Source code for pyjac.performance_tester.performance_tester

"""Module for performance testing of pyJac and related tools.

# Python 2 compatibility
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# Standard libraries
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import re
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import multiprocessing
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict

from string import Template

# Related modules
import numpy as np

    import cantera as ct
    from cantera import ck2cti
except ImportError:
    print('Error: Cantera must be installed.')

    from optionloop import OptionLoop
except ImportError:
    print('Error: optionloop must be installed.')

# Local imports
from .. import utils
from ..core.create_jacobian import create_jacobian
from ..libgen import (generate_library, libs, compiler, file_struct,
                      get_cuda_path, flags

"""bool: CUDA only works for static libraries"""

[docs]def is_pdep(rxn): """Check if reaction is pressure depedent. Notes ----- Includes traditional pressure dependence: third-body, falloff, and chemically activated bimolecular reactions. Does not include pressure-log or Chebyshev reactions. Parameters ---------- rxn : `ReacInfo` Reaction object being queried for pressure depedence Returns ------- ``True`` if `rxn` is pressure dependent """ return (isinstance(rxn, ct.ThreeBodyReaction) or isinstance(rxn, ct.FalloffReaction) or isinstance(rxn, ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction) )
[docs]def check_step_file(filename, steplist): """Checks file for existing data, returns number of runs left Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file with data steplist : list of int List of different numbers of steps Returns ------- runs : dict Dictionary with number of runs left for each step """ #checks file for existing data #and returns number of runs left to do #for each # of does in steplist runs = {} for step in steplist: runs[step] = 0 if not 'cuda' in filename: raise Exception(filename) try: with open(filename, 'r') as file: lines = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()] for line in lines: try: vals = line.split(',') if len(vals) == 2: vals = [float(v) for v in vals] runs[vals[0]] += 1 except: pass return runs except: return runs
[docs]def check_file(filename): """Checks file for existing data, returns number of completed runs Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file with data Returns ------- num_completed : int Number of completed runs """ try: with open(filename, 'r') as file: lines = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()] num_completed = 0 to_find = 2 for line in lines: try: vals = line.split(',') if len(vals) == to_find: i = int(vals[0]) f = float(vals[1]) num_completed += 1 except: pass return num_completed except: return 0
[docs]def getf(x): return os.path.basename(x)
[docs]def linker(lang, temp_lang, test_dir, filelist, lib=None): args = cmd_link(temp_lang, not STATIC) if lang == 'cuda' or (not STATIC): args.extend(flags[temp_lang]) args.extend([os.path.join(test_dir, getf(f) + '.o') for f in filelist]) args.extend(['-o', os.path.join(test_dir, 'speedtest')]) if temp_lang == 'cuda': args.append('-L{}'.format(get_cuda_path())) args.extend(libs[temp_lang]) if temp_lang != 'cuda': args.append('-fopenmp') if lang == 'tchem': if os.getenv('TCHEM_HOME'): tchem_home = os.getenv('TCHEM_HOME') else: raise SystemError('TCHEM_HOME environment variable not set.') args.extend(['-L{}'.format(os.path.join(tchem_home, 'lib')), '-ltchem']) if lib is not None: if STATIC: args += ['-L{}'.format(os.getcwd())] args += ['-l{}'.format(lib)] else: args += [lib] args.append('-lm') try: print(' '.join(args)) subprocess.check_call(args) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('Error: linking of test program failed.') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def performance_tester(home, work_dir, use_old_opt): """Runs performance testing for pyJac, TChem, and finite differences. Parameters ---------- home : str Directory of source code files work_dir : str Working directory with mechanisms and for data use_old_opt : bool If ``True``, use old optimization files found Returns ------- None """ build_dir = 'out' test_dir = 'test' work_dir = os.path.abspath(work_dir) #find the mechanisms to test mechanism_list = {} if not os.path.exists(work_dir): print ('Error: work directory {} for '.format(work_dir) + 'performance testing not found, exiting...') sys.exit(-1) for name in os.listdir(work_dir): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(work_dir, name)): #check for cti files = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(work_dir, name)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_dir, name, f))] for f in files: if f.endswith('.cti'): mechanism_list[name] = {} mechanism_list[name]['mech'] = f mechanism_list[name]['chemkin'] = f.replace('.cti', '.dat') gas = ct.Solution(os.path.join(work_dir, name, f)) mechanism_list[name]['ns'] = gas.n_species thermo = next((tf for tf in files if 'therm' in tf), None) if thermo is not None: mechanism_list[name]['thermo'] = thermo if len(mechanism_list) == 0: print('No mechanisms found for performance testing in ' '{}, exiting...'.format(work_dir) ) sys.exit(-1) if os.getenv('TCHEM_HOME'): tchem_home = os.getenv('TCHEM_HOME') else: raise SystemError('TCHEM_HOME environment variable not set.') cpu_repeats = 10 gpu_repeats = 10 def false_factory(): return False import multiprocessing #for cpu count max_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() num_threads = [1] while num_threads < max_cpu: num_threads.append(min(max_cpu, num_threads[-1] * 2)) c_params = {'lang' : 'c', 'cache_opt' : [False], 'finite_diffs' : [False, True], 'num_threads' : num_threads } #check that nvcc installed cuda_params = {} try: subprocess.check_call(['nvcc', '--version']) #if we have NVCC, assume we can execute CUDA cuda_params = {'lang' : 'cuda', 'cache_opt' : [False], 'shared' : [False, True], 'finite_diffs' : [False, True] } except OSError: #otherwise simply skip cuda pass #tchem seems not to be openmp parallelizable, nor do we care tchem_params = {'lang' : 'tchem', 'num_threads' : [1]} for mech_name, mech_info in sorted(mechanism_list.