accelerInt  v0.1
van_der_pol Directory Reference


file  dydt.c [code]
 An implementation of the van der Pol right hand side (y' = f(y)) function.
file [code]
 A CUDA implementation of the van der Pol right hand side (y' = f(y)) function.
file  dydt.cuh [code]
 Contains header definitions for the CUDA RHS function for the van der Pol example.
file  dydt.h [code]
 Contains header definitions for the RHS function for the van der Pol example.
file [code]
 Generates initial conditions file for van der Pol problem.
file  gpu_macros.cuh [code]
 Defines some simple macros to simplify GPU indexing.
file [code]
 Initializes and calculates required GPU memory.
file  gpu_memory.cuh [code]
 Headers for GPU memory initialization.
file  header.cuh [code]
 An example header file that defines system size, memory functions and other required methods for integration of the van der Pol's equation with the CUDA solvers.
file  header.h [code]
 An example header file that defines system size and other required methods for integration of the van der Pol's equation.
file  ics.c [code]
 Sets same Initial Conditions (ICs) for all problems.
file [code]
 Sets same Initial Conditions (ICs) for all problems.
file  jacob.c [code]
 An implementation of the van der Pol jacobian \(\frac{\partial \dot{\vec{y}}}{\partial \vec{y}}\).
file [code]
 A CUDA implementation of the van der Pol jacobian \(\frac{\partial \dot{\vec{y}}}{\partial \vec{y}}\).
file  jacob.cuh [code]
 Contains a header definition for the CUDA van der Pol Jacobian evaluation.
file  jacob.h [code]
 Contains a header definition for the van der Pol Jacobian evaluation.
file  launch_bounds.cuh [code]
 A number of definitions that control CUDA kernel launches.
file [code]
file  sparse_multiplier.c [code]
 Implementation for Jacobian vector multiplication, used in exponential integrators.
file [code]
 Implementation for CUDA Jacobian vector multiplication, used in exponential integrators.
file  sparse_multiplier.cuh [code]
 Header definition for CUDA Jacobian vector multiplier, used in exponential integrators.
file  sparse_multiplier.h [code]
 Header definition for Jacobian vector multiplier, used in exponential integrators.