Source code for pyjac.core.rate_subs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for writing species/reaction rate subroutines.

This is kept separate from Jacobian creation module in order
to create only the rate subroutines if desired.

# Python 2 compatibility
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# Standard libraries
import sys
import math
import os

# Local imports
from .. import utils
from . import chem_utilities as chem
from . import mech_interpret as mech
from . import CUDAParams
from . import cache_optimizer as cache
from . import mech_auxiliary as aux
from . import shared_memory as shared

[docs]def rxn_rate_const(A, b, E): r"""Returns line with reaction rate calculation (after = sign). Parameters ---------- A : float Arrhenius pre-exponential coefficient b : float Arrhenius temperature exponent E : float Arrhenius activation energy Returns ------- line : str String with expression for reaction rate. Notes ----- Form of the reaction rate constant (from, e.g., Lu and Law [1]_): .. math:: :nowrap: k_f = \begin{cases} A & \text{if } \beta = 0 \text{ and } T_a = 0 \\ \exp \left( \log A + \beta \log T \right) & \text{if } \beta \neq 0 \text{ and } \text{if } T_a = 0 \\ \exp \left( \log A + \beta \log T - T_a / T \right) & \text{if } \beta \neq 0 \text{ and } T_a \neq 0 \\ \exp \left( \log A - T_a / T \right) & \text{if } \beta = 0 \text{ and } T_a \neq 0 \\ A \prod^b T & \text{if } T_a = 0 \text{ and } b \in \mathbb{Z} \text{ (integers) } \end{cases} References ---------- .. [1] TF Lu and CK Law, "Toward accommodating realistic fuel chemistry in large-scale computations," Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 35, pp. 192-215, 2009. doi:10.1016/j.pecs.2008.10.002 """ line = '' if A > 0: logA = math.log(A) if not E: # E = 0 if not b: # b = 0 line += str(A) else: # b != 0 if isinstance(b, int): line += str(A) for i in range(b): line += ' * T' else: line += 'exp({:.16e}'.format(logA) if b > 0: line += ' + ' + str(b) else: line += ' - ' + str(abs(b)) line += ' * logT)' else: # E != 0 if not b: # b = 0 line += 'exp({:.16e}'.format(logA) + ' - ({:.16e} / T))'.format(E) else: # b!= 0 line += 'exp({:.16e}'.format(logA) if b > 0: line += ' + ' + str(b) else: line += ' - ' + str(abs(b)) line += ' * logT - ({:.16e} / T))'.format(E) elif A < 0: #a < 0, can't take the log of it #the reaction, should also be a duplicate to make any sort of sense if not E: #E = 0 if not b: #b = 0 line += str(A) else: #b != 0 if utils.is_integer(b): line += str(A) for i in range(int(b)): line += ' * T' else: line += '{:.16e} * exp('.format(A) if b > 0: line += str(b) else: line += '-' + str(abs(b)) line += ' * logT)' else: #E != 0 if not b: # b = 0 line += '{:.16e} * exp(-({:.16e} / T))'.format(A, E) else: # b!= 0 line += '{:.16e} * exp('.format(A) if b > 0: line += str(b) else: line += '-' + str(abs(b)) line += ' * logT - ({:.16e} / T))'.format(E) else: raise NotImplementedError return line
[docs]def get_cheb_rate(lang, rxn, write_defns=True): """ Given a reaction, and a temperature and pressure, this routine will generate code to evaluate the Chebyshev rate efficiently. Note ---- Assumes existence of variables dot_prod* of sized at least rxn.cheb_n_temp Pred and Tred, T and pres, and kf, cheb_temp_0 and cheb_temp_1. Parameters ---------- lang : str Programming language rxn : `ReacInfo` Reaction with Chebyshev pressure dependence. write_defns : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), write calculation of ``Tred`` and ``Pred``. Returns ------- line : list of `str` Line with evaluation of Chebyshev reaction rate. """ line_list = [] tlim_inv_sum = 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[0] + 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[1] tlim_inv_sub = 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[1] - 1.0 / rxn.cheb_tlim[0] if write_defns: line_list.append( 'Tred = ((2.0 / T) - ' + '{:.8e}) / {:.8e}'.format(tlim_inv_sum, tlim_inv_sub) ) plim_log_sum = (math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[0]) + math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[1]) ) plim_log_sub = (math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[1]) - math.log10(rxn.cheb_plim[0]) ) if write_defns: line_list.append( 'Pred = (2.0 * log10(pres) - ' + '{:.8e}) / {:.8e}'.format(plim_log_sum, plim_log_sub) ) line_list.append('cheb_temp_0 = 1') line_list.append('cheb_temp_1 = Pred') #start pressure dot product for i in range(rxn.cheb_n_temp): line_list.append(utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', i) + '= {:.8e} + Pred * {:.8e}'.format(rxn.cheb_par[i, 0], rxn.cheb_par[i, 1])) #finish pressure dot product update_one = True for j in range(2, rxn.cheb_n_pres): if update_one: new = 1 old = 0 else: new = 0 old = 1 line = 'cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line += ' = 2 * Pred * cheb_temp_{}'.format(new) line += ' - cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line_list.append(line) for i in range(rxn.cheb_n_temp): line_list.append(utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', i) + ' += {:.8e} * cheb_temp_{}'.format( rxn.cheb_par[i, j], old)) update_one = not update_one line_list.append('cheb_temp_0 = 1') line_list.append('cheb_temp_1 = Tred') #finally, do the temperature portion line_list.append('kf = ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', 0) + ' + Tred * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', 1)) update_one = True for i in range(2, rxn.cheb_n_temp): if update_one: new = 1 old = 0 else: new = 0 old = 1 line = 'cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line += ' = 2 * Tred * cheb_temp_{}'.format(new) line += ' - cheb_temp_{}'.format(old) line_list.append(line) line_list.append('kf += ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dot_prod', i) + ' * ' + 'cheb_temp_{}'.format(old)) update_one = not update_one line_list.append('kf = ' + utils.exp_10_fun[lang] + 'kf)') line_list = [utils.line_start + line + utils.line_end[lang] for line in line_list] return ''.join(line_list)
[docs]def write_rxn_rates(path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_rxn_mapping, smm=None, auto_diff=False): """Write reaction rate subroutine. Includes conditionals for reversible reactions. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in the mechanism. reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of reactions in the mechanism. fwd_rxn_mapping : List of integers The index of the reaction in the original mechanism smm : `shared_memory_manager`, optional If not ``None`` (default), `shared_memory_manager` for CUDA optimizations auto_diff : Optional[bool] If ``True``, generate files for Adept autodifferention library. Returns ------- None """ num_s = len(specs) num_r = len(reacs) rev_reacs = [i for i, rxn in enumerate(reacs) if rxn.rev] num_rev = len(rev_reacs) pdep_reacs = [i for i, rxn in enumerate(reacs) if rxn.thd_body or rxn.pdep] pre = '__device__ ' if lang == 'cuda' else '' file_prefix = 'ad_' if auto_diff else '' pres_ref = '&' if auto_diff else '' file = open(os.path.join(path, '{}rates'.format(file_prefix) + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w') file.write('#ifndef RATES_HEAD\n' '#define RATES_HEAD\n' '\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' ) if lang == 'cuda': file.write('#include "gpu_memory.cuh"\n') double_type = 'double' if auto_diff: double_type = 'adouble' file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') cuda_cheb = any(rxn.cheb for rxn in reacs) and lang == 'cuda' line = ('{0}void eval_rxn_rates (const {1},' ' const {1}{2}, const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}' + (', {1} * {3}' if cuda_cheb else '') +');\n' '{0}void eval_spec_rates (const {1} * {3},' ' const {1} * {3}, const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3});\n') file.write(line.format(pre, double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang])) if pdep_reacs: file.write('{0}void get_rxn_pres_mod (const {1}, const ' '{1}{2}, const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3});\n'.format( pre, double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) ) file.write('\n') file.write('#endif\n') file.close() filename = file_prefix + 'rxn_rates' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') do_unroll = False if lang == 'cuda' and len(reacs) > CUDAParams.Rates_Unroll: # make paths for separate rate files utils.create_dir(os.path.join(path, 'rates')) rate_count = 0 do_unroll = True next_file = 0 get_array = utils.get_array if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: smm.reset() get_array = smm.get_array if not do_unroll: smm.write_init(file, indent=2) def write_header(lang, rate_count): """Writes reaction rate header file. Parameters ---------- lang : str Programming language rate_count : int Number of reaction rate files. Returns ------- None """ with open(os.path.join(path, 'rates', 'rxn_rates_{}{}'.format( rate_count, utils.header_ext[lang])), 'w') as file: line = ('#ifndef RATES_HEAD_{0}\n' '#define RATES_HEAD_{0}\n' '\n' '#include "header{1}"\n' '\n' ).format(rate_count, utils.header_ext[lang]) file.write(line) pre = ' ' if lang == 'c' else '__device__ ' line = ('{0}void eval_rxn_rates_{4}(const {1},' ' const {1}{2}, const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}' ) if cuda_cheb: line += ', {1} * {3}' line += ');\n' file.write(line.format( pre, double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang], rate_count)) file.write('#endif\n') def write_sub_intro(file, defines, start, end, rate_count=None): """Write introduction to reaction rate subroutine. Parameters ---------- file : file Open file for reaction rate subroutines defines : bool If ``True``, write variable definitions start : int Index of initial reaction for this subroutine end : int Index of final reaction for this subroutine rate_count : int, optional Number of reaction rate files. Returns ------- None """ pre = ' ' line = '' if lang == 'cuda': line = '__device__ ' my_reacs = reacs[start:end] if not defines: file.write('#include "rates/rates_include{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('#include "{}rates'.format( file_prefix) + utils.header_ext[lang] + '"\n') if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') line += ('void eval_rxn_rates{0} (const {1} T, const {1}{2} pres,' ' const {1} * {3} C, {1} * {3} fwd_rxn_rates, ' '{1} * {3} rev_rxn_rates{4}) {{\n'.format( '_{}'.format(rate_count) if rate_count is not None else '', double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang], ', {} * {} dot_prod'.format(double_type, utils.restrict[lang]) if cuda_cheb else '' ) ) elif lang == 'fortran': line += ('subroutine eval_rxn_rates(T, pres, C, fwd_rxn_rates,' ' rev_rxn_rates)\n\n' ) # fortran needs type declarations line += (' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: ' 'T, pres, C({})\n'.format(num_s) ) line += (' double precision, intent(out) :: ' 'fwd_rxn_rates({}), '.format(num_r) + 'rev_rxn_rates({})\n'.format(num_rev) ) line += (' \n' ' double precision :: logT\n' ) kf_flag = True if rev_reacs and any([not r.rev_par for r in my_reacs]): line += ' double precision :: kf, Kc\n' kf_flag = False if any([rxn.cheb for rxn in my_reacs]): if kf_flag: line += ' double precision :: kf, Tred, Pred\n' kf_flag = False else: line += ' double precision :: Tred, Pred\n' if any([rxn.plog for rxn in my_reacs]): if kf_flag: line += ' double precision :: kf, kf2\n' kf_flag = False else: line += ' double precision :: kf2\n' line += '\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += ('function [fwd_rxn_rates, rev_rxn_rates] = ' 'eval_rxn_rates (T, pres, C)\n\n' ' fwd_rxn_rates = zeros({},1);\n'.format(num_r) + ' rev_rxn_rates = fwd_rxn_rates;\n' ) file.write(line) if smm is not None: smm.reset() if defines: smm.write_init(file, indent=2) if defines: if lang == 'c': pre += double_type + ' ' elif lang == 'cuda': pre += 'register {} '.format(double_type) line = (pre + 'logT = log(T)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) file.write('\n') kf_flag = True if rev_reacs and any([not r.rev_par for r in my_reacs]): kf_flag = False if lang == 'c': file.write(' {0} kf;\n' ' {0} Kc;\n'.format(double_type) ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' register double kf;\n' ' register double Kc;\n' ) if any([rxn.cheb for rxn in my_reacs]): # Other variables needed for Chebyshev if lang == 'c': if kf_flag: file.write(' {0} kf;\n'.format(double_type)) kf_flag = False file.write(' {0} Tred;\n' ' {0} Pred;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(utils.line_start + '{0} cheb_temp_0, cheb_temp_1'.format( double_type) + utils.line_end[lang] ) dim = max(rxn.cheb_n_temp for rxn in my_reacs if rxn.cheb) file.write(utils.line_start + '{0} dot_prod[{1}]'.format(double_type, dim) + utils.line_end[lang]) elif lang == 'cuda': if kf_flag: file.write(' register double kf;\n') kf_flag = False file.write(' register double Tred;\n' ' register double Pred;\n') file.write(utils.line_start + 'double cheb_temp_0, cheb_temp_1' + utils.line_end[lang] ) if any([rxn.plog for rxn in my_reacs]): # Variables needed for Plog if lang == 'c': if kf_flag: file.write(' {0} kf;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' {0} kf2;\n'.format(double_type)) if lang == 'cuda': if kf_flag: file.write(' register double kf;\n') file.write(' register double kf2;\n') file.write('\n') rrange = (0, len(reacs)) if not do_unroll else (0, CUDAParams.Rates_Unroll) write_sub_intro(file, not do_unroll, rrange[0], rrange[1]) def __get_arrays(sp, factor=1.0): # put together all our coeffs lo_array = [nu * factor] + [ sp.lo[6], sp.lo[0], sp.lo[0] - 1.0, sp.lo[1] / 2.0, sp.lo[2] / 6.0, sp.lo[3] / 12.0, sp.lo[4] / 20.0, sp.lo[5] ] lo_array = [x * lo_array[0] for x in [lo_array[1] - lo_array[2]] + lo_array[3:] ] hi_array = [nu * factor] + [ sp.hi[6], sp.hi[0], sp.hi[0] - 1.0, sp.hi[1] / 2.0, sp.hi[2] / 6.0, sp.hi[3] / 12.0, sp.hi[4] / 20.0, sp.hi[5] ] hi_array = [x * hi_array[0] for x in [hi_array[1] - hi_array[2]] + hi_array[3:] ] return lo_array, hi_array for i_rxn in range(len(reacs)): if do_unroll and i_rxn == next_file: file_store = file file = open(os.path.join(path, 'rates', 'rxn_rates_{}{}'.format( rate_count, utils.file_ext[lang])), 'w') next_file = min(len(reacs), i_rxn + CUDAParams.Rates_Unroll) write_sub_intro(file, True, i_rxn + 1, next_file, rate_count) rate_count += 1 file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + 'rxn {}'.format(fwd_rxn_mapping[i_rxn]) + '\n') rxn = reacs[i_rxn] if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: indexes = sorted(list(set(rxn.reac + the_vars = [shared.variable('C', index) for index in indexes] # estimate usages as the number of consequitive reactions usages = [] for sp_i in indexes: temp = i_rxn + 1 while (temp < len(reacs) and sp_i in set(reacs[temp].reac + reacs[temp].prod) ): temp += 1 usages.append(temp - i_rxn - 1) smm.load_into_shared(file, the_vars, usages) # if reversible, save forward rate constant for use if rxn.rev and not rxn.rev_par and not (rxn.cheb or rxn.plog): line = (' kf = ' + rxn_rate_const(rxn.A, rxn.b, rxn.E) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) elif rxn.cheb: file.write(get_cheb_rate(lang, rxn)) elif rxn.plog: # Special forward rate evaluation for Plog reacions vals = rxn.plog_par[0] file.write(' if (pres <= {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(vals[0])) line = (' kf = ' + rxn_rate_const(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3])) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) for idx, vals in enumerate(rxn.plog_par[:-1]): vals2 = rxn.plog_par[idx + 1] line = (' }} else if ((pres > {:.4e}) '.format(vals[0]) + '&& (pres <= {:.4e})) {{\n'.format(vals2[0])) file.write(line) line = (' kf = log(' + rxn_rate_const(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3]) + ')' ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) line = (' kf2 = log(' + rxn_rate_const(vals2[1], vals2[2], vals2[3]) + ')' ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) pres_log_diff = math.log(vals2[0]) - math.log(vals[0]) line = (' kf = exp(kf + (kf2 - kf) * (log(pres) - ' + '{:.16e}) / '.format(math.log(vals[0])) + '{:.16e})'.format(pres_log_diff) ) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) vals = rxn.plog_par[-1] file.write(' }} else if (pres > {:.4e}) {{\n'.format(vals[0])) line = (' kf = ' + rxn_rate_const(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3])) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' }\n') line = ' ' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rxn_rates', i_rxn) + ' = ' # reactants for i, isp in enumerate(rxn.reac): nu = rxn.reac_nu[i] # check if stoichiometric coefficient is double or integer if utils.is_integer(nu): # integer, so just use multiplication for i in range(int(nu)): line += '' + get_array(lang, 'C', isp) + ' * ' else: line += ('pow(' + get_array(lang, 'C', isp) + ', {}) *'.format(nu) ) # Rate constant: print if not reversible, or reversible but # with explicit reverse parameters. if (rxn.rev and not rxn.rev_par) or rxn.plog or rxn.cheb: line += 'kf' else: line += rxn_rate_const(rxn.A, rxn.b, rxn.E) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if rxn.rev: if not rxn.rev_par: # line = ' Kc = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] # file.write(line) # sum of stoichiometric coefficients sum_nu = 0 coeffs = {} # go through product species for isp, prod_sp in enumerate( # check if species also in reactants if prod_sp in rxn.reac: isp2 = rxn.reac.index(prod_sp) nu = rxn.prod_nu[isp] - rxn.reac_nu[isp2] else: nu = rxn.prod_nu[isp] # Skip species with zero overall # stoichiometric coefficient. if (nu == 0): continue sum_nu += nu # get species object sp = specs[prod_sp] if not sp: print('Error: species ' + prod_sp + ' in reaction ' '{} not found.\n'.format(i_rxn) ) sys.exit() lo_array, hi_array = __get_arrays(sp) if not sp.Trange[1] in coeffs: coeffs[sp.Trange[1]] = lo_array, hi_array else: coeffs[sp.Trange[1]] = [ lo_array[i] + coeffs[sp.Trange[1]][0][i] for i in range(len(lo_array)) ], [ hi_array[i] + coeffs[sp.Trange[1]][1][i] for i in range(len(hi_array)) ] # now loop through reactants for isp, reac_sp in enumerate(rxn.reac): # Check if species also in products; # if so, already considered). if reac_sp in continue nu = rxn.reac_nu[isp] sum_nu -= nu # get species object sp = specs[reac_sp] if not sp: print('Error: species ' + reac_sp + ' in reaction ' '{} not found.