"""Writes mechanism header and output testing files
# Python 2 compatibility
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Standard libraries
import os
import sys
import itertools
# Local imports
from .. import utils
from . import chem_utilities as chem
[docs]def write_mechanism_initializers(path, lang, specs, reacs,
fwd_spec_mapping, back_spec_mapping,
initial_conditions='', cache_optimized=False,
last_spec=None, auto_diff=False):
"""Writes mechanism-specific files.
path : str
Path where files are being written.
lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'}
Language type.
specs : list of `SpecInfo`
List of species in the mechanism.
reacs : list of `ReacInfo`
List of reactions in the mechanism.
fwd_spec_mapping : list of int
A mapping of the original mechanism to the new species order
back_spec_mapping : list of int
A mapping of the new species order to the original mechanism
initial_conditions : Optional[str]
A comma separated list of the initial conditions to use in form
T,P,X (e.g. '800,1,H2=1.0,O2=0.5'). Temperature in K, P in atm.
cache_optimized : Optional[bool]
If ``True``, use the greedy optimizer to attempt to improve cache hit rates
last_spec : Optional[str]
If specified, the species to assign to the last index.
Typically should be N2, Ar, He or another inert bath gas
auto_diff : Optional[bool]
If ``True``, generate files for Adept auto_differention library.
if lang in ['matlab', 'fortran']:
raise NotImplementedError
if auto_diff:
with open(os.path.join(path, 'ad_jac.c'), 'w') as file:
#need to write the auto_diff jacobian
#include <vector>
#include "adept.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "ad_dydt.h"
void eval_jacob(const double t, const double p, const double* y,
double* jac) {
using adept::adouble; // Import Stack and adouble from adept
adept::Stack stack; // Where the derivative information is stored
std::vector<adouble> in(NSP); // Vector of active input variables
adept::set_values(&in[0], NSP, y); // Initialize adouble inputs
adouble pres = p;
stack.new_recording(); // Start recording
std::vector<adouble> out(NSP); // Create vector of active output variables
dydt(t, pres, &in[0], &out[0]); // Run algorithm
stack.independent(&in[0], NSP); // Identify independent variables
stack.dependent(&out[0], NSP); // Identify dependent variables
stack.jacobian(jac); // Compute & store Jacobian in jac
# some information variables
have_rev_rxns = any(reac.rev for reac in reacs)
have_pdep_rxns = any(reac.thd_body or reac.pdep for reac in reacs)
gpu_memory = {'y' : 'NSP',
'dy' : 'NSP',
'conc' : 'NSP',
'fwd_rates' : 'FWD_RATES',
'rev_rates' : 'REV_RATES',
'spec_rates' : 'NSP',
'cp' : 'NSP',
'h' : 'NSP',
'dBdT' : 'NSP',
'jac' : 'NSP * NSP',
'var' : '1'
if any(len(specs) - 1 in reac.reac + reac.prod and
utils.get_nu(len(specs) - 1, reac) for reac in reacs
gpu_memory['J_nplusjplus'] = 'NSP'
if any(r.pdep or r.thd_body for r in reacs):
gpu_memory['pres_mod'] = 'PRES_MOD_RATES'
if any(r.cheb for r in reacs):
dim = max(rxn.cheb_n_temp for rxn in reacs if rxn.cheb)
gpu_memory['dot_prod'] = str(dim)
# the mechanism header defines a number of useful preprocessor defines, as
# well as defining method stubs for setting initial conditions
with open(os.path.join(path, 'mechanism{}'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])),
) as file:
file.write('#ifndef MECHANISM_{}\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang][1:]) +
'#define MECHANISM_{}\n\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang][1:])
