accelerInt  v0.1
rkc Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for rkc:


file  rkc.c [code]
 Defines interface for Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev (RKC) solver.
file [code]
file  rkc.cuh [code]
file  rkc.h [code]
file  rkc_init.c [code]
 Implementation of the necessary initialization for the RKC solver.
file [code]
 Implementation of the necessary initialization for the RKC GPU solver.
file  rkc_props.c [code]
 Error checking for the CPU RKC solver.
file [code]
 Error checking for the GPU RKC solver.
file  rkc_props.cuh [code]
 Various macros controlling behaviour of RKC algorithm.
file  rkc_props.h [code]