\n'.format(i_rxn) ) sys.exit() lo_array, hi_array = __get_arrays(sp, factor=-1.0) if not sp.Trange[1] in coeffs: coeffs[sp.Trange[1]] = lo_array, hi_array else: coeffs[sp.Trange[1]] = [ lo_array[i] + coeffs[sp.Trange[1]][0][i] for i in range(len(lo_array)) ], [hi_array[i] + coeffs[sp.Trange[1]][1][i] for i in range(len(hi_array)) ] isFirst = True for T_mid in coeffs: # need temperature conditional for equilibrium constants line = ' if (T <= {:})'.format(T_mid) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) lo_array, hi_array = coeffs[T_mid] if isFirst: line = ' Kc = ' else: if lang in ['cuda', 'c']: line = ' Kc += ' else: line = ' Kc = Kc + ' line += ('({:.16e} + '.format(lo_array[0]) + '{:.16e} * '.format(lo_array[1]) + 'logT + T * (' '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(lo_array[2]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(lo_array[3]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(lo_array[4]) + '{:.16e} * T))) - '.format(lo_array[5]) + '{:.16e} / T)'.format(lo_array[6]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') if isFirst: line = ' Kc = ' else: if lang in ['cuda', 'c']: line = ' Kc += ' else: line = ' Kc = Kc + ' line += ('({:.16e} + '.format(hi_array[0]) + '{:.16e} * '.format(hi_array[1]) + 'logT + T * (' '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(hi_array[2]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(hi_array[3]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(hi_array[4]) + '{:.16e} * T))) - '.format(hi_array[5]) + '{:.16e} / T)'.format(hi_array[6]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') isFirst = False line = (' Kc = ' '{:.16e}'.format((chem.PA / chem.RU) ** sum_nu) + ' * exp(Kc)' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = ' ' + get_array(lang, 'rev_rxn_rates', rev_reacs.index(i_rxn) ) + ' = ' # reactants (products from forward reaction) for isp in nu = rxn.prod_nu[] # check if stoichiometric coefficient is double or integer if utils.is_integer(nu): # integer, so just use multiplication for i in range(int(nu)): line += '' + get_array(lang, 'C', isp) + ' * ' else: line += ('pow(' + get_array(lang, 'C', isp) + ', {}) * '.format(nu) ) # rate constant if rxn.rev_par: # explicit reverse Arrhenius parameters line += rxn_rate_const(rxn.rev_par[0], rxn.rev_par[1], rxn.rev_par[2] ) else: # use equilibrium constant line += 'kf / Kc' line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write('\n') if do_unroll and (i_rxn == next_file - 1 or i_rxn == len(reacs) - 1): file.write('}\n\n') file.close() file = file_store file.write(' eval_rxn_rates_{}(T, pres, C, fwd_rxn_rates, rev_rxn_rates{})'.format( rate_count - 1, ', dot_prod' if cuda_cheb else '') + utils.line_end[lang]) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_rxn_rates\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_rxn_rates\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') if do_unroll: with open(os.path.join(path, 'rates', 'rates_include' + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w') as file: file.write('#ifndef RATES_INCLUDE_{}\n'.format(lang)) file.write('#define RATES_INCLUDE_{}\n'.format(lang)) for i in range(rate_count): file.write('#include "rxn_rates_{}{}"\n'.format(i, utils.header_ext[lang])) file.write('\n') file.write('#endif\n') for i in range(rate_count): write_header(lang, i) with open(os.path.join(path, 'rates', 'rate_list_{}'.format(lang)), 'w') as file: file.write(' '.join(['rxn_rates_{}{}'.format(i, utils.file_ext[lang]) for i in range(rate_count)]) ) file.close() return
[docs]def write_rxn_pressure_mod(path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_rxn_mapping, smm=None, auto_diff=False ): """Write subroutine to for reaction pressure dependence modifications. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Language type. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in mechanism. reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of reactions in mechanism. fwd_rxn_mapping : List of int The order of the reaction in the original mechanism smm : `shared_memory_manager`, optional If not ```None```, `shared_memory_manager` to use for CUDA optimizations auto_diff : bool, optional If ```True```, generate files for Adept autodifferention library. Returns ------- None """ double_type = 'double' file_prefix = '' pres_ref = '' if auto_diff: double_type = 'adouble' file_prefix = 'ad_' pres_ref = '&' filename = file_prefix + 'rxn_rates_pres_mod' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') # headers if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('#include <math.h>\n' '#include "header{1}"\n' '#include "{0}rates{1}"\n'.format(file_prefix, utils.header_ext[lang]) ) if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n' '#define fmax(a, b) (a.value() > b ? a : adouble(b))\n') file.write('\n') # list of reactions with third-body or pressure-dependence pdep_reacs = [] thd_flag = False pdep_flag = False troe_flag = False sri_flag = False for i_rxn, reac in enumerate(reacs): if reac.thd_body: # add reaction index to list thd_flag = True pdep_reacs.append(i_rxn) elif reac.pdep: # add reaction index to list pdep_flag = True pdep_reacs.append(i_rxn) if reac.troe and not troe_flag: troe_flag = True if reac.sri and not sri_flag: sri_flag = True line = '' if lang == 'cuda': line = '__device__ ' if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ('void get_rxn_pres_mod (const {0} T, const {0}{1} pres, ' 'const {0} * {2} C, {0} * {2} pres_mod) {{\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) ) elif lang == 'fortran': line += 'subroutine get_rxn_pres_mod ( T, pres, C, pres_mod )\n\n' # fortran needs type declarations line += (' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: T, pres, ' 'C({})\n'.format(len(specs)) + ' double precision, intent(out) :: ' 'pres_mod({})\n'.format(len(pdep_reacs)) + ' \n' ' double precision :: logT, m\n') elif lang == 'matlab': line += ('function pres_mod = get_rxn_pres_mod (T, pres, C)\n\n' ' pres_mod = zeros({},1);\n'.format(len(pdep_reacs)) ) file.write(line) get_array = utils.get_array if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: smm.reset() get_array = smm.get_array smm.write_init(file, indent=2) # declarations for third-body variables if thd_flag or pdep_flag: if lang == 'c': file.write(' // third body variable declaration\n' ' {0} thd;\n\n'.format(double_type) ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' // third body variable declaration\n' ' register double thd;\n' '\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! third body variable declaration\n' ' double precision :: thd\n' ) # declarations for pressure-dependence variables if pdep_flag: if lang == 'c': file.write(' // pressure dependence variable declarations\n' ' {0} k0;\n' ' {0} kinf;\n' ' {0} Pr;\n' '\n'.format(double_type) ) if troe_flag: # troe variables file.write(' // troe variable declarations\n' ' {0} logFcent;\n' ' {0} A;\n' ' {0} B;\n' '\n'.format(double_type) ) if sri_flag: # sri variables file.write(' // sri variable declarations\n') file.write(' {0} X;\n' '\n'.format(double_type) ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' // pressure dependence variable declarations\n') file.write(' register double k0;\n' ' register double kinf;\n' ' register double Pr;\n' '\n' ) if troe_flag: # troe variables file.write(' // troe variable declarations\n' ' register double logFcent;\n' ' register double A;\n' ' register double B;\n' '\n' ) if sri_flag: # sri variables file.write(' // sri variable declarations\n') file.write(' register double X;\n' '\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! pressure dependence variable declarations\n' ' double precision :: k0, kinf, Pr\n' '\n' ) if troe_flag: # troe variables file.write(' ! troe variable declarations\n' ' double precision :: logFcent, A, B\n' '\n' ) if sri_flag: # sri variables file.write(' ! sri variable declarations\n') file.write(' double precision :: X\n' '\n') if lang == 'c': file.write(' {} logT = log(T);\n' ' {} m = pres / ({:.8e} * T);\n'.format(double_type, double_type, chem.RU) ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' register double logT = log(T);\n' ' register double m = pres / (' '{:.8e} * T);\n'.format(chem.RU) ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' logT = log(T)\n' ' m = pres / ({:.8e} * T)\n'.format(chem.RU) ) elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' logT = log(T);\n' ' m = pres / ({:.8e} * T);\n'.format(chem.RU) ) file.write('\n') pind = 0 # loop through third-body and pressure-dependent reactions for rind in range(len(reacs)): reac = reacs[rind] # index in reaction list if not (reac.pdep or reac.thd_body): continue printind = fwd_rxn_mapping[rind] # print reaction index if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line = ' // reaction ' + str(printind) elif lang == 'fortran': line = ' ! reaction ' + str(printind + 1) elif lang == 'matlab': line = ' % reaction ' + str(printind + 1) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if reac.thd_body_eff: if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: the_vars = [] indexes = sorted([sp[0] for sp in reac.thd_body_eff if sp[1] != 1.0] ) the_vars = [shared.variable('C', index) for index in indexes] # estimate usages as the number of consecutive reactions usages = [] for sp_i in indexes: temp = i_rxn + 1 count = 0 while temp < len(reacs): rxn = reacs[temp] if sp_i in set([x[0] for x in rxn.thd_body_eff if sp[1] != 1.0] ): count += 1 else: break temp += 1 usages.append(count) smm.load_into_shared(file, the_vars, usages) # third-body reaction if reac.thd_body: line = ' ' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pind) + ' = m' for sp in reac.thd_body_eff: if sp[1] == 1.0: continue elif sp[1] > 1.0: line += ' + {}'.format(sp[1] - 1.0) elif sp[1] < 1.0: line += ' - {}'.format(1.0 - sp[1]) line += ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'C', sp[0]) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # pressure dependence if reac.pdep: if reac.pdep_sp is None: line = ' thd = m' for sp in reac.thd_body_eff: if sp[1] == 1.0: continue elif sp[1] > 1.0: line += ' + {}'.format(sp[1] - 1.0) elif sp[1] < 1.0: line += ' - {}'.format(1.0 - sp[1]) line += ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'C', sp[0]) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # low-pressure limit rate line = ' k0 = ' if reac.low: line += rxn_rate_const(reac.low[0], reac.low[1], reac.low[2] ) else: line += rxn_rate_const(reac.A, reac.b, reac.E) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # high-pressure limit rate line = ' kinf = ' if reac.high: line += rxn_rate_const(reac.high[0], reac.high[1], reac.high[2] ) else: line += rxn_rate_const(reac.A, reac.b, reac.E) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # reduced pressure if reac.pdep_sp is not None: line = (' Pr = k0 * ' + get_array(lang, 'C', reac.pdep_sp) + ' / kinf' ) else: line = ' Pr = k0 * thd / kinf' line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) simple = False if reac.troe: # Troe form line = (' logFcent = log10( fmax(' '{:.8e} * '.format(1.0 - reac.troe_par[0]) ) if reac.troe_par[1] > 0.0: line += 'exp(-T / {:.8e})'.format(reac.troe_par[1]) else: line += 'exp(T / {:.8e})'.format(abs(reac.troe_par[1])) line += ' + {:.8e} * '.format(reac.troe_par[0]) if reac.troe_par[2] > 0.0: line += 'exp(-T / {:.8e})'.format(reac.troe_par[2]) else: line += 'exp(T / {:.8e})'.format(abs(reac.troe_par[2])) if len(reac.troe_par) == 4 and reac.troe_par[3] != 0.0: line += ' + ' if reac.troe_par[3] > 0.0: line += 'exp(-{:.8e} / T)'.format(reac.troe_par[3]) else: line += 'exp({:.8e} / T)'.format(abs(reac.troe_par[3])) line += ', 1.0e-300))' + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) line = (' A = log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)) - ' '0.67 * logFcent - 0.4' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = (' B = 0.806 - 1.1762 * logFcent - ' '0.14 * log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300))' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = (' ' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pind) + ' = ' + utils.exp_10_fun[lang] ) line += 'logFcent / (1.0 + A * A / (B * B))) ' elif reac.sri: # SRI form line = (' X = 1.0 / (1.0 + log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)) * ' 'log10(fmax(Pr, 1.0e-300)))' + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) line = ' ' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pind) line += ' = pow({:.6} * '.format(reac.sri_par[0]) # Need to check for negative parameters, and # skip "-" sign if so. if reac.sri_par[1] > 0.0: line += 'exp(-{:.6} / T)'.format(reac.sri_par[1]) else: line += 'exp({:.6} / T)'.format(abs(reac.sri_par[1])) if reac.sri_par[2] > 0.0: line += ' + exp(-T / {:.6}), X) '.format(reac.sri_par[2]) else: line += ' + exp(T / {:.6}), X) '.format(abs(reac.sri_par[2])) if (len(reac.sri_par) == 5 and reac.sri_par[3] != 1.0 and reac.sri_par[4] != 0.0): line += ('* {:.8e} * '.format(reac.sri_par[3]) + 'pow(T, {:.6}) '.format(reac.sri_par[4]) ) else: # simple falloff fn (i.e. F = 1) simple = True line = ' ' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pind) + ' = ' # regardless of F formulation if reac.low: # unimolecular/recombination fall-off reaction line += ' Pr / (1.0 + Pr)' elif reac.high: # chemically-activated bimolecular reaction line += '1.0 / (1.0 + Pr)' if not simple: # regardless of F formulation if reac.low: # unimolecular/recombination fall-off reaction line += '* Pr / (1.0 + Pr)' elif reac.high: # chemically-activated bimolecular reaction line += '/ (1.0 + Pr)' line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) # space in between each reaction file.write('\n') pind += 1 if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end get_rxn_pres_mod\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine get_rxn_pres_mod\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') file.close() return
[docs]def write_spec_rates(path, lang, specs, reacs, fwd_spec_mapping, fwd_rxn_mapping, smm=None, auto_diff=False): """Write subroutine to evaluate species rates of production. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in mechanism. reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of reactions in mechanism. fwd_spec_mapping : list of int the index of the species in the original mechanism fwd_rxn_mapping : list of int the index of the reactions in the original mechanism smm : shared_memory_manager, optional If not ```None```, `shared_memory_manager` to use for CUDA optimizations auto_diff : bool, optional If ```True```, generate files for Adept autodifferention library. Returns ------- seen : list of `bool`, ``True`` if species rate i is not identically zero """ double_type = 'double' file_prefix ='' if auto_diff: double_type = 'adouble' file_prefix = 'ad_' filename = file_prefix + 'spec_rates' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) ) #if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: # file.write('#include <assert.h>\n') if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') file.write('#include "{}rates{}"\n'.format(file_prefix, utils.header_ext[lang])) file.write('\n') num_s = len(specs) num_r = len(reacs) rev_reacs = [i for i, rxn in enumerate(reacs) if rxn.rev] num_rev = len(rev_reacs) # pressure dependent reactions pdep_reacs = [] for i_rxn, reac in enumerate(reacs): if reac.thd_body or reac.pdep: # add reaction index to list pdep_reacs.append(i_rxn) line = '' if lang == 'cuda': line = '__device__ ' if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ('void eval_spec_rates (const {0} * {1} fwd_rates,' ' const {0} * {1} rev_rates, const {0} * {1} pres_mod,' ' {0} * {1} sp_rates, {0} * {1} dy_N) {{\n'.format(double_type, utils.restrict[lang]) ) elif lang == 'fortran': line += ('subroutine eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates, rev_rates,' ' pres_mod, sp_rates, dy_N)\n\n' ) # fortran needs type declarations line += ' implicit none\n' line += (' double precision, intent(in) :: ' 'fwd_rates({0}), rev_rates({0}), '.format(num_r) + 'pres_mod({})\n'.format(len(pdep_reacs)) ) line += (' double precision, intent(out) :: ' 'sp_rates({}), dy_N\n'.format(num_s) + '\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': line += ('function sp_rates = eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates,' ' rev_rates, pres_mod, dy_N)\n\n' ) line += ' sp_rates = zeros({},1);\n'.format(len(specs)) file.write(line) def __get_var(spind): if spind + 1 == len(specs): line = ' ' + get_array(lang, '(*dy_N)', None) else: line = ' ' + get_array(lang, 'sp_rates', spind) return line def __get_smm_var(sp): return shared.variable('sp_rates', sp) if sp + 1 != len(specs) \ else shared.variable('(*dy_N)', None) #if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: # file.write(' assert(threadIdx.x + {} * blockDim.x < {});\n'.format( # smm.shared_per_thread - 1, smm.shared_per_block)) first_use = [True for spec in specs] first_smem_use = {} seen = [False for spec in specs] new_loads = [] def __on_eviction(sp, shared, shared_ind): index = len(specs) - 1 if sp.index is None else sp.index file.write(' {} {}= {}'.format(sp.to_string(), # is only a += if the species in question has been updated # previously '+' if not first_use[index] else '', shared) + utils.line_end[lang]) first_use[index] = False get_array = utils.get_array if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: smm.reset() get_array = smm.get_array smm.write_init(file, indent=2) smm.set_on_eviction(__on_eviction) #loop through reaction for rind in range(len(reacs)): print_ind = fwd_rxn_mapping[rind] file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + 'rxn {}'.format(print_ind) + '\n') rxn = reacs[rind] #get allowed species my_specs = [x for x in set(rxn.reac + if utils.get_nu(x, rxn) != 0.] if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: the_vars = [__get_smm_var(sp) for sp in my_specs] # estimate usages usages = [] for sp in set(rxn.reac + temp = rind + 1 while (temp < len(reacs) and utils.get_nu(sp, reacs[temp])) != 0.: temp += 1 usages.append(temp - rind - 1) first_smem_use = smm.load_into_shared(file, the_vars, usages, load=False ) # loop through species for spind in my_specs: sp = specs[spind] #find nu nu = utils.get_nu(spind, rxn) if nu == 0.0: continue file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + 'sp {}'.format(fwd_spec_mapping[spind]) + '\n' ) sign = '-' if nu < 0 else '+' line = __get_var(spind) if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: tempvar = __get_smm_var(spind) smem_ind, smem_var = smm.get_index(tempvar) if smem_ind is not None: #this is loaded into shared memory if first_smem_use[smem_ind]: #if it's the first time the value has been used #use an ='s line += ' = {}'.format(sign if sign == '-' else '') else: #otherwise +/- = line += ' {}= '.format(sign) first_smem_use[smem_ind] = False else: #this is not loaded into shared memory if first_use[spind]: #if it's the first time the value has been used #use an ='s line += ' = {}'.format(sign if sign == '-' else '') else: #otherwise +/- = line += ' {}= '.format(sign) first_use[spind] = False else: line += ' {}= '.format(sign if not first_use[spind] else '') if not seen[spind] and nu < 0: line += sign first_use[spind] = False nu = abs(nu) if nu != 1.0: if utils.is_integer(nu): line += '{} * '.format(float(nu)) else: line += '{:3} * '.format(nu) if rxn.rev: rxn_out = ( '(' + get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rind) + ' - ' + get_array(lang, 'rev_rates', rev_reacs.index(rind)) + ')' ) else: rxn_out = get_array(lang, 'fwd_rates', rind) seen[spind] = True # pressure dependence modification if rxn.thd_body or rxn.pdep: pind = pdep_reacs.index(rind) rxn_out += ' * ' + get_array(lang, 'pres_mod', pind) # if lang == 'cuda': # rxn_out = get_array(lang, rxn_out, None, preformed=True) line += rxn_out # done with this species line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write('\n') for i, seen_sp in enumerate(seen): if not seen_sp: file.write(utils.line_start + utils.comment[lang] + 'sp {}'.format(fwd_spec_mapping[i]) + '\n') file.write(__get_var(i) + ' = 0.0' + utils.line_end[lang] ) if lang == 'cuda' and smm is not None: smm.force_eviction() smm.set_on_eviction(None) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_spec_rates\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_spec_rates\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') file.close() return seen
[docs]def write_chem_utils(path, lang, specs, auto_diff): """Write subroutine to evaluate species thermodynamic properties. Notes ----- Thermodynamic properties include: enthalpy, energy, specific heat (constant pressure and volume). Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in the mechanism. auto_diff : bool, optional If ``True``, generate files for Adept autodifferention library. Returns ------- None """ file_prefix = '' double_type = 'double' pres_ref = '' if auto_diff: file_prefix = 'ad_' double_type = 'adouble' pres_ref = '&' num_s = len(specs) pre = '__device__ ' if lang == 'cuda' else '' file = open(os.path.join(path, file_prefix + 'chem_utils' + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w') file.write('#ifndef CHEM_UTILS_HEAD\n' '#define CHEM_UTILS_HEAD\n' '\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' ) if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') if lang == 'cuda': file.write('#include "gpu_memory.cuh"\n') file.write( '{0}void eval_conc (const {1}{2}, const {1}{2}, ' 'const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3});\n' '{0}void eval_conc_rho (const {1}{2}, const {1}{2}, ' 'const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}, {1} * {3});\n' '{0}void eval_h (const {1}{2}, {1} * {3});\n' '{0}void eval_u (const {1}{2}, {1} * {3});\n' '{0}void eval_cv (const {1}{2}, {1} * {3});\n' '{0}void eval_cp (const {1}{2}, {1} * {3});\n' '\n' '#endif\n'.format(pre, double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) ) file.close() filename = file_prefix + 'chem_utils' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])) file.write('#include "{}chem_utils{}"\n'.format(file_prefix, utils.header_ext[lang])) if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') file.write('\n') ################################### # species concentrations subroutine ################################### line = pre if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ('void eval_conc (const {0}{1} T, const {0}{1} pres, ' 'const {0} * {2} y, {0} * {2} y_N, {0} * {2} mw_avg, ' '{0} * {2} rho, {0} * {2} conc) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) ) elif lang == 'fortran': line += ( # fortran needs type declarations 'subroutine eval_conc (T, pres, y, y_N, ' 'mw_avg, rho, conc)\n\n' ' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: T, pres, ' 'mass_frac\n'.format(num_s) + ' double precision, intent(out) :: y_N, mw_avg, ' 'rho, conc({})\n'.format(num_s) + '\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': line += ('function conc = eval_conc (T, pres, y, y_N, ' 'mw_avg, rho, conc)\n\n' ) file.write(line) isfirst = True # Get mass fraction of last species file.write(' // mass fraction of final species\n') line = ' *y_N = 1.0 - (' for isp in range(len(specs[:-1])): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp) isfirst = False line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # calculation of mw avg line = ' *mw_avg = ' isfirst = True for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += '(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp) + ' * {:.16e})'.format(1.0 / isfirst = False line += ' + ((*y_N) * {:.16e})'.format(1.0 / specs[-1].mw) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write(' *mw_avg = 1.0 / *mw_avg;\n') # calculation of density file.write(' // mass-averaged density\n') line = ' *rho = pres * (*mw_avg) / ({:.8e} * T)'.format(chem.RU) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # calculation of species molar concentrations # loop through species for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): line = utils.line_start + utils.get_array(lang, 'conc', isp) line += ' = ' line += '(*rho) * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp) line += ' * {:.16e}'.format(1.0 / + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) line = utils.line_start + utils.get_array(lang, 'conc', len(specs) - 1) line += ' = (*rho) * (*y_N) * '.format(len(specs) - 1) line += '{:.16e}'.format(1.0 / specs[-1].mw) + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line + '\n') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_conc\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_conc\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') ####################################################################### line = pre if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ('void eval_conc_rho (const {0}{1} T, const {0}{1} rho, ' 'const {0} * {2} y, {0} * {2} y_N, {0} * {2} mw_avg, ' '{0} * {2} pres, {0} * {2} conc) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) ) elif lang == 'fortran': line += ( # fortran needs type declarations 'subroutine eval_conc_rho (temp, rho, mass_frac, y_N, ' 'mw_avg, pres, conc)\n' ' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: ' 'T, rho, mass_frac({})\n'.format(num_s) + ' double precision, intent(out) :: ' 'conc({}), y_N, mw_avg, pres\n'.format(num_s) + '\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': line += ('function conc = eval_conc_rho (temp, rho, mass_frac, y_N, ' 'mw_avg, pres, conc)\n\n' ) file.write(line) # Get mass fraction of last species file.write(' // mass fraction of final species\n') line = ' *y_N = 1.0 - (' isfirst = True for isp in range(len(specs[:-1])): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp) isfirst = False line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # calculation of mw avg line = ' *mw_avg = ' isfirst = True for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += '(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp) + ' * {:.16e})'.format(1.0 / isfirst = False line += ' + ((*y_N) * {:.16e})'.format(1.0 / specs[-1].mw) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write(' *mw_avg = 1.0 / *mw_avg;\n') # calculation of pressure file.write(' // pressure\n') line = ' *pres = rho * {:.8e} * T / (*mw_avg)'.format(chem.RU) file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # calculation of species molar concentrations # loop through species for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): line = utils.line_start + utils.get_array(lang, 'conc', isp) line += ' = ' line += 'rho * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp) line += ' * {:.16e}'.format(1.0 / + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) line = utils.line_start + utils.get_array(lang, 'conc', len(specs) - 1) line += ' = rho * (*y_N) * '.format(len(specs) - 1) line += '{:.16e}'.format(1.0 / specs[-1].mw) + utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) file.write('\n') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_conc\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_conc\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') ###################### # enthalpy subroutine ###################### line = pre if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += 'void eval_h (const {0}{1} T, {0} * {2} h) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) elif lang == 'fortran': line += ('subroutine eval_h (T, h)\n\n' # fortran needs type declarations ' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: T\n' ' double precision, intent(out) :: h({})\n'.format(num_s) + '\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': line += 'function h = eval_h (T)\n\n' file.write(line) # loop through species for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): line = ' if (T <= {:})'.format(sp.Trange[1]) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'h', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[5]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[1] / 2.0) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[2] / 3.0) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.lo[3] / 4.0) + '{:.16e} * T)))))'.format(sp.lo[4] / 5.0) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'h', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[5]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[1] / 