_s and J_nplusjplus_touched[j_sp]: #out of bounds in the Jnplusjplus ones #and this combo matters line = utils.line_start # need to finish if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp) + ' += ' elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += (get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp) + ' = ' + get_array(lang, 'jac', j_sp) + ' + ') line += ('(' + get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', k_sp) + ' * mw_avg * ' '{:.16e}'.format(( / * (1. - / specs[-1].mw) ) + ' * rho_inv)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) ###################################### # Derivative with respect to species ###################################### line = utils.line_start my_index = (num_s) * (j_sp + 1) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += get_array(lang, 'jac', my_index) elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += get_array(lang, 'jac', 0, twod=j_sp + 1) if lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: line += ' = ' + (get_array(lang, 'jac', 0, twod=j_sp + 1) + ' +' if touched[my_index] else '' ) + ' -(' else: line += ' {}= {}('.format('-' if touched[my_index] else '', '' if touched[my_index] else '-' ) touched[my_index] = True jac_part = '' if k_sp + 1 < num_s: #still in the actual jacobian if touched[lin_index]: if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: jac_part = ('working_temp * ' + get_array(lang, 'jac', lin_index) + ' - ' ) if lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: jac_part = ('working_temp * ' + get_array(lang, 'jac', k_sp + 1, twod=j_sp + 1 ) + ' - ' ) else: jac_part = '-' else: #out of bounds, so need to check the #Jnplusjplus ones if J_nplusjplus_touched[j_sp]: if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: jac_part = ('working_temp * ' + get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp) + ' - ' ) if lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: jac_part = ('working_temp * ' + get_array(lang, 'J_nplusjplus', j_sp+1) + ' - ' ) else: jac_part = '-' sp_part = ('(j_temp * (' + get_array(lang, 'cp', j_sp) + ' - ' + get_array(lang, 'cp', num_s - 1) + ')' + ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', k_sp) + ' * {:.8e}))'.format( line += get_array(lang, 'h', k_sp) + ' * (' + jac_part + sp_part + ')' + utils.line_end[lang] if jac_part != '-' or seen_sp[k_sp]: file.write(line) if do_unroll and k_sp == next_fn_index - 1: # switch back file.write('}\n\n') file = file_store #check that file length is under limit with open(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs', 'jacob_{}{}'.format(jac_count, utils.file_ext[lang]))) as readfile: num_lines = sum(1 for line in readfile) if num_lines > limit: unroll_len = int(unroll_len / 2) break file.write(' eval_jacob_{}('.format(jac_count)) jac_count += 1 line = 'mw_avg, rho, cp_avg, spec_rates, h, cp, jac' if have_jnplus_jplus: line += ', J_nplusjplus' line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) success = k_sp == len(specs) - 1 ###################################### # Derivatives with respect to temperature ###################################### write_dcp_dt(file, lang, specs) ###################################### # Derivative with respect to species ###################################### file.write('\n') # finish the dT entry write_dt_completion(file, lang, specs, J_nplusone_touched, get_array) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_jacob\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_jacob\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') file.close() # create include file if do_unroll: with open(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs', 'jac_include' + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w' ) as tempfile: tempfile.write('#ifndef JAC_INCLUDE_H\n' '#define JAC_INCLUDE_H\n') for i in range(jac_count): tempfile.write('#include "jacob_{}{}"\n'.format(i, utils.header_ext[lang]) ) tempfile.write('#endif\n\n') with open(os.path.join(path, 'jacobs', 'jac_list_{}'.format(lang)), 'w' ) as tempfile: \ tempfile.write(' '.join(['jacob_{}{}'.format(i, utils.file_ext[lang]) for i in range(jac_count)]) ) return touched