if lang == 'cuda':
file.write('#ifdef __GNUG__\n'
'#include <cuda.h>\n'
'#include <cuda_runtime.h>\n'
'#include <helper_cuda.h>\n'
'#include "launch_bounds.cuh"\n'
'#include "gpu_macros.cuh"\n'
file.write('\nstruct mechanism_memory {\n')
for array in gpu_memory:
file.write(' double * {};\n'.format(array))
if lang == 'c':
file.write('#include <string.h>\n') # for memset
# make cache optimized easy to recognize
if cache_optimized:
file.write('//Cache Optimized\n')
file.write('//last_spec {}\n'.format(last_spec))
# convience: write species indexes
file.write('/* Species Indexes\n')
file.write('\n'.join('{} {}'.format(i, spec.name)
for i, spec in enumerate(specs)
file.write('//Number of species\n'
'#define NSP {}\n'.format(len(specs)) +
'//Number of variables. NN = NSP + 1 (temperature)\n' +
'#define NN {}\n'.format(len(specs) + 1)
file.write('//Number of forward reactions\n' +
'#define FWD_RATES {}\n'.format(len(reacs)) +
'//Number of reversible reactions\n'+
'#define REV_RATES {}\n'.format(
len([reac for reac in reacs if reac.rev]))
file.write('//Number of reactions with pressure modified rates\n')
'#define PRES_MOD_RATES {}\n\n'.format(
len([reac for reac in reacs if reac.pdep or reac.thd_body]))
'//Must be implemented by user on a per '
'mechanism basis in mechanism{}\n'.format(utils.file_ext[lang]) +
'void set_same_initial_conditions(int, double**, double**);\n\n'
file.write('#if defined (RATES_TEST) || defined (PROFILER)\n'
' void write_jacobian_and_rates_output(int NUM);\n'
'//apply masking of ICs for cache optimized mechanisms\n'
'void apply_mask(double*);\n'
'void apply_reverse_mask(double*);\n'
# now the mechanism file
with open(os.path.join(path, 'mechanism' + utils.file_ext[lang]), 'w') as file:
'#include "mass_mole{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) +
'#include <stdio.h>\n'
'#include "mechanism{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])
if lang == 'cuda':
file.write('#include "gpu_memory.cuh"\n')
file.write(' //apply masking of ICs for cache optimized mechanisms\n')
file.write(' void apply_mask(double* y_specs) {\n')
if cache_optimized or last_spec != len(specs) - 1:
file.write(' double temp [NSP];\n'
' memcpy(temp, y_specs, NSP * sizeof(double));\n'
for i, spec in enumerate(fwd_spec_mapping):
file.write(' y_specs[{0}] = temp[{1}];\n'.format(i, spec))
file.write(' }\n')
file.write(' //reverse masking of ICs for cache optimized mechanisms\n')
file.write(' void apply_reverse_mask(double* y_specs) {\n')
if cache_optimized or last_spec != len(specs) - 1:
file.write(' double temp [NSP];\n'
' memcpy(temp, y_specs, NSP * sizeof(double));\n'
for i, spec in enumerate(back_spec_mapping):
file.write(' y_specs[{0}] = temp[{1}];\n'.format(i, spec))
file.write(' }\n')
needed_arr = ['y', 'var']
needed_arr = ['double** ' + a + '_host' for a in needed_arr]
file.write('void set_same_initial_conditions(int NUM, '
'{}) \n'.format(', '.join(needed_arr)) +
' double Xi [NSP] = {0.0};\n'
' //set initial mole fractions here\n\n'
' //Normalize mole fractions to sum to one\n'
' double Xsum = 0.0;\n'
mole_list = []
T0 = 1600
P = 1
if initial_conditions != "":
conditions = [x.strip() for x in initial_conditions.split(",")]
if len(conditions) < 3:
print('Initial conditions improperly specified, '
'expecting form T,P,Species1=...,Species2=...'
print('Error in initial conditions list, not comma separated')
T0 = float(conditions[0])
P = float(conditions[1])
mole_list = conditions[2:]
print('Could not parse initial T or P as floats...')