2.0) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[2] / 3.0) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.hi[3] / 4.0) + '{:.16e} * T)))))'.format(sp.hi[4] / 5.0) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_h\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_h\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') ################################# # internal energy subroutine ################################# line = pre if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += 'void eval_u (const {0}{1} T, {0} * {2} u) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) elif lang == 'fortran': line += ('subroutine eval_u (T, u)\n\n' # fortran needs type declarations ' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: T\n' ' double precision, intent(out) :: u({})\n'.format(num_s) + '\n') elif lang == 'matlab': line += 'function u = eval_u (T)\n\n' file.write(line) # loop through species for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): line = ' if (T <= {:})'.format(sp.Trange[1]) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'u', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[5]) + '{:.16e} - 1.0 + T * ('.format(sp.lo[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[1] / 2.0) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[2] / 3.0) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.lo[3] / 4.0) + '{:.16e} * T)))))'.format(sp.lo[4] / 5.0) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'u', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[5]) + '{:.16e} - 1.0 + T * ('.format(sp.hi[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[1] / 2.0) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[2] / 3.0) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.hi[3] / 4.0) + '{:.16e} * T)))))'.format(sp.hi[4] / 5.0) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_u\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_u\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') ################################## # cv subroutine ################################## if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line = pre + 'void eval_cv (const {0}{1} T, {0} * {2} cv) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) elif lang == 'fortran': line = ('subroutine eval_cv (T, cv)\n\n' # fortran needs type declarations ' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: T\n' ' double precision, intent(out) :: cv({})\n'.format(num_s) + '\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': line = 'function cv = eval_cv (T)\n\n' file.write(line) # loop through species for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): line = ' if (T <= {:})'.format(sp.Trange[1]) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cv', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} - 1.0 + T * ('.format(sp.lo[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[1]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[2]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.lo[3]) + '{:.16e} * T))))'.format(sp.lo[4]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cv', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} - 1.0 + T * ('.format(sp.hi[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[1]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[2]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.hi[3]) + '{:.16e} * T))))'.format(sp.hi[4]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_cv\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_cv\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') ############################### # cp subroutine ############################### if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line = pre + 'void eval_cp (const {0}{1} T, {0} * {2} cp) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) elif lang == 'fortran': line = ('subroutine eval_cp (T, cp)\n\n' # fortran needs type declarations ' implicit none\n' ' double precision, intent(in) :: T\n' ' double precision, intent(out) :: cp({})\n'.format(num_s) + '\n' ) elif lang == 'matlab': line = 'function cp = eval_cp (T)\n\n' file.write(line) # loop through species for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): line = ' if (T <= {:})'.format(sp.Trange[1]) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: line += ' {\n' elif lang == 'fortran': line += ' then\n' elif lang == 'matlab': line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cp', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[1]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.lo[2]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.lo[3]) + '{:.16e} * T))))'.format(sp.lo[4]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' } else {\n') elif lang in ['fortran', 'matlab']: file.write(' else\n') line = ' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cp', isp) line += (' = {:.16e} * '.format(chem.RU / + '({:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[0]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[1]) + '{:.16e} + T * ('.format(sp.hi[2]) + '{:.16e} + '.format(sp.hi[3]) + '{:.16e} * T))))'.format(sp.hi[4]) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' }\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' end if\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write(' end\n\n') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end eval_cp\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end subroutine eval_cp\n\n') elif lang == 'matlab': file.write('end\n\n') file.close() return
[docs]def write_derivs(path, lang, specs, reacs, specs_nonzero, auto_diff=False): """Writes derivative function file and header. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in the mechanism. reacs : list of `ReacInfo` List of reactions in the mechanism. specs_nonzero : list of bool List of `bool` indicating species with zero net production auto_diff : bool, optional If ``True``, generate files for Adept autodifferention library. Returns ------- None """ file_prefix = '' double_type = 'double' pres_ref = '' if auto_diff: file_prefix = 'ad_' double_type = 'adouble' pres_ref = '&' pre = '' if lang == 'cuda': pre = '__device__ ' # first write header file file = open(os.path.join(path, file_prefix + 'dydt' + utils.header_ext[lang]), 'w') file.write('#ifndef DYDT_HEAD\n' '#define DYDT_HEAD\n' '\n' '#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) + '\n' ) if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') file.write('{0}void dydt (const double, const {1}{2}, ' 'const {1} * {3}, {1} * {3}'.format(pre, double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang]) + ('' if lang == 'c' else ', const mechanism_memory * {}'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + ');\n' '\n' '#endif\n' ) file.close() filename = file_prefix + 'dydt' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') file.write('#include "header{}"\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang])) file.write('#include "{0}chem_utils{1}"\n' '#include "{0}rates{1}"\n'.format(file_prefix, utils.header_ext[lang])) if lang == 'cuda': file.write('#include "gpu_memory.cuh"\n' ) file.write('\n') if auto_diff: file.write('#include "adept.h"\n' 'using adept::adouble;\n') ################################################################## # constant pressure ################################################################## file.write('#if defined(CONP)\n\n') line = (pre + 'void dydt (const double t, const {0}{1} pres, ' 'const {0} * {2} y, {0} * {2} dy{3}) {{\n\n'.format( double_type, pres_ref, utils.restrict[lang], ', const mechanism_memory * {} d_mem'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) if lang == 'cuda' else '') ) file.write(line) # calculation of species molar concentrations file.write(' // species molar concentrations\n') file.write((' {0} conc[{1}]'.format(double_type, len(specs)) if lang != 'cuda' else ' double * {} conc = d_mem->conc'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(' {0} y_N;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' {0} mw_avg;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' {0} rho;\n'.format(double_type)) # Simply call subroutine file.write(' eval_conc (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', pres, &' + (utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 1) if lang != 'cuda' else 'y[GRID_DIM]') + ', ' '&y_N, &mw_avg, &rho, conc);\n\n' ) # evaluate reaction rates rev_reacs = [i for i, rxn in enumerate(reacs) if rxn.rev] if lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} fwd_rates = d_mem->fwd_rates'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) else: file.write(' // local arrays holding reaction rates\n' ' {} fwd_rates[{}];\n'.format(double_type, len(reacs)) ) if rev_reacs and lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} rev_rates = d_mem->rev_rates'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) elif rev_reacs: file.write(' {} rev_rates[{}];\n'.format(double_type, len(rev_reacs))) else: file.write(' {}* rev_rates = 0;\n'.format(double_type)) cheb = False if any(rxn.cheb for rxn in reacs) and lang == 'cuda': cheb = True file.write(' double * {} dot_prod = d_mem->dot_prod'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' eval_rxn_rates (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', pres, conc, fwd_rates, rev_rates{});\n\n'.format(', dot_prod' if cheb else '') ) # reaction pressure dependence num_dep_reacs = sum([rxn.thd_body or rxn.pdep for rxn in reacs]) if num_dep_reacs > 0: file.write(' // get pressure modifications to reaction rates\n') if lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} pres_mod = d_mem->pres_mod'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) else: file.write(' {} pres_mod[{}];\n'.format(double_type, num_dep_reacs)) file.write(' get_rxn_pres_mod (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', pres, conc, pres_mod);\n' ) else: file.write(' {}* pres_mod = 0;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write('\n') if lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} spec_rates = d_mem->spec_rates'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) # species rate of change of molar concentration file.write(' // evaluate species molar net production rates\n') if lang != 'cuda': file.write(' {} dy_N;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates, rev_rates, pres_mod, ') if lang == 'c': file.write('&' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', 1) + ', &dy_N)') elif lang == 'cuda': file.write('spec_rates, &' + utils.get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', len(specs) - 1) + ')') file.write(utils.line_end[lang]) # evaluate specific heat file.write(' // local array holding constant pressure specific heat\n') file.write((' {} cp[{}]'.format(double_type, len(specs)) if lang != 'cuda' else ' double * {} cp = d_mem->cp'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' eval_cp (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', cp)' + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n') file.write(' // constant pressure mass-average specific heat\n') line = ' {} cp_avg = '.format(double_type) isfirst = True for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += '(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cp', isp) + \ ' * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', isp + 1) + ')' isfirst = False if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += '(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cp', len(specs) - 1) + ' * y_N)' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n') file.write(' // local array for species enthalpies\n' + (' {} h[{}]'.format(double_type, len(specs)) if lang != 'cuda' else ' double * {} h = d_mem->h'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' eval_h(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', h);\n') # energy equation file.write(' // rate of change of temperature\n') line = (' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', 0) + ' = (-1.0 / (rho * cp_avg)) * (' ) isfirst = True for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): if not specs_nonzero[isp]: continue if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' if lang == 'c': arr = utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', isp + 1) if isp < len(specs) - 1 else 'dy_N' elif lang == 'cuda': arr = utils.get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', isp) line += ('(' + arr + ' * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'h', isp) + ' * {:.16e})'.format( ) isfirst = False line += ')' + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n' file.write(line) line = '' # rate of change of species mass fractions file.write(' // calculate rate of change of species mass fractions\n') for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): if lang == 'c': file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', isp + 1) + ' *= ({:.16e} / rho);\n'.format( ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', isp + 1) + ' = ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', isp) + ' * ({:.16e} / rho);\n'.format( ) file.write('\n') file.write('} // end dydt\n\n') ################################################################## # constant volume ################################################################## file.write('#elif defined(CONV)\n\n') file.write(pre + 'void dydt (const double t, const {0} rho, ' 'const {0} * {1} y, {0} * {1} dy{2}) {{\n\n'.format(double_type, utils.restrict[lang], '' if lang != 'cuda' else ', mechanism_memory * {} d_mem'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) ) # calculation of species molar concentrations file.write(' // species molar concentrations\n') file.write((' {0} conc[{1}]'.format(double_type, len(specs)) if lang != 'cuda' else ' double * {} conc = d_mem->conc'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang] ) file.write(' {} y_N;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' {} mw_avg;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' {} pres;\n'.format(double_type)) # Simply call subroutine file.write(' eval_conc_rho (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + 'rho, &' + (utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 1) if lang != 'cuda' else 'y[GRID_DIM]') + ', ' + '&y_N, &mw_avg, &pres, conc);\n\n' ) # evaluate reaction rates rev_reacs = [i for i, rxn in enumerate(reacs) if rxn.rev] if lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} fwd_rates = d_mem->fwd_rates'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) else: file.write(' // local arrays holding reaction rates\n' ' {} fwd_rates[{}];\n'.format(double_type, len(reacs)) ) if rev_reacs and lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} rev_rates = d_mem->rev_rates'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) elif rev_reacs: file.write(' {} rev_rates[{}];\n'.format(double_type, len(rev_reacs))) else: file.write(' {}* rev_rates = 0;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write(' eval_rxn_rates (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', ' 'pres, conc, fwd_rates, rev_rates);\n\n' ) # reaction pressure dependence num_dep_reacs = sum([rxn.thd_body or rxn.pdep for rxn in reacs]) if num_dep_reacs > 0: file.write(' // get pressure modifications to reaction rates\n') if lang == 'cuda': file.write(' double * {} pres_mod = d_mem->pres_mod'.format(utils.restrict[lang]) + utils.line_end[lang]) else: file.write(' {} pres_mod[{}];\n'.format(double_type, num_dep_reacs)) file.write(' get_rxn_pres_mod (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', pres, conc, pres_mod);\n' ) else: file.write(' {}* pres_mod = 0;\n'.format(double_type)) file.write('\n') # species rate of change of molar concentration file.write(' // evaluate species molar net production rates\n' ' {} dy_N;'.format(double_type) + ' eval_spec_rates (fwd_rates, rev_rates, pres_mod, ') file.write('&' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', 1) if lang != 'cuda' else '&dy[GRID_DIM]') file.write(', &dy_N)' + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n') # evaluate specific heat file.write((' {} cv[{}]'.format(double_type, len(specs)) if lang != 'cuda' else ' double * {} cv = d_mem->cp'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' eval_cv(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', cv);\n\n') file.write(' // constant volume mass-average specific heat\n') line = ' {} cv_avg = '.format(double_type) isfirst = True for idx, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' line += ' + ' if not isfirst else '' line += ('(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cv', idx) + ' * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', idx + 1) + ')' ) isfirst = False line += '(' + utils.get_array(lang, 'cv', len(specs) - 1) + ' * y_N)' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n') # evaluate internal energy file.write(' // local array for species internal energies\n' + (' {} u[{}]'.format(double_type, len(specs)) if lang != 'cuda' else ' double * {} u = d_mem->h'.format(utils.restrict[lang])) + utils.line_end[lang]) file.write(' eval_u (' + utils.get_array(lang, 'y', 0) + ', u);\n\n') # energy equation file.write(' // rate of change of temperature\n') line = (' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', 0) + ' = (-1.0 / (rho * cv_avg)) * (' ) isfirst = True for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): if not specs_nonzero[isp]: continue if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' if lang == 'c': arr = utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', isp + 1) if isp < len(specs) - 1 else 'dy_N' elif lang == 'cuda': arr = utils.get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', isp) line += ('(' + arr + ' * ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'u', isp) + ' * {:.16e})'.format( ) isfirst = False line += ')' + utils.line_end[lang] + '\n' file.write(line) # rate of change of species mass fractions file.write(' // calculate rate of change of species mass fractions\n') for isp, sp in enumerate(specs[:-1]): if lang == 'c': file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', isp + 1) + ' *= ({:.16e} / rho);\n'.format( ) elif lang == 'cuda': file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'dy', isp + 1) + ' = ' + utils.get_array(lang, 'spec_rates', isp) + ' * ({:.16e} / rho);\n'.format( ) file.write('\n') file.write('} // end dydt\n\n') file.write('#endif\n') file.close() return