[docs]def write_sparse_multiplier(path, lang, touched, nvars): """Write a subroutine that multiplies the non-zero entries of the Jacobian with a column 'j' of another matrix. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. inidicies : list A list of indicies where the Jacobian is non-zero nvars : int Number of variables in the Jacobian matrix Returns ------- None """ sparse_indicies = [x for x in range(nvars * nvars) if touched[nvars]] # first write header file file = open(os.path.join(path, 'sparse_multiplier{}'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])), 'w' ) file.write('#ifndef SPARSE_HEAD\n' '#define SPARSE_HEAD\n') file.write('\n#define N_A {}'.format(len(sparse_indicies))) file.write( '\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' + ('__device__\n' if lang == 'cuda' else '') + 'void sparse_multiplier (const double *, const double *, double*);\n' '\n' '#ifdef COMPILE_TESTING_METHODS\n' ' int test_sparse_multiplier();\n' '#endif\n' '\n' '#endif\n' ) file.close() # create file depending on language filename = 'sparse_multiplier' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') file.write('#include "sparse_multiplier' '{}"\n\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) ) if lang == 'cuda': file.write('__device__\n') file.write('void sparse_multiplier(const double * A, ' 'const double * Vm, double* w) {\n' ) if lang == 'cuda': """optimize for cache reusing""" touched = [False for i in range(nvars)] for i in range(nvars): # get all indicies that belong to row i i_list = [x for x in sparse_indicies if int(x / nvars) == i] for index in i_list: file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'w', index % nvars) + ' {}= '.format('+' if touched[index % nvars] else '') ) file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'A', index) + ' * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'Vm', i) + utils.line_end[lang] ) touched[index % nvars] = True zero_out = [i for i, t in enumerate(touched) if not t] for i in zero_out: file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'w', i) + ' = 0' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write("}\n") else: for i in range(nvars): # get all indicies that belong to row i i_list = [x for x in sparse_indicies if x % nvars == i] if not len(i_list): file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'w', i) + ' = 0' + utils.line_end[lang] ) continue file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'w', i) + ' = ') for index in i_list: if i_list.index(index): file.write(" + ") file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'A', index) + ' * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'Vm', int(index / nvars))) file.write(";\n") file.write("}\n") file.close()
[docs]def create_jacobian(lang, mech_name=None, therm_name=None, gas=None, optimize_cache=False, initial_state="", num_blocks=8, num_threads=64, no_shared=False, L1_preferred=True, multi_thread=None, force_optimize=False, build_path='./out/', last_spec=None, skip_jac=False, auto_diff=False ): """Create Jacobian subroutine from mechanism. Parameters ---------- lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Language type. mech_name : str, optional Reaction mechanism filename (e.g. 'mech.dat'). This or gas must be specified therm_name : str, optional Thermodynamic database filename (e.g. 'therm.dat') or nothing if info in mechanism file. gas : cantera.Solution, optional The mechanism to generate the Jacobian for. This or ``mech_name`` must be specified optimize_cache : bool, optional If ``True``, use the greedy optimizer to attempt to improve cache hit rates initial_state : str, optional A comma separated list of the initial conditions to use in form T,P,X (e.g. '800,1,H2=1.0,O2=0.5'). Temperature in K, P in atm num_blocks : int, optional The target number of blocks / sm to achieve for cuda num_threads : int, optional The target number of threads / block to achieve for cuda no_shared : bool, optional If ``True``, do not use the shared_memory_manager to attempt to optimize for CUDA L1_preferred : bool, optional If ``True``, prefer a larger L1 cache and a smaller shared memory size for CUDA multi_thread : int, optional The number of threads to use during optimization force_optimize : bool, optional If ``True``, redo the cache optimization even if the same mechanism build_path : str, optional The output directory for the jacobian files last_spec : str, optional If specified, the species to assign to the last index. Typically should be N2, Ar, He or another inert bath gas skip_jac : bool, optional If ``True``, only the reaction rate subroutines will be generated auto_diff : bool, optional If ``True``, generate files for use with the Adept autodifferention library. Returns ------- None """ if lang != 'c' and auto_diff: print('Error: autodifferention only supported for C') sys.exit(2) if auto_diff: skip_jac = True lang = lang.lower() if lang not in utils.langs: print('Error: language needs to be one of: ') for l in utils.langs: print(l) sys.exit(2) # create output directory if none exists utils.create_dir(build_path) if auto_diff: with open(os.path.join(build_path, 'ad_jacob.h'), 'w') as file: file.write('#ifndef AD_JAC_H\n' '#define AD_JAC_H\n' 'void eval_jacob (const double t, const double pres, ' 'const double* y, double* jac);\n' '#endif\n' ) assert