accelerInt  v0.1
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radau2a.c File Reference

A Radau2A IRK implementation for C Adapted from Hairer and Wanner's RADAU5 code and the FATODE ODE integration library. More...

#include "header.h"
#include "solver_props.h"
#include "solver_options.h"
#include "lapack_dfns.h"
#include "dydt.h"
#include "jacob.h"
#include <complex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
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#define Max_no_steps   (200000)
 Maximum number of allowed internal timesteps before error. More...
#define NewtonMaxit   (8)
 Maximum number of allowed Newton iteration steps before error. More...
#define StartNewton   (true)
 Use quadratic interpolation from previous step if possible. More...
#define Gustafsson
 Use gustafsson time stepping control. More...
#define Roundoff   (EPS)
 Smallist representable double precision number. More...
#define FacMin   (0.2)
 Controls maximum decrease in timestep size. More...
#define FacMax   (8)
 Controls maximum increase in timestep size. More...
#define FacSafe   (0.9)
 Safety factor for Gustafsson time stepping control. More...
#define FacRej   (0.1)
 Time step factor on rejected step. More...
#define ThetaMin   (0.001)
 Minimum Newton convergence rate. More...
#define NewtonTol   (0.03)
 Newton convergence tolerance. More...
#define Qmin   (1.0)
 Min Timestep ratio to skip LU decomposition. More...
#define Qmax   (1.2)
 Max Timestep ratio to skip LU decomposition. More...
#define Max_consecutive_errs   (5)
 Error allowed on this many consecutive internal timesteps before exit. More...


static void radau2a::scale (const double *__restrict__ y0, const double *__restrict__ y, double *__restrict__ sc)
 Computes error weight scaling from initial and current state. More...
static void radau2a::scale_init (const double *__restrict__ y0, double *__restrict__ sc)
 Computes error weight scaling from initial state. More...
static void radau2a::RK_Decomp (const double H, double *__restrict__ E1, double complex *__restrict__ E2, const double *__restrict__ Jac, int *__restrict__ ipiv1, int *__restrict__ ipiv2, int *__restrict__ info)
 Compute E1 & E2 matricies and their LU Decomposition. More...
static void radau2a::RK_Make_Interpolate (const double *__restrict__ Z1, const double *__restrict__ Z2, const double *__restrict__ Z3, double *__restrict__ CONT)
 Compute Quadaratic interpolate. More...
static void radau2a::RK_Interpolate (const double H, const double Hold, double *__restrict__ Z1, double *__restrict__ Z2, double *__restrict__ Z3, const double *__restrict__ CONT)
 Apply quadaratic interpolate to get initial values. More...
static void radau2a::WADD (const double *__restrict__ X, const double *__restrict__ Y, double *__restrict__ Z)
 Performs \(Z:= X + Y\) with unrolled (or at least bounds known at compile time) loops. More...
static void radau2a::DAXPY3 (const double DA1, const double DA2, const double DA3, const double *__restrict__ DX, double *__restrict__ DY1, double *__restrict__ DY2, double *__restrict__ DY3)
 Sepcialization of DAXPY with unrolled (or at least bounds known at compile time) loops. More...
static void radau2a::RK_PrepareRHS (const double t, const double pr, const double H, const double *__restrict__ Y, const double *__restrict__ Z1, const double *__restrict__ Z2, const double *__restrict__ Z3, double *__restrict__ R1, double *__restrict__ R2, double *__restrict__ R3)
 Prepare the right-hand side for Newton iterations: \(R = Z - hA * F\). More...
static void radau2a::RK_Solve (const double H, double *__restrict__ E1, double complex *__restrict__ E2, double *__restrict__ R1, double *__restrict__ R2, double *__restrict__ R3, int *__restrict__ ipiv1, int *__restrict__ ipiv2)
 Solves for the RHS values in the Newton iteration. More...
static double radau2a::RK_ErrorNorm (const double *__restrict__ scale, double *__restrict__ DY)
 Computes the scaled error norm from the given scale and DY vectors. More...
static double radau2a::RK_ErrorEstimate (const double H, const double t, const double pr, const double *__restrict__ Y, const double *__restrict__ F0, const double *__restrict__ Z1, const double *__restrict__ Z2, const double *__restrict__ Z3, const double *__restrict__ scale, double *__restrict__ E1, int *__restrict__ ipiv1, const bool FirstStep, const bool Reject)
 Computes and returns the error estimate for this step. More...
int radau2a::integrate (const double t_start, const double t_end, const double pr, double *y)
 5th-order Radau2A CPU implementation More...


