accelerInt  v0.1
Classes | Functions
rkc_cu Namespace Reference


struct  solver_memory
 Memory required for Radau-IIa GPU solver. More...


__device__ Real rkc_spec_rad (const Real t, const Real pr, const Real hmax, const Real *y, const Real *F, Real *v, Real *Fv, mechanism_memory const *const __restrict__ mech)
__device__ void rkc_step (const Real t, const Real pr, const Real h, const Real *y_0, const Real *F_0, const int s, Real *y_j, Real *y_jm1, Real *y_jm2, mechanism_memory const *const __restrict__ mech)
__device__ void integrate (const Real tstart, const Real tEnd, const Real pr, Real *y, mechanism_memory const *const __restrict__ mech, solver_memory const *const __restrict__ solver)

Function Documentation

◆ integrate()

__device__ void rkc_cu::integrate ( const Real  tstart,
const Real  tEnd,
const Real  pr,
Real y,
mechanism_memory const *const __restrict__  mech,
solver_memory const *const __restrict__  solver 

Driver function for RKC integrator.

tthe starting time.
tEndthe desired end time.
prA parameter used for pressure or density to pass to the derivative function.
yDependent variable array, integrated values replace initial conditions.
mechThe mechanism_memory struct that contains the pre-allocated memory for the RHS \ Jacobian evaluation
solverThe solver_memory struct that contains the pre-allocated memory for the solver

Definition at line 192 of file

◆ rkc_spec_rad()

__device__ Real rkc_cu::rkc_spec_rad ( const Real  t,
const Real  pr,
const Real  hmax,
const Real y,
const Real F,
Real v,
Real Fv,
mechanism_memory const *const __restrict__  mech 

Function to estimate spectral radius.

tthe time.
prA parameter used for pressure or density to pass to the derivative function.
hmaxMax time step size.
yArray of dependent variable.
FDerivative evaluated at current state

Definition at line 13 of file

◆ rkc_step()

__device__ void rkc_cu::rkc_step ( const Real  t,
const Real  pr,
const Real  h,
const Real y_0,
const Real F_0,
const int  s,
Real y_j,
Real y_jm1,
Real y_jm2,
mechanism_memory const *const __restrict__  mech 

Function to take a single RKC integration step

tthe starting time.
prA parameter used for pressure or density to pass to the derivative function.
hTime-step size.
y_0Initial conditions.
F_0Derivative function at initial conditions.
snumber of steps.
y_jIntegrated variables.

Definition at line 104 of file