mole_list = [x.split('=') for x in mole_list]
print('Error in initial mole list, initial moles do not '
'follow SPECIES_NAME=VALUE format'
mole_list = [(split[0], float(split[1])) for split in mole_list]
print('Unknown (non-float) value found '
'as initial mole number in list'
mole_list = [(next(i for i, spec in enumerate(specs)
if spec.name == split[0]), split[1]
) for split in mole_list
print('Unknown species in initial mole list')
for x in mole_list:
file.write(' Xi[{}] = {}'.format(x[0], x[1]) +
' for (int j = 0; j < NSP; ++ j) {\n'
' Xsum += Xi[j];\n'
' }\n'
' if (Xsum == 0.0) {\n'
' printf("Use of the set initial conditions function '
'requires user implementation!\\n");\n'
' exit(-1);\n'
' }\n'
' for (int j = 0; j < NSP; ++ j) {\n'
' Xi[j] /= Xsum;\n'
' }\n\n'
' //convert to mass fractions\n'
' double Yi[NSP - 1] = {0.0};\n'
' mole2mass(Xi, Yi);\n\n'
' //set initial pressure, units [PA]\n' +
' double P = {};\n'.format(chem.PA * P) +
' // set intial temperature, units [K]\n' +
' double T0 = {};\n\n'.format(T0)
' (*y_host) = (double*)malloc(NUM * NSP * sizeof(double));\n'
' (*var_host) = (double*)malloc(NUM * sizeof(double));\n')
' //load temperature and mass fractions for all threads (cells)\n'
' for (int i = 0; i < NUM; ++i) {\n'
' (*y_host)[i] = T0;\n'
' //loop through species\n'
' for (int j = 1; j < NSP; ++j) {\n'
' (*y_host)[i + NUM * j] = Yi[j - 1];\n'
' }\n'
' }\n\n'
'#ifdef CONV\n'
' //calculate density\n'
' double rho = getDensity(T0, P, Xi);\n'
' for (int i = 0; i < NUM; ++i) {\n'
'#ifdef CONV\n'
' (*var_host)[i] = rho;\n'
'#elif defined(CONP)\n'
' (*var_host)[i] = P;\n'
' }\n'
if lang == 'cuda':
mem_template = 'double* {};'
with open(os.path.join(path, 'gpu_memory.cuh'), 'w') as file:
file.write('#ifndef GPU_MEMORY_CUH\n'
'#define GPU_MEMORY_CUH\n'
'#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) +
'#include "gpu_macros.cuh"\n'
file.write('void initialize_gpu_memory(int, mechanism_memory**,'
' mechanism_memory**);\n'
'size_t required_mechanism_size();\n'
'void free_gpu_memory(mechanism_memory**, '
with open(os.path.join(path, 'gpu_memory.cu'), 'w') as file:
init_template = 'initialize_pointer(&((*d_mem)->{}), {} * padded)'
free_template = 'cudaErrorCheck(cudaFree({}))'
err_check = ' cudaErrorCheck( {} );\n'
file.write('#include "gpu_memory.cuh"\n'
file.write('size_t required_mechanism_size() {\n'
' //returns the total required size for the mechanism per thread\n'
' size_t mech_size = 0;\n'
for array, size in gpu_memory.items():
file.write(' //{}\n'.format(array) +
' mech_size += {};\n'.format(size)
file.write(' //y_device\n'
' mech_size += NSP;\n'
' //pres_device\n'
' mech_size += 1;\n'
' return mech_size * sizeof(double);\n'
'void initialize_gpu_memory(int padded, mechanism_memory** h_mem,'
' mechanism_memory** d_mem)\n'
' //init vectors\n'
' // Allocate storage for the device struct\n' +
err_check.format('cudaMalloc(d_mem, sizeof(mechanism_memory))') +
' //allocate the device arrays on the host pointer\n'
for array, size in gpu_memory.items():
'cudaMalloc(&((*h_mem)->{}), {}'.format(array, size) +
' * padded * sizeof(double))')
zero_vals = ['spec_rates', 'dy', 'jac']
for x in zero_vals:
utils.line_start + 'cudaErrorCheck( '
'cudaMemset((*h_mem)->{}, 0, {}'.format(x, gpu_memory[x]) +
' * padded * sizeof(double)) )' +
utils.line_start + 'cudaErrorCheck( '
'cudaMemcpy(*d_mem, *h_mem, sizeof(mechanism_memory), '
'cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) )' +
file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] +
'zero out required values\n'
file.write('void free_gpu_memory(mechanism_memory** h_mem, '
'mechanism_memory** d_mem)\n'
for array in gpu_memory:
file.write(utils.line_start +
free_template.format('(*h_mem)->{}'.format(array)) +
file.write(utils.line_start +
free_template.format('*d_mem') +
if lang == 'cuda':
with open(os.path.join(path, 'gpu_macros.cuh'), 'w') as file:
'#ifndef GPU_MACROS_CUH\n'
'#define GPU_MACROS_CUH\n'
'#include <stdio.h>\n'
'#include <cuda.h>\n'
'#include <cuda_runtime.h>\n'
'#include <helper_cuda.h>\n'
'#define GRID_DIM (blockDim.x * gridDim.x)\n'
'#define T_ID (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)\n'
'#define INDEX(i) (T_ID + (i) * GRID_DIM)\n'
'#define cudaErrorCheck(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }\n'
'inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, '
'int line, bool abort=true)\n'
' if (code != cudaSuccess)\n'
' {\n'
' fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\\n", '
'cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);\n'
' if (abort) exit(code);\n'
' }\n'