[docs]def write_mass_mole(path, lang, specs): """Write files for mass/molar concentration and density conversion utility. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to build directory for file. lang : {'c', 'cuda', 'fortran', 'matlab'} Programming language. specs : list of `SpecInfo` List of species in mechanism. Returns ------- None """ # Create header file if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: arr_lang = 'c' file = open(os.path.join(path, 'mass_mole{}'.format( utils.header_ext[lang])), 'w') file.write( '#ifndef MASS_MOLE_HEAD\n' '#define MASS_MOLE_HEAD\n' '\n' '#include "header{0}"\n' '\n' 'void mole2mass (const double*, double*);\n' 'void mass2mole (const double*, double*);\n' 'double getDensity (const double, const double, const double*);\n' '\n' '#endif\n'.format(utils.header_ext[lang]) ) file.close() # Open file; both C and CUDA programs use C file (only used on host) filename = 'mass_mole' + utils.file_ext[lang] file = open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('#include "mass_mole{}"\n\n'.format( utils.header_ext[lang])) ################################################### # Documentation and function/subroutine initializaton for mole2mass if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('/** Function converting species mole fractions to ' 'mass fractions.\n' ' *\n' ' * \param[in] X array of species mole fractions\n' ' * \param[out] Y array of species mass fractions\n' ' */\n' 'void mole2mass (const double * X, double * Y) {\n' '\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write( '!-----------------------------------------------------------------\n' '!> Subroutine converting species mole fractions to mass fractions.\n' '!! @param[in] X array of species mole fractions\n' '!! @param[out] Y array of species mass fractions\n' '!-----------------------------------------------------------------\n' 'subroutine mole2mass (X, Y)\n' ' implicit none\n' ' double, dimension(:), intent(in) :: X\n' ' double, dimension(:), intent(out) :: X\n' ' double :: mw_avg\n' '\n' ) file.write(' // mole fraction of final species\n') file.write(utils.line_start + 'double X_N' + utils.line_end[lang]) line = ' X_N = 1.0 - (' isfirst = True for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'X', isp) isfirst = False line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # calculate molecular weight if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' // average molecular weight\n' ' double mw_avg = 0.0;\n' ) for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): sp = specs[isp] file.write(' mw_avg += ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'X', isp) + ' * {:.16e};\n'.format( ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'mw_avg += X_N * ' + '{:.16e};\n'.format(specs[-1].mw) ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! average molecular weight\n' ' mw_avg = 0.0\n' ) for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): file.write(' mw_avg = mw_avg + ' 'X({}) * '.format(isp + 1) + '{:.16e}\n'.format( ) file.write('\n') # calculate mass fractions if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' // calculate mass fractions\n') for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): sp = specs[isp] file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'Y', isp) + ' = ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'X', isp) + ' * {:.16e} / mw_avg;\n'.format( ) file.write('\n' '} // end mole2mass\n' '\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! calculate mass fractions\n') for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): file.write(' Y({0}) = X({0}) * '.format(isp + 1) + '{:.16e} / mw_avg\n'.format( ) file.write('\n' 'end subroutine mole2mass\n' '\n' ) ################################ # Documentation and function/subroutine initialization for mass2mole if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('/** Function converting species mass fractions to mole ' 'fractions.\n' ' *\n' ' * \param[in] Y array of species mass fractions\n' ' * \param[out] X array of species mole fractions\n' ' */\n' 'void mass2mole (const double * Y, double * X) {\n' '\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('!-------------------------------------------------------' '----------\n' '!> Subroutine converting species mass fractions to mole ' 'fractions.\n' '!! @param[in] Y array of species mass fractions\n' '!! @param[out] X array of species mole fractions\n' '!-------------------------------------------------------' '----------\n' 'subroutine mass2mole (Y, X)\n' ' implicit none\n' ' double, dimension(:), intent(in) :: Y\n' ' double, dimension(:), intent(out) :: X\n' ' double :: mw_avg\n' '\n' ) # calculate Y_N file.write(' // mass fraction of final species\n') file.write(utils.line_start + 'double Y_N' + utils.line_end[lang]) line = ' Y_N = 1.0 - (' isfirst = True for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'Y', isp) isfirst = False line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # calculate average molecular weight if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' // average molecular weight\n') file.write(' double mw_avg = 0.0;\n') for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): file.write(' mw_avg += ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'Y', isp) + ' / {:.16e};\n'.format(specs[isp].mw) ) file.write(' mw_avg += Y_N / ' + '{:.16e};\n'.format(specs[-1].mw) ) file.write(' mw_avg = 1.0 / mw_avg;\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! average molecular weight\n') file.write(' mw_avg = 0.0\n') for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): file.write(' mw_avg = mw_avg + ' 'Y({}) / '.format(isp + 1) + '{:.16e}\n'.format( ) file.write('\n') # calculate mole fractions if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' // calculate mole fractions\n') for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): file.write(' ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'X', isp) + ' = ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'Y', isp) + ' * mw_avg / {:.16e};\n'.format(specs[isp].mw) ) file.write('\n' '} // end mass2mole\n' '\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! calculate mass fractions\n') for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): file.write(' X({0}) = Y({0}) * '.format(isp + 1) + 'mw_avg / {:.16e}\n'.format( ) file.write('\n' 'end subroutine mass2mole\n' '\n' ) ############################### # Documentation and subroutine/function initialization for getDensity if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('/** Function calculating density from mole fractions.\n' ' *\n' ' * \param[in] temp temperature\n' ' * \param[in] pres pressure\n' ' * \param[in] X array of species mole fractions\n' r' * \return rho mixture mass density' + '\n' ' */\n' 'double getDensity (const double temp, const double ' 'pres, ' 'const double * X) {\n' '\n' ) elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('!-------------------------------------------------------' '----------\n' '!> Function calculating density from mole fractions.\n' '!! @param[in] temp temperature\n' '!! @param[in] pres pressure\n' '!! @param[in] X array of species mole fractions\n' '!! @return rho mixture mass density' + '\n' '!-------------------------------------------------------' '----------\n' 'function mass2mole (temp, pres, X) result(rho)\n' ' implicit none\n' ' double, intent(in) :: temp, pres\n' ' double, dimension(:), intent(in) :: X\n' ' double :: mw_avg, rho\n' '\n' ) file.write(' // mole fraction of final species\n') file.write(utils.line_start + 'double X_N' + utils.line_end[lang]) line = ' X_N = 1.0 - (' isfirst = True for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): if len(line) > 70: line += '\n' file.write(line) line = ' ' if not isfirst: line += ' + ' line += utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'X', isp) isfirst = False line += ')' file.write(line + utils.line_end[lang]) # get molecular weight if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' // average molecular weight\n' ' double mw_avg = 0.0;\n' ) for isp in range(len(specs) - 1): file.write(' mw_avg += ' + utils.get_array(arr_lang, 'X', isp) + ' * {:.16e};\n'.format(specs[isp].mw) ) file.write(utils.line_start + 'mw_avg += X_N * ' + '{:.16e};\n'.format(specs[-1].mw)) file.write('\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write(' ! average molecular weight\n' ' mw_avg = 0.0\n' ) for isp, sp in enumerate(specs): file.write(' mw_avg = mw_avg + ' 'X({}) * '.format(isp + 1) + '{:.16e}\n'.format( ) file.write('\n') # calculate density if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write(' return pres * mw_avg / ({:.8e} * temp);'.format(chem.RU)) file.write('\n') else: line = ' rho = pres * mw_avg / ({:.8e} * temp)'.format(chem.RU) line += utils.line_end[lang] file.write(line) if lang in ['c', 'cuda']: file.write('} // end getDensity\n\n') elif lang == 'fortran': file.write('end function getDensity\n\n') file.close() return
if __name__ == "__main__": from . import create_jacobian args = utils.get_parser() create_jacobian(lang=args.lang, mech_name=args.input, therm_name=args.thermo, optimize_cache=args.cache_optimizer, initial_state=args.initial_conditions, num_blocks=args.num_blocks, num_threads=args.num_threads, no_shared=args.no_shared, L1_preferred=args.L1_preferred, multi_thread=args.multi_thread, force_optimize=args.force_optimize, build_path=args.build_path, skip_jac=True, last_spec=args.last_species, auto_diff=args.auto_diff )