accelerInt  v0.1
Return codes of GPU Radau-IIa Integrator
Collaboration diagram for Return codes of GPU Radau-IIa Integrator:


#define EC_success   (0)
 Successful time step. More...
#define EC_consecutive_steps   (1)
 Maximum number of consecutive internal timesteps with error reached. More...
#define EC_max_steps_exceeded   (2)
 Maximum number of internal timesteps exceeded. More...
#define EC_h_plus_t_equals_h   (3)
 Timescale reduced such that t + h == t in floating point math. More...
#define EC_newton_max_iterations_exceeded   (4)
 Maximum allowed Newton Iteration steps exceeded. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ EC_consecutive_steps

#define EC_consecutive_steps   (1)

Maximum number of consecutive internal timesteps with error reached.

See also

Definition at line 75 of file radau2a_props.cuh.

◆ EC_h_plus_t_equals_h

#define EC_h_plus_t_equals_h   (3)

Timescale reduced such that t + h == t in floating point math.

Definition at line 79 of file radau2a_props.cuh.

◆ EC_max_steps_exceeded

#define EC_max_steps_exceeded   (2)

Maximum number of internal timesteps exceeded.

See also

Definition at line 77 of file radau2a_props.cuh.

◆ EC_newton_max_iterations_exceeded

#define EC_newton_max_iterations_exceeded   (4)

Maximum allowed Newton Iteration steps exceeded.

See also

Definition at line 81 of file radau2a_props.cuh.

◆ EC_success

#define EC_success   (0)

Successful time step.

Definition at line 73 of file radau2a_props.cuh.