accelerInt  v0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include "radau2a_props.cuh"
14 __host__
15 void check_error(int num_cond, int* codes)
16 {
17  for (int tid = 0; tid < num_cond; ++tid)
18  {
19  int code = codes[tid];
20  switch(code)
21  {
23  printf("During integration of ODE# %d, an error occured on too many consecutive integration steps,"
24  "exiting...\n", tid);
25  exit(code);
27  printf("During integration of ODE# %d, the allowed number of integration steps was exceeded,"
28  "exiting...\n", tid);
29  exit(code);
31  printf("During integration of ODE# %d, the stepsize 'h' was decreased such that h = t + h,"
32  "exiting...\n", tid);
33  exit(code);
35  printf("During integration of ODE# %d, the allowed number of newton iteration steps was exceeded,"
36  "exiting...\n", tid);
37  exit(code);
38  }
39  }
40 }
#define EC_consecutive_steps
Maximum number of consecutive internal timesteps with error reached.
__host__ void check_error(int num_cond, int *codes)
#define EC_newton_max_iterations_exceeded
Maximum allowed Newton Iteration steps exceeded.
#define EC_max_steps_exceeded
Maximum number of internal timesteps exceeded.
Various macros controlling behaviour of RADAU2A algorithm.
#define EC_h_plus_t_equals_h
Timescale reduced such that t + h == t in floating point math.