accelerInt  v0.1
exponential_integrators Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for exponential_integrators:


directory  exp4
directory  exprb43


file  arnoldi.cuh [code]
 Implementation of the GPU arnoldi iteration methods.
file  arnoldi.h [code]
 Implementation of the arnoldi iteration methods.
file  cf.c [code]
 File containing functions for best rational approximation to matrix exponential.
file  cf.h [code]
 Header definition for rational approximation to matrix exponential.
file [code]
 Implementation of various linear algebra functions needed in the exponential integrators.
file  exponential_linear_algebra.cuh [code]
 Definitions of various linear algebra functions needed in the exponential integrators.
file  exponential_linear_algebra.h [code]
 Implementation of various linear algebra functions needed in the exponential integrators.
file  linear-algebra.c [code]
 Various linear algebra routines needed for the Carathéodory-Fejér method.
file  linear-algebra.h [code]
 Header definitions of linear algebra routines needed for the Carathéodory-Fejér method.
file  phiAHessenberg.c [code]
 Computes various matrix exponential functions on the Krylov Hessenberg matricies.
file [code]
 Computes various matrix exponential functions on the Krylov Hessenberg matricies.
file  phiAHessenberg.cuh [code]
 Header for Matrix exponential (phi) methods.
file  phiAHessenberg.h [code]
 Header for Matrix exponential (phi) methods.
file  rational_approximant.c [code]
 The generic initialization file for poles/hosts for RA based evaulation of the matrix exponential.
file [code]
 The generic initialization file for poles/hosts for RA based evaulation of the matrix exponential.
file  rational_approximant.cuh [code]
 The generic initialization file for poles/hosts for RA based evaulation of the matrix exponential.
file  rational_approximant.h [code]
 The generic initialization file for poles/hosts for RA based evaulation of the matrix exponential.