mech_name is not None or gas is not None, 'No mechanism specified!' # Interpret reaction mechanism file, depending on Cantera or # Chemkin format. if gas is not None or mech_name.endswith(tuple(['.cti', '.xml'])): elems, specs, reacs = mech.read_mech_ct(mech_name, gas) else: elems, specs, reacs = mech.read_mech(mech_name, therm_name) if not specs: print('No species found in file: {}'.format(mech_name)) sys.exit(3) if not reacs: print('No reactions found in file: {}'.format(mech_name)) sys.exit(3) #check to see if the last_spec is specified if last_spec is not None: #find the index if possible isp = next((i for i, sp in enumerate(specs) if == last_spec.lower().strip()), None ) if isp is None: print('Warning: User specified last species {} ' 'not found in mechanism.' ' Attempting to find a default species.'.format(last_spec) ) last_spec = None else: last_spec = isp else: print('User specified last species not found or not specified. ' 'Attempting to find a default species') if last_spec is None: wt = chem.get_elem_wt() #check for N2, Ar, He, etc. candidates = [('N2', wt['n'] * 2.), ('Ar', wt['ar']), ('He', wt['he'])] for sp in candidates: match = next((isp for isp, spec in enumerate(specs) if sp[0].lower() == and sp[1] ==, None) if match is not None: last_spec = match break if last_spec is not None: print('Default last species ' '{} found.'.format(specs[last_spec].name) ) if last_spec is None: print('Warning: Neither a user specified or default last species ' 'could be found. Proceeding using the last species in the ' 'base mechanism: {}'.format(specs[-1].name)) last_spec = len(specs) - 1 optimize_cache = optimize_cache and cache.have_bitarray if optimize_cache: specs, reacs, \ fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping, \ reverse_spec_mapping, reverse_rxn_mapping = \ cache.optimize_cache(specs, reacs, multi_thread, force_optimize, build_path, last_spec ) else: fwd_rxn_mapping = list(range(len(reacs))) reverse_rxn_mapping = list(range(len(reacs))) fwd_spec_mapping, \ reverse_spec_mapping = \ utils.get_species_mappings(len(specs), last_spec) #pick up the last_spec and drop it at the end temp = specs[:] for i in range(len(specs)): specs[i] = temp[fwd_spec_mapping[i]] #remove old file which potentially could corrupt library generation if not auto_diff: try: os.remove(os.path.join(build_path, 'jacobs', 'jac_list_{}'.format(lang))) except: pass try: os.remove(os.path.join(build_path, 'rates', 'rate_list_{}'.format(lang))) except: pass the_len = len(reacs) if lang == 'cuda': CUDAParams.write_launch_bounds(build_path, num_blocks, num_threads, L1_preferred, no_shared ) smm = None if lang == 'cuda' and not no_shared: smm = shared.shared_memory_manager(num_blocks, num_threads, L1_preferred ) #reassign the reaction's product / reactant / third body list # to integer indexes for speed utils.reassign_species_lists(reacs, specs) ## now begin writing subroutines # print reaction rate subroutine rate.write_rxn_rates(build_path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_rxn_mapping, smm, auto_diff ) # if third-body/pressure-dependent reactions, # print modification subroutine if next((r for r in reacs if (r.thd_body or r.pdep)), None): rate.write_rxn_pressure_mod(build_path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_rxn_mapping, smm, auto_diff ) # write species rates subroutine seen_sp = rate.write_spec_rates(build_path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping, smm, auto_diff ) # write chem_utils subroutines rate.write_chem_utils(build_path, lang, specs, auto_diff) # write derivative subroutines rate.write_derivs(build_path, lang, specs, reacs, seen_sp, auto_diff) # write mass-mole fraction conversion subroutine rate.write_mass_mole(build_path, lang, specs) # write header file aux.write_header(build_path, lang) # write mechanism initializers and testing methods aux.write_mechanism_initializers(build_path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_spec_mapping, reverse_spec_mapping, initial_state, optimize_cache, last_spec, auto_diff ) if skip_jac == False: # write Jacobian subroutine touched = write_jacobian(build_path, lang, specs, reacs, seen_sp, smm) write_sparse_multiplier(build_path, lang, touched, len(specs)) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": args = utils.get_parser() create_jacobian(lang=args.lang, mech_name=args.input, therm_name=args.thermo, optimize_cache=args.cache_optimizer, initial_state=args.initial_conditions, num_blocks=args.num_blocks, num_threads=args.num_threads, no_shared=args.no_shared, L1_preferred=args.L1_preferred, multi_thread=args.multi_thread, force_optimize=args.force_optimize, build_path=args.build_path, last_spec=args.last_species, auto_diff=args.auto_diff )