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]['ns'] ): #get the cantera object gas = ct.Solution(os.path.join(work_dir, mech_name, mech_info['mech'])) pmod = any([is_pdep(rxn) for rxn in gas.reactions()]) #ensure directory structure is valid os.chdir(os.path.join(work_dir, mech_name)) subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', '-p', build_dir]) subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', '-p', test_dir]) num_conditions = 0 npy_files = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(work_dir, mech_name)) if f.endswith('.npy') and os.path.isfile(f)] data = None with open('data.bin', 'wb') as file: #load PaSR data for different pressures/conditions, # and save to binary C file for npy in sorted(npy_files): state_data = np.load(npy) state_data = state_data.reshape(state_data.shape[0] * state_data.shape[1], state_data.shape[2] ) if data is None: data = state_data else: data = np.vstack((data, state_data)) num_conditions += state_data.shape[0] print(num_conditions, data.shape) if num_conditions == 0: print('No data found in folder {}, continuing...'.format(mech_name)) continue data.tofile(file) #figure out gpu steps step_size = 1 steplist = [] while step_size < num_conditions: steplist.append(step_size) step_size *= 2 if step_size / 2 != num_conditions: steplist.append(num_conditions) the_path = os.getcwd() first_run = True op = OptionLoop(c_params, false_factory) op = op + OptionLoop(cuda_params, false_factory) op = op + OptionLoop(tchem_params, false_factory) haveOpt = False if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), build_dir, 'optimized.pickle') ): haveOpt = True for state in op: lang = state['lang'] temp_lang = 'c' if lang != 'cuda' else 'cuda' FD = state['finite_diffs'] if FD: filename = 'fd_jacob{}'.format(utils.file_ext[temp_lang]) shutil.copy(os.path.join(home, filename), os.path.join(build_dir, filename) ) opt = state['cache_opt'] smem = state['shared'] #handle threading num_threads = -1 if 'num_threads' in state: num_threads = state['num_threads'] if any([isinstance(rxn, ct.PlogReaction) or isinstance(rxn, ct.ChebyshevReaction) for rxn in gas.reactions() ]) and lang == 'tchem': print('TChem performance evaluation disabled; ' 'not compatible with Plog or Chebyshev reactions.' ) continue data_output = ('{}_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(lang, 'co' if opt else 'nco', 'smem' if smem else 'nosmem', 'fd' if FD else 'ajac', num_threads ) + '_output.txt' ) data_output = os.path.join(the_path, data_output) if lang != 'cuda': repeats = cpu_repeats num_completed = check_file(data_output) todo = {num_conditions: repeats - num_completed} else: repeats = gpu_repeats todo = check_step_file(data_output, steplist) for x in todo: todo[x] = repeats - todo[x] if not any(todo[x] > 0 for x in todo): continue if opt and haveOpt and not use_old_opt: raise Exception('Previous optimization file found... exiting') if lang != 'tchem': create_jacobian(lang, mech_info['mech'], optimize_cache=opt, build_path=build_dir, no_shared=not smem, num_blocks=8, num_threads=64, multi_thread=multiprocessing.cpu_count() ) #now we need to write the reader filename = ('read_initial_conditions' '{}'.format(utils.file_ext[temp_lang]) ) shutil.copy(os.path.join(home, filename), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), build_dir, filename) ) #write the tester file_data = {'datafile' : os.path.join(the_path, 'data.bin')} if lang == 'c' or lang == 'cuda': filename = 'tester{}.in'.format(utils.file_ext[temp_lang]) with open(os.path.join(home, filename), 'r') as file: src = Template( src = src.substitute(file_data) else: file_data['mechfile'] = mech_info['chemkin'] if 'thermo' in mech_info: file_data['thermofile'] = mech_info['thermo'] else: #it's the same file file_data['thermofile'] = mech_info['chemkin'] with open(os.path.join(home, ''), 'r') as file: src = Template( src = src.substitute(file_data) filename = 'test{}'.format(utils.file_ext[temp_lang]) with open(os.path.join(build_dir, filename), 'w') as file: file.write(src) #copy timer shutil.copy(os.path.join(home, 'timer.h'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), build_dir, 'timer.h') ) #get file lists i_dirs = [build_dir] files = ['test', 'read_initial_conditions'] lib = None #now build the library if lang != 'tchem': lib = generate_library(lang, build_dir, test_dir, finite_difference=FD, shared=not STATIC ) lib = os.path.normpath(lib) lib = (lib[lib.index('lib') + len('lib'):lib.index('.so' if not STATIC else '.a')] ) else: files += ['mechanism', 'mass_mole'] # Compile generated source code structs = [file_struct(lang, temp_lang, f, i_dirs, (['-DFINITE_DIFF'] if FD else []), build_dir, test_dir, not STATIC ) for f in files ] if lang != 'cuda': for s in structs: s.args.append('-fopenmp') pool = multiprocessing.Pool() results =, structs) pool.close() pool.join() if any(r == -1 for r in results): sys.exit(-1) linker(lang, temp_lang, test_dir, files, lib) if lang == 'tchem': #copy periodic table and mechanisms in shutil.copy(os.path.join(tchem_home, 'data', 'periodictable.dat'), 'periodictable.dat' ) with open(data_output, 'a+') as file: for stepsize in todo: for i in range(todo[stepsize]): print(i, "/", todo[stepsize]) subprocess.check_call( [os.path.join(the_path, test_dir, 'speedtest'), str(stepsize), str(num_threads)], stdout=file )