static const double radau2a::rkA [3][3]
static const double radau2a::rkB [3]
static const double radau2a::rkC [3]
static const double radau2a::rkE [4]
static const double radau2a::rkTheta [3]
static const double radau2a::rkGamma = 3.637834252744495732208418513577775
static const double radau2a::rkAlpha = 2.681082873627752133895790743211112
static const double radau2a::rkBeta = 3.050430199247410569426377624787569
static const double radau2a::rkT [3][3]
static const double radau2a::rkTinv [3][3]
static const double radau2a::rkTinvAinv [3][3]
static const double radau2a::rkAinvT [3][3]
static const double radau2a::rkELO = 4
static char radau2a::TRANS = 'N'
 Lapack - non-transpose. More...
static int radau2a::NRHS = 1
 Lapack - 1 RHS solve. More...
static int radau2a::ARRSIZE = NSP
 Lapack - Array size. More...

Detailed Description

A Radau2A IRK implementation for C Adapted from Hairer and Wanner's RADAU5 code and the FATODE ODE integration library.

Nicholas J. Curtis

For full reference see:
G. Wanner, E. Hairer, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and DifferentialAlgebraic Problems, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- 05221-7.

NOTE: all matricies stored in column major format!

Definition in file radau2a.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ FacMax

#define FacMax   (8)

Controls maximum increase in timestep size.

Definition at line 50 of file radau2a.c.

◆ FacMin

#define FacMin   (0.2)

Controls maximum decrease in timestep size.

Definition at line 48 of file radau2a.c.

◆ FacRej

#define FacRej   (0.1)

Time step factor on rejected step.

Definition at line 54 of file radau2a.c.

◆ FacSafe

#define FacSafe   (0.9)

Safety factor for Gustafsson time stepping control.

Definition at line 52 of file radau2a.c.

◆ Gustafsson

#define Gustafsson

Use gustafsson time stepping control.

Definition at line 44 of file radau2a.c.

◆ Max_consecutive_errs

#define Max_consecutive_errs   (5)

Error allowed on this many consecutive internal timesteps before exit.

Definition at line 65 of file radau2a.c.

◆ Max_no_steps

#define Max_no_steps   (200000)

Maximum number of allowed internal timesteps before error.

Definition at line 38 of file radau2a.c.

◆ NewtonMaxit

#define NewtonMaxit   (8)

Maximum number of allowed Newton iteration steps before error.

Definition at line 40 of file radau2a.c.

◆ NewtonTol

#define NewtonTol   (0.03)

Newton convergence tolerance.

Definition at line 58 of file radau2a.c.

◆ Qmax

#define Qmax   (1.2)

Max Timestep ratio to skip LU decomposition.

Definition at line 62 of file radau2a.c.

◆ Qmin

#define Qmin   (1.0)

Min Timestep ratio to skip LU decomposition.

Definition at line 60 of file radau2a.c.

◆ Roundoff

#define Roundoff   (EPS)

Smallist representable double precision number.

Definition at line 46 of file radau2a.c.

◆ StartNewton

#define StartNewton   (true)

Use quadratic interpolation from previous step if possible.

Definition at line 42 of file radau2a.c.

◆ ThetaMin

#define ThetaMin   (0.001)

Minimum Newton convergence rate.

Definition at line 56 of file radau2a.c.